More voters identify as GOP

| September 27, 2024

Gallup’s historical data related to voter leaning during election years show that Democrats usually have a voter identity advantage over Republicans. Except for two elections, more voters identified with the Democratic Party than with the Republican Party. Gallup’s current data indicates that the Republicans enjoy this advantage during the current election year.

From The Daily Wire:

50% of voters deemed the GOP better equipped to keep America prosperous, while 46% thought the Democrats would do the job better. A whopping difference came between the 54% of voters who thought the GOP was better able to keep America safe from international threats and the 40% who chose the Democrats.

Other indications favoring the GOP could be derived from voter disaffection with Democrats and the Biden-Harris administration. Only 22% of voters said they were currently satisfied with the state of affairs; only 39% expressed approval of the job President Biden and his administration have done, and the economic index had a -28 score.

The economic index rating is “derived from the 22% of Americans describing current economic conditions as ‘excellent’ or ‘good’ versus the 48% saying they are ‘poor,’ and the 32% believing the economy is ‘getting better’ versus the 62% saying it is ‘getting worse,'” Gallup pointed out.

Democrats have led in party affiliation since the age of Ronald Reagan except for 2004, a Gallup graph showed. Gallup stated, “Republicans previously have not had an outright advantage in party affiliation during the third quarter of a presidential election year. Gallup noted, “Democrats have won presidential elections in years in which they had larger-than-normal advantages in party affiliation, including 1992, 1996, 2008, 2012 and 2020. In years when the advantage was narrower — 2004 and 2016, for example — Republicans won in the electoral college if not also the popular vote.”

Additional Reading:

Berrien, H. (2024, September 26). Gallup: For the first time in decades, more voters identify as GOP. The Daily Wire. Link.

Jones, J. M. (2024, September 24). 2024 election environment favorable to GOP. Gallup. Link.

Category: 2024 Election

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It’s not who votes.

It’s who counts the votes.

Slow Joe

I don’t think the Republitards have learned that lesson, and will once again allow the Demonrats to count the votes.


Dominion sez…”Hold my stack of pre-printed ballots and watch this…”


Poor Vox. They don’t understand. They chalk it up to messaging instead of policy.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

How come Frau harris didn’t get the electorial votes and was then appointed by Herr biden and now Frau harris is the darling of demorat voters. if all the demorats voted Herr biden in. It’s like watching Joseph Goebbels speeches with the mezmorized audience listening to him.


The “kids in cages” story was bullshit from day one, staged photos of kids in a dog crate as part of a protest. And the Obama administration started the family separation policy. Men were initially detained separately from women and children until identity and familial relationships could be ascertained. It wasn’t considered “bad” until Trump’s election and then it became evil. Because black democrat Jesus could do no wrong.

I am looking forward to enjoying a new, fresh supply of liberal tears to lubricate the new scary black assault rifle that will be moving into the Cantina to celebrate the democrat loss.


Nothing wrong with legal ganja.
It’s far more benign than legal booze and tobacco. Especially when it’s regulated and quality assured and edibles, oral oil, drinks are available. (since inhaling any smoke isn’t good for you)
Let’s not forget the tax revenue either.

Last edited 4 months ago by RCAF-CHAIRBORNE

Bill Engvalls take on it.


Sounds about right 🤣
Veterans Affairs Canada has covered 3g/day (equivalent, since I only take edibles)
since 2015
Over 3 years before it became universally legal.


My biggest problem is:

What the hell world are those 46% living in??

I don’t trust a politician just because they have an R behind their name, in fact very, VERY few politicians have earned my trust!

But damn people, how do blue areas keep voting for that shit?

Mind boggling!!


Probably the same reason I keep voting R. Better than the alternative. Especially for them when the alternative is a job and personal responsibilitiy.

Forest Bondurant

Polls are dogshit. They don’t mean anything because they manipulate the statistical possibilities to meet the narrative.