Weekend Open Thread

| September 27, 2024 | 45 Comments

Truth or fiction? This Aint Hell commenters are familiar with how unhinged the left could be. Readers also are familiar with the lack of sense of responsibility and accountability among many who vote Democrat. Well, a man allegedly leveraged this information when a house in his neighborhood went up for sale. Not being that pro-Trump himself, he understood that displaying MAGA flags in front of his home would turn off a certain group of voters from wanting to move into the home. Enjoy your weekend!

Category: Open thread

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Amateur Historian


Amateur Historian

Ha! I’m the King of the Moment!!!

Hack Stone



WOW That’s a First First in a little while…but not too long…of course we defer to the holder of the Excel Spreadsheet of Firsts (unless Claw is old skool and actually uses a green government notebook, of which I am certain he can provide the NSN. 😀 )
Anyway, Lord gracefully AH(ole) 🙂

Hack Stone

As reining First Commenter, you are obligated to provide us us the Weekend Safety Brief. We are standing by….

Amateur Historian

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh….. Don’t drink hot sauce and sneeze at the same time?

P.S. Don’t ask.

Hack Stone

– [ ] Oh, wise and all knowing Magic 8-Ball, will Hack Stone be unburdened by what has been in order to holistically regain the highly coveted and rarely awarded of First Commenter for the This Ain’t Hell Weekend Open Thread, or will he once again be denied to his rightful claim by the existential threat posed by LC? Magic 8-Ball says…

Amateur Historian

Sorry, but no…

Hack Stone

Hack Stone was on a Teams call for 2 plus hours talking to a Haitian coworker. Hack was hitting refresh since noon, to no avail. He even knew he missed the first post, but pasted anyway.

Hack Stone




Commissioner Wretched

So I shall be … fourth!

Hack Stone

Well, with the Weekend Open Thread already put to bed, Hack can head out onto the Beltway for a Friday afternoon buffet at Costco.

Commissioner Wretched

With a nod of respect to Amateur Historian for his successful claiming of the coveted, always-earned, never given FIRST of the WOT, I offer a slightly special trivia column this week. It’s special because I completed yet another trip ’round the Sun. So enjoy, all!

Can you find a true scale model of the Solar System in Australia?
By Commissioner Wretched
Copyright © 2024

Well, here we go again.

Time for me to celebrate yet another trip around the Sun … on Thursday, it was my 66th birthday.

As I always say in these situations, quoting my wonderful sister: “If I’d have known I was going to live this long, I’d have taken better care of myself.”

I am fully aware that – barring an unlikely genetic abnormality – I do not have 66 more birthdays ahead of me. That makes what I do all the sweeter … since I plan to spend a lot of them right here, in the column, with you.

Happy birthday to me, if such be the will of the gods. And to you, some great trivia!

My treat.

Did you know …

… a surgeon’s refusal to treat a patient came back to haunt him? At the turn of the 20th Century, Dr. Roswell Park (1852-1914) was one of the most prominent medical men in the city of Buffalo, New York. On September 5, 1901, Dr. Park was notified that he was needed for emergency surgery immediately for a man who had been shot. Park, who was in the middle of another operation, said he could not abandon his patient, “not even for the President of the United States.” Another surgeon then performed the emergency operation … on President William McKinley (1843-1901), who died eight days later of blood poisoning from gangrene which had started on the edges of the gunshot wound he’d suffered. Dr. Park later said he would regret for the rest of his life the comment he made when asked to attend the President. (Ooopsie!)

Commissioner Wretched

… most fans of a 1980s hit song totally misinterpreted it? In 1986, the rock group Beastie Boys released a song called “(You Gotta) Fight for Your Right (to Party),” and the song almost immediately became the anthem of fraternities nationwide. But the song was written as a parody of party and frat culture, poking fun at it instead of celebrating it. To this day, the members of the band are upset that people took the song at face value. (The advice, however, is sound.)

… a classic criminal was also a musician? During his time incarcerated at Alcatraz, mobster Al Capone (1899-1947) gave regular Sunday concerts with the inmate band. Called the Rock Islanders, Capone was featured on the banjo. (The Rock Islanders? Man, even I am not that corny.)

… you may have seen something ackwards? It’s an old English dialect word that describes a creature lying on its back that can’t get up. (In other words, me in bed on a Monday morning.)


Ackwards. The root of the term “Bass-Ackwards”, which has nothing to do with fishing. Much like the term “Rat Cheer” has nothing to do with rodents at a football game.


Just like “dickweed” has nothing to do with either
dick or weed.

Commissioner Wretched

… a scale model of the Solar System exists in Australia? In Melbourne, centered at St. Kilda Skatepark, is a model of the Solar System made to a scale of one to one billion. In other words, the farthest planet from the Sun, Neptune – which is actually 4.5 billion kilometers away – is represented by a model 4.5 kilometers away. In this scale model, the Sun is a ball about 1.6 meters across … Earth is a tiny ball about 1.3 centimeters in diameter … and the largest planet, Jupiter, is a ball about the size of a human hand. Additional trivia note: the nearest star to the Sun, Proxima Centauri, is also in the model, but is within walking distance of the Sun. This is not, however, incorrect. Proxima Centauri is about 40 trillion kilometers from the Sun in reality; in the model scale, it would be 40,000 km from the Sun. That’s also about the distance around the entire Earth, so the Proxima representation is correct – but to be true to the scale, you’d have to walk all the way around the Earth to get back to it. (Pluto is in the model too, 5.3 kilometers from the Sun model … and 23 millimeters in size. Poor Pluto, getting picked on all the time.)

… chocolate was once used as a medicine? The ancient Olmec, Maya and Aztec cultures of Central and South America used chocolate not only as a medicine but also as a medium in which other medicines were taken. (Sing with me … “Just a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down …”)

Commissioner Wretched

… during World War II, you could not buy sliced bread in a U.S. grocery store? On January 18, 1943, a directive came down from the government ordering stores to stop selling sliced bread for the duration of the war. You could buy whole loaves of bread, but you’d have to slice it yourself. Nobody ever explained how that was supposed to help the war effort, however.

… six teams in the National Football League do not have cheerleaders? The six are the Buffalo Bills, the Chicago Bears, the Cleveland Browns, the Green Bay Packers, the New York Giants, and the Pittsburgh Steelers. The six franchises don’t employ cheerleaders because all of them play their home games in open-air stadiums and during the football season, it’s pretty cold. So the traditional skimpy outfits worn by cheerleaders would not be a very good idea. (Darn it.)

… an island in the Thousand Islands chain in New York is most appropriately named? Just Room Enough Island is thought to be the smallest inhabited island in the world, with about 3,300 square feet of land area. The island has a house, a tree, some shrubs, and a small beach – and nothing else, because there isn’t room for anything else. The island is located in the St. Lawrence River near the U.S. border with Canada. It is privately owned. (So stay off the lawn – such as it is.)

… a river in Cambodia changes direction each year? The Tonle Sap River flows north for about six months, then flows south for the rest of the year. The change in direction is caused by the annual rains brought by the monsoon winds. (I guess “Tonle Sap” means “Can’t make up its mind.”)

Now … you know!

RGR 4-78

It’s special because I completed yet another trip ’round the Sun.”

Happy Birthday, we are the same age once again, for a little while longer.

Commissioner Wretched

Many thanks!

Amateur Historian

Happy Birthday!

Commissioner Wretched

Thank you so much!


I’d have made it but there was some passing interference. GF came out of an online meeting a little happy over a new account and flashed me her pair.

Hack Stone

The same thing happens to Hack all of the time. The Vice President of the proud but humble woman owned business is always showing his ass.

Commissioner Wretched

If there must be interference, that’s the best kind!


Pics or it didn’t happen.

Somebody had to say it.


Thanks for stepping up.


Did you say hello ladies?

Slow Joe


Commissioner Wretched

… humbug.


Dang. 1 fresh and 15.

Amateur Historian

So, wow, 1st time I was 1st in WOT. Not bad for a guy who’s like that one flaky friend you had in High school. Anyway, wanted to give you guys an update on how I’m doing. I’ve been mostly absent from TAH and some of that has to do with the struggle to survive since getting fired. To those of you who gave me suggestions on where to apply, I thank you. But, as it turns out, getting fired was what I needed to realize that CDL driving is not for me. So instead I decided to go to school with the GI Bill (I’ve been sitting on it for a bit since I got out in 2016. Been trying to figure out what I wanted to study since then. But, hey, better late than never). Right now, I’m just waiting to receive BAH for this month while doing Uber Eats. Been touch and go, but I’m surviving. I hope all of you are doing well, but I need to go to work soon. So, I’ll just wish all of you a good day and I aim to be more active in TAH as my financial situation becomes more secure.

-Amateur Historian

“Human wisdom is worthless. Only God can hold true wisdom.” -Paraphrase of Socrates

Last edited 1 hour ago by Amateur Historian
Commissioner Wretched

A reason to celebrate! It’s your first First!


Happy weekend!


It kept getting earlier and earlier so I been monitoring all
morning hoping to hit the jackpot but nothing, even delaying my
lunch and other activities until finally giving up.
Could have taken a nap.
Not first but never last. Happy Fall weekend. Don’t fall down.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

First twenty eighth

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Not to bad with yesterdays storm hitting Florida. Am on the east coast in south Florida and at my place, we got 3 rain squalls for the day that lasted 2-3 minutes. Hope all the TAH members that live north of me and in Georgia are safe and sound

Commissioner Wretched

In my AO in western-central Georgia, we had a crap-ton of rain but not much else. The much-ballyhooed wind and thunder and lightning and all was far to our east. Second hurricane I’ve slept through.


Had a slow steady rainfall yesterday after a beautiful sunny
summer like none other. Much needed rain to top off the
Maine potato crop for all you french fry types.
Soon as the harvest is in all the farmers will be heading to
Florida for the winter. Keep an eye out for the Maine plates.
And order a side of fries with that.


Link from Pitchpull (an old video):


Well. Anyway the title is “Robin Williams gets interrupted by military tradition during his USO Holiday Tour.”

Forest Bondurant


Amateur Historian

Work is a little slow rn, so for your guy’s average viewing entertainment, here’s an averagely funny video:
