A Bit of Free Advice for One of Our Readers

| October 13, 2013

Regular TAH readers know that Jonn has put a number of folks on moderation, generally for being a jerk.  That means their comments are held for review instead of being immediately posted.  Jonn later reviews their comments and decides, on a case-by-case basis, whether each comment gets posted or gets trashed. TAH is Jonn’s “house”, so Jonn gets to make the rules.

One of the benefits of being allowed to post articles here at TAH is that you sometimes see a few of the moderated comments before Jonn trashes or allows them.  Some of those he doesn’t let through are a hoot.

Recently one of the people Jonn’s moderating tried to post some stuff that Jonn trashed instead of allowing.  As a service to that individual, I’d like to address one of those comments that Jonn killed.

The individual in question seemed to be a bit fixated on the term “taint”, as well as a bit confused.  In the comment Jonn killed, the individual went on and on about how much they liked “taint”, and how they got plenty of “taint” all the time.

The individual concerned should recognize themselves by now. Well, “fella” – I’ve got a bit of advice for you:



If I were you, I’d go and look the term up in the Urban Dictionary (link may be NSFW) before using it again, “amigo”.  Let’s just say the definition “taint” exactly what you seem to think it is.  (smile)

And if you actually did know the definition and were using it correctly – well, whatever floats yer boat.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Pointless blather, Who knows

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John Robert Mallernee

I ain’t never heard of that definition.

I always thought “taint” was a verb that meant to stain or corrupt.


Whew! There for a minute I thought you might be talking about me. Since I stated a couple times to Whipinstupid that “I couldn’t decide it he was an asshole or a dick so I thought I’d just call him Taint!”

CC Senor

@1 T’aint necessarily so.

John Robert Mallernee


Gosh, gee whillikers, you mean YOU knew about that, and I didn’t?


Glad I had lunch several hours ago.

John Robert Mallernee


“T’aint” is a conjunction, i.e., “it aint”, while “taint” is a verb.

I know ’cause I do crossword puzzles.

Not only that, but I grew up a Southern boy, saying words like, “t’aint”, “tsn’t”, “’tis”, “tweren’t”, ’twas”, et cetera.

John Robert Mallernee

Shades of “DELIVERANCE”.

John Robert Mallernee

“If I were you, I’d go and look the term up in the Urban Dictionary (link may be NSFW) before using it again, “amigo”.”


This morning, when I was doing the crossword puzzles, one of the clues was, “NSFW”.

I had to go look it up to see what it meant.


I always thought it meant a chin rest ?


Hondo: Taint you clever!


too rich, this is just too much, i am at work and glad there is no one around me


The NO Taints,uh I mean Saints have kicked a FG to cut Boston Patriots lead to 17-10. Really entertaining game y’all.

Frankly Opinionated

wHo WoUlD uSe TaInT a LoT hErE?

B Woodman

Oooookay. I guess that’s a third definition I know for that “word”.


Wahl, t’ain’t me!


Problem is, taint is, well, taint. Tain’t dick, tain’t ass.

That being said, Urban Dictionary, while humorous sometimes, is pretty scary at others. And yes, I’m sure my work filters would block it.

Thanks to UD, I may never eat grilled cheese sandwiches again.

Then again, what did you really expect from our retarded trolls? Hell, they can’t even get their court dates straight, and keep coming in here and claiming they were found not guilty.


Taint taint a word and you taint supposed to say it

OIF '06-'07-'08

Look’s as if Dullass is being his usual self.


Gives a whole new meaning to “Tainted Love”

Green Thumb

I am confused.


“Taint ain’t a word cause it ain’t in the dick-tionairy.”


To the best of my knowledge, the moderated list has maliciously avoided adding my name.

Heck, I even went so far as to “defend” a poser a batch of threads back. What’s a guy gotta do around here to get respect?

Just Plain Jason

Using the word “trim” around a friend’s mom was fun…


Well. I am aware that somebody used the word some time ago in ways that made no sense at all. To me anyway. Do I really want to learn a new usage? Naw. Knowing that he not only did not use the use word appropriately for old meaning but for new meaning either is good enough.


Hondo…there are times I wonder how close I dance to the line sometimes… (smile)


Is this realated to the Soft Cell song “Tainted Love?”


“… a complete out-of-control jackass…”

Heh. I can do that easy.


Actually, just goofin’ with y’all.

I do remember when I first dropped by, not long after y’all launched, iirc. You made me promise to behave.

I’ve tried. Honest.


The possibility exists that the person wrote exactly what he meant to write and knew what the definition was.


But what’s-his-face was SO amusing. So was the other one. There is no limited group of complete jackasses these days.

A Proud Infidel

Using “taint” like that clown does really taints his image!


‘taint right for a man to taint such a site by constantly talkin’ o’ taint.


HA HA HA!!! This is classic, I can’t stop laughing!

Frankly Opinionated

Taint no way that any decent woman would let either Paul Kevin Wickre or Dullass Lardass (wearer of the pukey purple jumpsuit), anywhere near her taint. Hell taint no decent woman that would let either of them around ANY PART of her.
Just taint no way.


Y’all have tainted me.


‘Tain’t right, what you have done here.


When I was a kid growing up in Oklahoma in the Fifties, our definition of taint was that little patch of skin between the vagina and the anus. Some of those old timers who still nursed a grudge from the War of Secession referred to a taint as a Yankee Chin Rest.


Veritas Omnia Vincit

hmm let’s see if we can clear this up for him….

There was a distinct taint in the aroma of the taint he so enjoyed, perhaps a dietary component that had tainted the normal bodily odors.

While the third part indicates the verb usage of the word, in this first part taint is a noun indicating a corruption in the smell, a smell of putrefaction if you will…in the second the noun taint describes that component of the anatomy that elicits the joy of ATM contact that the individual apparently seeks to share with the readers here at TAH….

Under what rocks do these turds live under?


#38, gives a whole new meaning to the lyric, “pumped a lot of taint down in New O’leans.”


I’m still waiting for TSO’s debrief.