To Paraphrase A Great Man: “There They Go Again . . . . “

| March 2, 2015

Well, it looks like a couple of      tools     cretins     jackasses    everyone’s favorite individuals have been at it again.  A little birdie tells me that I’ve been identified!

Yeah that little birdie tells me that SoMe GuY wHo WeArS pUrPlE-tIgEr-StRiPeD jUmPsUiTs and/or another guy in the Pacific Northwest (or SW Florida, if his move is now official) have been using their “mad skillz” as      jerks     dipsticks      fools      “trail assassin” and/or sleuth – as well as babbling semi-coherently – once again.  And since the same photos appear to have shown up on both their websites, they also seem to be coordinating their efforts.

According to an item that little birdie screen-captured and sent to me, apparently now I’m a Captain in the Army – presumably serving on active duty.  They also appear to be saying I’m teaching at Appalachian State University.  But I guess they could mean I’m attending Appalachian State.  That part’s not really completely clear.

At least that’s what they’re saying today.  Previously, I was Don Shipley.  Before that, a retired GO; afterwards, a retired SF SGM.  And maybe someone else sometime along the way, too.  Who knows?  Who can understand the workings of . . . “special” minds like theirs?

Nonetheless:  be still, my beating heart!  Wow!  I’m a freaking university professor – or a university student.   Imagine that!  Now, I wonder . . . why I didn’t know that?  Did I miss the memo?  Did I have a memory lapse?  Am I suffering from selective amnesia?

Oh, and if I’m an Army O-3 . . . that means I’ve managed to shed some years, too.  Damn – why didn’t anyone tell me about being younger!  I didn’t notice that!

That also means the Army is supposed to be sending me an active-duty paycheck every month.  Damn – I guess I need to go see the folks at Finance.  I’ve apparently got a sh!tload of back pay coming my way – not to mention back housing allowance, subsistence allowance, and maybe others!  (I wonder if the assignment also qualifies for a civilian clothing allowance?  I can always use some nice new business attire . . . . )

And I am either teaching at or attending Appalachian State University!  As Max the VW might put it: “That’s . . . . cool.”

. . .

OK, time to be serious.  I’d guess I could say, “Yeah, right.”  But it’s not right.

I know you’re reading this, dumbclucks.  So listen up, you barely-literate, ignorant, addled-brained schmucks:   that’s the wrong individualAgain.  For at least the fourth or fifth freaking time.

Let me put this in very simple terms.  I’m doing that so you can understand it, hopefully without having someone else explain it to you.

•  I do not now teach – nor have I ever taught – ROTC or anything else at Appalachian State University.  Hell, I had to do a Google search to find out where the place is located!

•  I am not currently attending Appalachian State University.

•  I have never been to Appalachian State University.  In fact, best I can tell I have never even been within 30 miles of Appalachian State University in my life.

•  I most likely never will visit Appalachian State University, much less teach or attend classes there.  Trust me – if I ever end up teaching at or going back to college, Appalachian State is way down the list of places I’d want to attend or teach.

•  And, finally, for completeness:  you have identified the wrong person – yet again.  I am not a Captain serving on active duty in the US Army at Appalachian State University.

Is that clear enough – even for you?

Out of courtesy towards the individual our     resident clowns and self-demonstrated fools      “good friends” here have misidentified as me, I won’t list his name.  He doesn’t need the hassle.

What I will do is say the following, clearly and for the record:   the individual they claim to be me . . . is not.  Thunder Chickenchoker  and/or the guy from the Pac NW (or maybe now SW Florida) are 100% wrong – yet again, as usual.

However:  I will offer you two “fine individuals” one bit of advice.  Since false written claims that tend to defame others are legally actionable as libel – if I were you two, I think I’d take that bit implying that a currently-serving Army Captain is engaging in “cyber stalking and harassment” down pronto.  You know, before that individual gets royally p!ssed and maybe files a non-frivolous lawsuit against one or both of you for defamation.

But that’s your call.  Suit yourselves.

. . .

This whole business is getting fairly tiresome, though.  I’m considering telling one or more of these dipsticks where to go, and even giving them step-by-step directions on how to get there.

I’m thinking they wouldn’t much like the results of the trip.  (smile)

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Usual Suspects

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Well, if you are at Appalachian State University, you are freezing your balls off and you could just roll down the mountain from Boone and find yourself in Round Ranger’s mansion at the bottom of that mountain.

I heard you are an O8 ROTC instructor at App State.


Hondo, since you’re at App State, stop into the Highlands for the best BBQ around!


Could you mean Woodlands in Blowing Rock? That is the best BBQ around.


Are you Bernaths the non CPO and glider crashers daughter that wants to disown his shingle covered ass?


Did you expect a Spanish inquisition?


I did not expect that.

Please, not the comfy chair!

AW1 Tim

Ya know, one of these days, sooner, rather than later, I suspect, these clowns are gonna target the wrong guy and get their asses physically whipped and see the courts smack them down and take everything they own.

Couldn’t happen to a better bunch of junkyard trannies. 😉

AW1 Tim

Nice. I did that earlier in my life when rebuilding a ’71 Mustang. Amazing how much money a little time and elbow grease can save you. 🙂

What’s better is that neither of us were/are driving a rust-bucket Jag.

B Woodman

Reading the (mis)adventures of The Dutch Rudder Group is like watching a slow oncoming train wreck. You know what’s going to happen, and how how horrible it’s going to be, yet you just can’t stop watching and waiting.


It’s amazing. Seldom has so much stupidity been so blatantly displayed in such an insistent manner by two such imbecilic dolts.

You’re far too kind in addressing them, Hondo, but it would be nice to know what has them so obssessed with you.

Perhaps a little ’emotional involvement’ thingy? Eeeewwwww! Brain bleach!! Quickly!!!

Just what is their goal? To let everyone in the entire world know how abominably dimwitted they are? I don’t think they have half of a working brain cell between them.

What is it they’re trying to prove? We already know they’re stupid. Are they running an ad campaign for ‘Stupidest Ass of the Decade’?

I am truly bewildered by this obssession and compulsion to display such intensely designed assholery.


Don’t be THAT guy, Hondo. lol!


Well since you’re at ASU don’t miss out on the wooly worm festival this year. You owe it to yourself to go once in your life.


They know that treatment for their issues is available. At least one or two of them is already registered (maybe) in a system where such help is easily accessible. Yet they go to completely inappropriate sources in totally inappropriate ways seeking relief for problems which cannot be resolved on the internet.

They chose to live in misery. That’s OK, but they have no right to demand that others share in their misery.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’ve been at least seven different Men so far, a number of whom are ones you would NOT want to p!ss off, but The Dutch Rudder Gang idiots extraordinaire will keep digging themselves deeper without a second thought. HEY YOU Sommeliers of dirty scrotums, smegma, and sphincters, none of you have found me yet, keep making extreme fools of yourselves while I and the other Fine People of TAH®™ reside rent-free in the penthouse of your minds, happy obsessing, Shmendricks!! :mrgreen:
Enjoy your self-induced anger and hatred, you you glittery gargoyle gonad-ogling Smurf-hugging Santorum-frosted dimgleberries on an inbred buck-toothed rented Swamp Donkey’s ass! AS TO the fungus-faced plane-crasher, are you looking forward to showing up at and getting laughed out of the AL Convention with your JOKE of a campaign? I’ve heard rumor that you get so mad you kick your favorite Sparkle Pony across the room!


Whoa… wait just a minute! Are you categorically denying that you are “Aleut tan Eskino”? If so, that changes everything. I suppose next you’ll tell us that you really don’t work for APL and that you are not a Trojan Horse…

I heard he gets so mad he kicks the Cheetos dust out of his Brony.

A Proud Infidel®™

That’s correct GDC, I am none of what you mentioned.

Guard Bum

Hope you dont get RIFed Hondo, another round is coming.


Another round? Whoa! Does that mean they might call us old farts back as short shore duty pukes?

I could use the cash. Car needs new tires and new brakes, and I don’t feel like spending the ready money on that.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

You mean you’re not Ralph Teager?

I get the professor part dude, you are often waxing poetic on some pretty obscure mathematics here…one could get the impression you have a professorial bent…

A Proud Infidel®™

If there was a Guinness World Record for GROUP STUPIDITY, The Dutch Rudder Gang would hold it by a long shot!!

Frankie Cee "loud and clear"

I wonder, (I do a lot of that these days), I wonder if this Cabal of Clowns ever looks at the others and realizes that each are as damned dumb as the other. Would we think that Whipitnflogit looks up to Daniel A. Bernath as an outstanding lawyer? Would Danny Boi see Paul K. Wickre as an elitist, wealthy with an aristocratic bloodline? Would Wickre of the damaged mailbox, get all giddy thinking of how brave his purple jump suited friend is by jumping out of those airplanes, way up there in the sky?
I also wonder, if the DRC members are still sending messages to me, via my defunct e-mail address. They once thought that they knew my address, and attempted to have papers served on me there. Fortunately, the serving officer knew a little more than them and delivered the papers to me, laughing heartily and asking: “What in hell is this? 3 of us tried for an hour to make some sense of it, and ended up figuring that it had to come from someone with a mental problem.”


Frankie, that is exactly it. I remember Whipitnflogit crowing like a rooster about how he was now hooked up with the moneyman Wickre and how he was going to spend us all into oblivion. He did the same thing when he found Bernath, the world class lawyer who was going to sue us into oblivion. So far all that they have found is a drunk never was paratrooper, a guy who puts up a good façade but has no money, and a lawyer who can’t practice law in the state in which he lives. Additionally, they managed to find a private investigator to track us all down who has his own SV/credibility issues and, apparently, can’t find his own ass with both hands and a flashlight.

Honestly, I think that Whipitnflogit comes out as the smartest guy in this whole thing. Even though he bought into the lies, he has Wickre and Bernath doing all of his heavy lifting.

Jonn Lilyea

Not quite. I’ll tell you a story sometime over a beer in a noisy bar.


Jonn, you know where I am. The next time that you’re in the AO, let me know. Hell, I’ll even pay for the beers.


No doubt Wickre puts up a façade; but a good one? I think you’re giving him too much credit.


For a real good laugh, saunter back over to the Weekend Open Thread and check out the comments in the FB section.

PuRpLeSlUrPeR, I mean, “Orange City Historic District” has decided to stink up the place. I wonder if the folks at “Orange City Historic District” are aware that he’s hacked them.


Messages to the denizens of the DRC: you’re wrong AGAIN.





Je suis Hondo!

HMCS(FMF) ret.


HMCS(FMF) ret.

I beg to differ….


Wouldn’t it be funny if I admitted that both of you are on my facebook friends list? Oops.

Now to see the fun of those two going through all 4,000 of my friends to see what sticks. Oh, and some of my friends are either in, or married to members in, motorcycle social clubs.


Sorry, I mean Hondo and A Proud Infidel®™

A Proud Infidel®™


A Proud Infidel®™

But if you have them blocked, they still won’t find you! 😀


Just to help them out:

I am not Hondo, Bill O’Reilly, or Michelle Malkin. Also I am not Spartacus. I may or may not be a proud infidel, a flagwaver, a guard bum, a streetsweeper, and a HMFIC, ret. It’s difficult to lock down where I live simply because wherever I am I tend to live life there to the fullest. That would include almost all the states in the union plus most of the continents of the globe.

Does that clarify things a bit?


Eye of the beholder… 😉

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Wouldn’t that Hondo M/F in Charge?


Veritas Omnia Vincit

True enough, but I suspect you can command a room by entering it brother…thus they would be the same, synonymous one might say!


It recently came to my attention that I am also not Sue, Susan, Suzanne, Susie, Suzie, or Suzie-Q. But my last name might be Shippert, or Boattert. Except that it isn’t.

Like so many celebrities, I just go by the single name: OWB.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Je Suis Hondo!!

A Proud Infidel®™


A Proud Infidel®™

I’m also A Proud Infidel®™! : mrgreen:

Silentium Est Aureum

Is that you, John Wayne?

Is this me?


Who said that?

Who the fuck said that?

Who’s the slimy little communist shit twinkle toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant?

Nobody, huh?

(Those that desire may continue the quote).


In. All. It’s. Glory.


The thing that I could never figure out from that whole movie was how the hell Joker got to keep his gold rimmed civilian eyeglasses while Cowboy had to wear the BCG’s.

One of the great mysteries in life.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I’m going with some odd astigmatism…we had a kid who had his heart shaped glasses for a nice long time through basic and AIT while I was wearing the dreaded Axe Murderer Black BCGs after about a week….


I am the WALRUS. Goo goo ga’joob

/or maybe a manatee…or sea cow, since there are lots in FLORIDA.


I am the eggman!


Klaatu barada *cough*nic*cough*


Oh this one is so appropriate


Oh hell, just one more. You can never have enough Army of Darkness quotes.


Hack Stone

Did you get sucked into believing that they were The Beatles recording under another name? Hack did not, although quite a few associates of his did.



Delilah T.

I think one can say, without concern for doubt by readers, that the only thing these three bilious, wall-eyed, musty, old fartastic twatwaffles are good for is shooting off their mouths and scaring small chidren at Hallowe’en.

I can imagine each of them bumping into the walls of buildings and threatening to take down the buildings, as those very walls collapse on them from the impact.

A Proud Infidel®™

I imagine each of them as “That crazy old guy down the street” on whose lawn kids would step on just to hear them yell and cuss!

Roger in Republic

I served with a fellow who had attended Boone State Teachers college during the mid 60’s. The guys name was Ben Dillon. He was about 6’3″ and maybe 150 pounds and he could sing about one hundred bawdy drinking songs and recite the poem “King Of the Congo” while roaring drunk. We could never get him to do either while sober. None of the Dutch Rudder will ever be as accomplished as Sp-5 Dillon, drunk or sober.

Toasty Coastie

Holy Cheetos!

Here’s a giggle…

These Hobo Biscuits of the Dutch Rudder Gang have now accused Mary and a lady named Sue of being me lol…

Hey Drunken Taco Farts…I am not either of them and they are not me. Good to see your mad detective skillz at work again 👿

A Proud Infidel®™

Is Daniel A. Bernath still obsessed with your tattoo and derrière as well?

Toasty Coastie

I can only imagine lol…last I checked his vile pages were gone and I don’t have the link to Dullass’s page. I do have a screenie where he posted he was adding me to it but I couldn’t find it lol


And this late breaking news:

Francisco Franco is still dead.


The Generalissimo Francisco Franco will always have a spot in my heart. Scored a perfect 10 in Cadaver Diving Olympics of 1976. He’s aged better than Bruce Jenner over the ensuing years.


You’re back to talking about trannies, and Jenner’s name pops up?


When questioned about the issue of a misidentified Hondo, the President of the United States said, “if I had a son he would look like Hondo”.


I’m not sure to whom that is more insulting, the pResident or Hondo…

Green Thumb

Wank, Stank and Taint.

You decide who is who with those “Three Turds in the Toilet Bowl”.


Don’t forget “cheesedick”.


GT, is that the “B” side to the 1954 hit “Three Coins in the Fountain” by the Four Aces?

“Three Turds in the Toilet Bowl” is a catchy tune, although now I can’t get it out of my head.

A Proud Infidel®™

Daniel A. Bernath, P.I.&I
Dennis “Blobfish” Chevalier, P.I.&I
Dallas Wittgenfeld, P.I.&I
Paul K. Wickre, P.I,&I
Frank Visconi, P.I.&I


Green Thumb

And do not forget Commander Phil Monkress at All-Points Logistics!


Not to mention that none of the six individuals named above have never heard of nor applied “The 6P Principle”.

Green Thumb

Word has it that these maggots, including Commander Phil Monkress of All-Points Logistics frequently have lunch at their favorite gay bar, Pappa Dildos, where they order the “French Dip”.





John Robert Mallernee


Ex-PH2, the DRG has ID’d you as Sue Schippert from Ft. Collins, CO. I thought that you’d get a kick out of that. I guess that the NH address above a bar didn’t pan out. That’s going to be one busy hit man, now going from NH to CO.

Toasty Coastie

They accused another Sue Shippert of being me lolololol Apparently they added me to Dullas’s Stolen Valor Reich page….

I have a screenie of it 👿


Something like, “This is my brother Darrel, and this is my other brother Darrel?”

If we all start calling everyone “Sue” that should solve the issue for everyone.


Jonn, you know where I am. The next time that you’re in the AO, let me know. Hell, I’ll even pay for the beers.

Hack Stone

I want in on that, provided that I am able to safely slip out of my safe house in North Philadelphia. Maybe we can hit meet up at a kareoke bar and get everyone to sing along to Tranny In A Jag.


Well, crap! Oh, here we go again.


This is what? – the fourth poor soul that they think is me? Should I contact her or let it float, like the commode bowl contents that it is? I’m stumped.

However, I do have some good news. My car, like all cars, has a battery. Occasionally, those things need to be boosted or replaced. This particular piece of acid-based junk had been in my car for some years, and was feeling the effects of age and an extremely harsh 3rd or 4th winter – I’ve lost count – and like all old farts, was reluctant to haul its ass out of bed in the mornings and get cranking.

I took it to the shop, thinking that perhaps a simple boost of juice would do the trick, but it was cranking at less than 50%, which meant possibly its death knell was sounding. So I replaced it.

It was not cheap, but neither am I. Good things are never cheap.

Then I came home, got some lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon until news/weather time on finishing a rough passage that did not wish to be completed. I triumphed in the end. The passage, while not perfect, is completed, and our hero is now embedded with transiting refugees from a dreadful war, while a 7-year-old child looks him in the eye and asks him plaintively, ‘Have you seen my mommy?’

Like the rest of you, I have something productive to show for the time I spent.

Unlike the walking shadows of Shakespearean fame, I am not full of sound or fury, nor do I signify nothing.

The imbecilic dumbasses of the decade, however, personify that passage.


This must have been automotive day. Mine got new brakes all around. Last trip in it got a new battery. New tires in a month or two, and it will be like a new car, without the sticker shock. The spousal unit/significant other/plus one is about to do some replacement stuff and is loving the new nitrogen filled tires.

Yep, we could well afford new vehicles, but like these just fine. Plus, there really isn’t anything out there that would improve on what we are driving.

Oh, wait. This wasn’t the topic, right? Guess that just proves how easily we can be distracted from thoughts of lunatics.


Isn’t it nice that we CAN be distracted from those unpleasant people, and have something to show for our time?


I think it’s reasonable to suggest that these jackasses should not be allowed to exist anywhere without adult supervision, in a controlled environment.

And I mean no offense to real jackasses, especially Eeyore, Toby, Burro Burrito, Mosquito, Pepe and Pepita.

What a conclave of crackpots.

A Proud Infidel®™

FROM: A Proud Infidel®™
TO: The Dutch Rudder Gang


I AM JACK SHIT, and none of you know me!!!

😀 :mrgreen: 😈

Green Thumb

Phildo’s boy:


And he knows…..

Green Thumb

This is the clown that Phil Monkress brought in to pull in the contracts for All-Points Logistics.

And he knows about Phildo’s claims.

A true Phildo supporter (a Field Grade type, no less).

Mr. Blue

Psssst: Danny and cLoWn! I’ll let you in on a little secret: Hondo, PH, and the rest of them are really members of Code Pink.
I hear that Hondo is really the head lady- you may want to start investigating that a way.



Hack Stone

If you happen to be FaceBook Friends with Hack, wander over to his page for a good laugh. And feel free to share it.
