Can’t believe your eyes

| September 26, 2024 | 20 Comments


Someone I know was all excited… happily touting a story going around that Algerian boxer Imane Khelif had been stripped of all her titles after failing some sort of gender test. She had been proven to be a guy, had been stripped of all her titles including the Olympic gold, and seemingly sentenced to everything up to and including flogging.

Except it ain’t so.

Algerian boxer Imane Khelif has been stripped of her Olympic gold medal and had $25 million prize money revoked, social media users claim.

“Shocking 0lympics! WBO President Confirms Imane Khelif is Male, Medal and $25 Million Prize Revoked,” one social media post reads.

The WBO refers to the World Boxing Organization.

A different article also includes quotes supposedly attributed to the WBO president in a press conference announcing the “grave matter” and revocation of Khelif’s prize money.

However, the WBO does not run Olympic boxing and has no power to strip anyone of an Olympic medal. That power rests with the IOC.

An IOC spokesperson told AAP FactCheck “there is absolutely no truth to this claim”.

Before the WBO got involved, the International Boxing Association was quoted as having run a failed sex test on her…they didn’t either. Oh, and the Olympics don’t award cash prizes. You get the medals from the IOC. Sometimes the individual athletes’ countries give out awards,  but that has no more to do with the IOC than recognition that the IOC awarded the medal.

This is a prime example of needing to verify your facts. I guess that paraphrasing we should say “if it looks too salacious to be real…it probably isn’t.”Or maybe we just need a better picture.

Category: Dumbass Bullshit

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That’s a man baby!




I’m not a biologist but I do know the opposite sex when I see it.


The adams apple should have been the first clue that he wasn’t a she.


If you are a female boxer don’t fight any purported female boxer that has an adams apple, or you are likely going to get a severe beat down.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

In my and your day Beans, Male and Female were on the birth certificates


And guys wore boxers……

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Some women run a lot more testosterone than their female peers…

Hyperandrogenism is a medical condition, depending on which journals you read between 5-10% of the female population experiences it at some level…those experiencing it a very high level of male hormones will have the most male looking outcomes.

I am not a doctor and I don’t know shit about this stuff, so I tend to not talk about what I don’t much about very often….that said if there’s a rule against testosterone doping and these women test higher than the allowable limit they should be banned as if they were doping. Life is not always fair and sometimes you don’t get what you want….

But if there is no rule and no test, there’s nothing to discuss regardless of how anyone “feels” about the outcomes….

Plus it’s the Olympics, the IOC might not be the most corrupt organization on the planet but if we’re being honest it’s certainly a top five contender…


The question should be as simple as checking the genitalia.

If the individual in question was born with a vulva: female.
If the individual in question was born with a penis: male.

If one is really uncertain, get a tissue sample and check the chromosomes.

However, I do agree that people (all of us) tend to jump to conclusions when we experience “confirmation bias” – something that appears to confirm our beliefs. Therefore, we must be cautious if we are to be wise.


And a little of both is a hermaphrodite, which occurs in less than .5 % of births. Why should we change all of society to accommodate a rare medical birth defect?


How do you become a Top Tier Female Athlete? Start out as a bottom tier male athlete.


That brings tiers to my eyes…


Boooo. Lol.


The 5 o’clock shadow should have tip them off that he was a man indeed… He most likely beat the shit out of all his female opponents. The real ladies were probably shocked when he smacked them with the force of a mans punch. And why does the WBO refer to him as a her. Isn’t that the problem. He’s a he.

BlueCord Dad



I first read that as , ” Stripped of her titties ” 😅
I need a monocle


Stripped of her titles or tities? BTW, my wife gets mad when I call them tities.


Well, you know, you take the “female” boxer from behind. “She” enjoys it, but you feel things are a little off. You reach around and find yourself blasted back to 1985, holding a joystick similar in size to a Commodore 64 and wondering where in life you went wrong.

Or you just pull a me and stick with the same (biological) woman you’ve known since you were both teenagers. We ain’t the creepily cute couple we once were, but we know who–and more importantly what we are.


Now THIS LADY can also do no wrong!