Gun owner Kamala Harris supported gun ban; Suggested entering gun owner homes

| September 26, 2024 | 51 Comments

Kamala Harris stated that she was a gun owner. However, videos and articles from the past indicate Harris’s hostility towards gun ownership. Internet “ninjas” found footage of Harris talking about entering gun owner homes to ensure that they were responsible. A news article posted by the San Jose Mercury News in 2005 didn’t help Harris either.  She supported Proposition H, which would’ve banned handgun manufacturing and transfer transactions.  According to Blaze Media, gun owners would’ve been required to turn their hand guns in “without compensation.”

From Blaze Media:

In 2008, she was one of the leftist district attorneys who signed an amici curiae in the Second Amendment case D.C. v. Heller, claiming a total handgun ban was constitutional. Reason noted the brief to which Harris was party also suggested that the Second Amendment does not secure an individual right but rather a “collective” or “militia-related” right.

Harris told reporters in September 2019 — before her previous presidential campaign fizzled out — that she supported a coerced buyback of so-called assault weapons.

“We have to have a buyback program, and I support a mandatory gun buyback program,” Harris said in October 2019. “It’s got to be smart, we got to do it the right way. But there are 5 million [assault weapons] at least, some estimate as many as 10 million, and we’re going to have to have smart public policy that’s about taking those off the streets, but doing it the right way.”

The Harris’ campaign website indicates that if elected, she would “ban assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, require universal background checks, and support red flag laws that keep guns out of the hands of dangerous people.”

Despite her decades-long campaign to disarm law-abiding Americans, Harris has recently adopted the persona of a gun rights supporter, telling Oprah Winfrey at her rally last week, “If someone breaks in my house, they’re getting shot.”

It’s presently unclear whether the gun Harris allegedly owns is a kind she has tried to ban in the past.

“Some people have been pushing a real false choice — to suggest you’re either in favor of the Second Amendment or you want to take everyone’s guns away,” said Harris. “I’m in favor of the Second Amendment, and I’m in favor of assault-weapons bans, universal background checks, red-flag laws.”

During her debate with President Donald Trump earlier this month, Harris claimed, “We’re not taking anyone’s guns away.”

Additional Reading:

MacKinnon, J. (2024, September 25). Harris not only threatened to storm the homes of legal gun owners — She supported a handgun ban. Blaze Media. Link.

Category: 2024 Election, Kamala Harris, Second Amendment

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VP Harris states ‘my values have not changed’ is making clear her intensions. The Constitution is a nuisance to her/Dems plans.

jeff LPH 3 63-66

I got that about the values not changing every time she said she would ok fracking, close the border, lower capital taxes, I’m for the 2A, Etc. Then if she gets in, it’s no fracking, open border, raise capital taxes and take the 2A from our constitution and send the schutzstaffel to bang in gun owners at 3AM in the morning plus stuff I didn’t mention.


All about the good message.


Molon Labe…Bitch! Prepare

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I don’t think they realize that. Somebody probably brought it up in a meeting but was promptly shot down and told to shut up. Are they going to send guided munitions to those home that tell them to get bent?


I don’t care about a number, I care about rights.

The cohort that wants not-a-fuck-thing from anyone will always have the highest ground.

Potato plants are my emancipation proclamation.
Quail my ark.
Rapier-like wit and MOABs of memes my Red Sea.


I’d kinda like a higher number of Garden Gnomes…you know…for decorative purposes.


Tannerite makes a helluva a garden gnome. Just make sure you properly coat it so it doesn’t get all yucky outdoors.

RGR 4-78

The communist elite demand and expect all of the rights, privileges and wealth they think they are entitled to.

The rest of us will receive what we deserve, where money, food and housing are privileges bestowed by the elite as they see fit.

Once again, pay close attention to what they do, not what they say.


They refer to that as Socialism, But it is hard to tell the difference between Socialism and Communism. It comes down to voluntary suicide under socialism or murder under state run communism. In other words it is a death sentence to conservatives.


Exactly true, they intend to control every aspect of our lives just like the totalitarian dictatorships of the past century. Except, there will not be one strongman in charge; it will be the top dogs of the managerial class infused with Progressivism.


Exhibit A is what has happed to FBI. The agent in charge of the Trump assassination attempt in Florida is a rabid Trump hater who has been working to eliminate from the bureau any agents with conservative views or military service.


I omitted he is in charge of the “investigation” of that crime.

Army-Air Force Guy

The House subcommittee on the Butler assassination attempt has actually gotten more info from the local authorities than the FBI and the Secret Service.


As Stacy Pluskett (D-Virgin Islands) agrees on the committee trying to apply oversight:

Last edited 1 hour ago by Anonymous

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RGR 4-78



And they tell me…
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Last edited 1 hour ago by Anonymous
President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Well, com’on in, darlin’. But be sure to bring enough body bags. The price of taking my weapons may be expensive.


Good luck with that.


Put that on your mailbox post to serve as a warning to all who may try to enter.


I’ll bet she owns at least one grease gun and may have a
legally owned muzzle brake for it.
Hell, probably has a silencer….


Nan hooked her up with the little thing that goes up.


Camel-ah Harris, proof a broken clock should be thrown the fuck out.

Or, proof the dimwitted party is always fuckin’ wrong. (below)


I gots something for Kum-Hella…since I’m out of…you know..

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She followed up saying she was joking about shooting people because jokes about shooting people are hilarious. Like if a kid at school makes a joke about shooting people he only gets a little bit arrested.

Still a signatory to AWB II though. But you have to look around for it, she deleted several social media posts on it.


IMHO, if the cackler owns any firearm, it is prolly a single handgun she purchased years ago or was given to her by Willie.

RGR 4-78

If Willy gave it to her, it would be a real hoot if it has a history of having been stolen.


Which is very likely if he got it for fees from one of his clients. He was known as the lawyer for pimps and ho’s in SFO.


“Mandatory gun buyback”. I don’t know about the rest of you, but where I come from, that’s called “confiscation”.

Come get ’em, Kamala.


Will that be cash or credit?


I can see the Headlines Now. 12,302 gun confiscation workers killed this month and 2 guns collected. I mean bought back!

SGT Rock

Another so called “Veterans/military” aligned website that has gone down the drain w/right-wing extremist/accelerationist ideology. The boomer copium here is both sad and fucking pathetic.

SGT Rock,
Most times when I get a comment with a false email address like yours it goes straight into my virtual shit-can. All vets who care to comment are welcome here, except those who are so sad and fucking pathetic they throw shit and hide.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Kommissar? Is that you under a new nom de turd?

If not him, I’ll bet Rocky here was never an NCO and didn’t even make it to the Gunga Dan line or didn’t serve at all.


He’d know Rock is an MSG if he were.


You one of those “anti-gun veterans” hired to post progressive stuff?

Last edited 2 hours ago by Anonymous

You must be smoking Rocks, Lara


Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom…SOCK PUPPET WANNA BE!? Or just an individual chicken sh*t that wears a condom for a hat? News flash for you pebble brain…you ain’t the FIRST (ht2 LC) one to show up. Good to see you tho…give us some entertainment for the coming storm. I guess you’re like the other pissants that are heading for high ground. I’ll tell your mommy that you need your binky when I stop by her place later.


Sad and pathetic is how I describe your writings. Did you your feelings get hurt when you received your DD.

A Proud Infidel®™

Sounds to me like if he ever even served at all he was likely some Barracks Lawyer always getting Article 15’s who got chaptered because his CoC considered anything else a waste of time and Army resources.


You found your way in. You can find your way out. Offer more than a mindless screed, that position is already filled.

Forest Bondurant

SGT Rock…


Praise Gun Jesus Ian!


Yeah, I have a gun, and anyone breaking into my house is going to get shot. But, you know, I’m special; as career civil servant, I need protection that most of you little people don’t. You aren’t guaranteed an AR-15 or a Glock under that pesky thing called the Second Amendment. If you find yourself in a bad situation, call your local defunded police department. It’ll take some time for a (g)rapist to complete their act, and even a gunshot or stab wound might take hours before you bleed out. Meanwhile, Officer Friendly will be sure to come to your aid at their earliest convenience (or when permitted), and paramedics will be on standby until the scene is safe and secured.

But again, I’m in that small segment of elitists that not only has the right to self-protection but is also entitled to taxpayer-funded protective details. I’ll gladly give up my right to own high-capacity magazine and assault weapons, so long as the Secret Service, Capitol Police, and other lapdogs can keep their standard capacity magazines and selective fire service carbines. Laws apply to you, not to us, and daring to challenge my stance on gun control is just further evidence that the Right is full of violent and intolerant children-hating extremists.

— FMala Hairyass 2176


Be sure to join the team to keep your stuff!
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A Proud Infidel®™

WILL THE REAL mudda-fuckin’ Kamala Harris please stand up? Waste of breath, the bitch doesn’t have even one real bone in her body.

Milo Mindbender

The only bone she had in her body belonged to either W Brown, or Montel, depending on when her meteoric rise to mediocrity you are talking about.


Beat me to it, Milo. Damn fone keeps blowing up with concerns over Helene roaring my way. Man please, that Bitch ain’t gonna get here till 0GOD30 in the am.


I loved those 0 dark 30 wakeup calls. It meant they were paying me more.


This lady can do no wrong.