Moving on

| April 22, 2009

Personally, I am a Next Generation guy. I always thought Picard was cooler, although I didn’t like the way he always had his XO banging the broads, that doesn’t see like the kind of thing you want to delegate. Maybe he was busy playing his Kataanian meat whistle.

Nonetheless, I learned three things from this excellent article in the Daily Mail with the excellent title of 13 marriages, 15 children, two alcoholics, one gay wedding. I thought that was the title of Superbowl6Romeo’s autobiography, but it turns out it is teh running tally on original Star Trek stars. And, on to the 3 things:

1) Chekov is the only one to get shafted on a star on the walk of fame.
2) Scotty at 54 married a 17 year old star trek fan. Dude, a 17 year old chick into Star Trek?

3) Sulu was gay? I mean really, who would EVER have known? He just seemed so scortchingly straight.

Category: Politics

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You know, given the scarves he wore in the movies, I would have put the highest odds for “turned out to be a friend of Dorothy” on McCoy. Who knew?

Also, who knew Uhura was getting the Rod from Roddenberry. Good for the old man, she was hot in the day.


I ALWAYS suspected that Sulu was somewhere on the other side :o)
No, Bones never gave out any wrong wibes LOL
If I was 17, I would have married Scotty myself LOL
TSO, it is understated but it was clear that Captain had his own share of female companions. In my opinion, though, Pickard was the sexiest one on TNG.


Yea, he got his share of women, but he was more discreet about it. But yea he was a co-host on Howard Stern for a while also Family guy made a few skits about it in season 6.


“Chekov is the only one to get shafted on a star on the walk of fame.”

yea, but I think he did the best out of all of them as far as post Star Trek goes. Have you had a chance to watch Babylon 5?

B Woodman

Loved Chekov in B5. Best sci-fi program ever. Even above the ST franchises.


An interesting discussion/position. I, essentially, missed Star Trek. I was elsewhere.

With a mental coin toss I’d pick DS9.

I’d follow Terry Ferrell anywhere… and did.


…Kirk would never have allowed a Klingon with a vagina on his head to darken the door way of his bridge, much less make him tactial officer. I’m just sayin’.

The Sniper

Mr. Scott is my new hero. I mean, damn!


I have to disagree on that Claymore, I mean why do you think DS( got better when Worf came aboard?


DS9 got better when they decided that a giant mall in space wasn’t exactly fun to watch and they added a lot more sex, more shit getting blown up, and more funny aliens with spots and rubber shit glued to their heads…but mostly the sex and blowing up shit.


Yea, also the Defiant added some much needed “uff” to the party. I mean come on, “lets go explore the universe to face dangers” in something the UFP considers a life boat at best. That is just not logical. Also the goatee and shaved head really changed everything for my views on Captain Sisko (Avery_Brooks). I mean to me it was not a random chance that he kept that look for “American History X”.



Granted I think the uniforms where better in the second photo too.

Don’t get me started on Voyager.


Voyager. Lost In Space without the benefit of the amusing doctor, the annoying punk kid and the deadpan robot. But hey, at least we got that whole Captain PMS thing out of the way.


I can tell you’re not a Trekkie, all of them were mad at Scottie for marrying the only girl who went to the conventions.