Monday morning feel good story

| March 2, 2015

The first story this morning comes from Kentucky where the criminal was so confident that he laid his gun on the counter while he tried to empty the register of a tobacco store;

“While he struggled to get money out of the drawer he laid the gun down, I grabbed it and told him to leave or I’d shoot and the other robber ran away,” she said.

The clerk says she did not hesitate when a struggle between the two broke out as she was standing up for the business owned by her family

“We work 12-15 hours a day. It is just quick cash for them but for us it is hard earned money and my mom works all day her,” said Adil.

During the struggle Adil says she fired one shot at his shoulder and then was able to pull off his mask.

“Turns out it someone who had been here before. I asked him why he was doing this and he said just let me go. I told him not to touch the money on his way out,” she said.

That is when another brief struggle broke out before he ran out of the store empty handed. | Continuous News and StormTracker Weather

Next up is Missouri;

Police say the suspect forced his way into the home prompting the person inside to fire several shots.

The suspect then fled the home and headed to Cox North Hospital for treatment of two gunshot wounds; meanwhile, the resident called the police.

Hospital staff got in contact with law enforcement officials after the patient showed up, and officials were able to apprehend that person near Cox North.

Thanks to Chief Tango for the links.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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B Woodman

Only from Kin-tucky, where family trees look like straight sticks.


Or a wreath.


Where family trees look like vines

Roger in Republic

These stories are not as feel good as they could have been. I would have liked to see two cooling cadavers, that would be a happy story.