A Tale of Two Soldiers

| April 22, 2009

I try to avoid linking back to my other blog, where I am still in exile, but today The Sniper makes a point that I think fits in with my basic theme today of pissing and moaning about that shitdick Matthis and his discharge. He’s talking about Ray Nance, the Bedford Boy that I posted an RIP for the other day.

When we got involved in World War II, the Bedford Boys knew that their number would be drawn. Despite that sword of Damocles dangling over their collective head they all stayed. Let me repeat that phrase: “They all stayed.” Nobody ran. Nobody moved to avoid being deployed. Nobody hid out in their uncle’s basement or in Canada. They all stayed. They all stayed with the full knowledge that the only way to defeat Hitler and his companions in crimes against humanity was to fight them in Europe and the only way to do that was invasion. Invasion is an undertaking measured in inches, negotiated with firepower and raw nerve, and paid for with the blood of a nations best, brightest and boldest. The Bedford Boys knew this. They had learned of it in their history classes and their training. Some would become PhD’s in the art of suffering and sacrifice on the beaches of Normandy… Alumni of Dog Green University. But they all stayed with their unit… some forever.

So once again I bring up the sacrifices of the Bedford Boys and once again I bring up the mournful passing of the last of their number. Why? Because I hope that the torch carried by Major Nance doesn’t just fall by the wayside and eventually become extinguished. I hope that the attitude that “I’m an American, hey… you owe me this life” changes. I hope that the indifference shown to our nation’s veterans, especially the ones that have risked it all knowing the odds weren’t great… the ones that didn’t run, changes to an underlying current of gratitude and respect.

I am in the dumps today over this Matthis issue, but I hope Sniper is right. Frankly, I don’t think he is if we reward asswipes like Matthis and shower them with media attention as has been going on, and Mr Nance quietly fades away with nary a reference.

Category: Politics

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VERY true!


For Matthis, OD = Drug, Overdose.

The Sniper

The military today is in a sad state because we reward douchenozzles like Chiroux by allowing them a graceful out and pound the guys that don’t really deserve it. It’s a leadership weakness where politics and pettiness take the place of parity and justice.

Luckily the deeds of the Nances of the world equal out to a thousand press conferences of the Chiroux’s of the world where the rubber meets the road.

Larry Sheldon



Sort of. Not posting there for now. Probably start posting there again soon. When Sniper apologizes for touching me where my bathing suit covers. Or he leaves blogspot. Mostly the second one.

The Sniper

I touched your nipples?