DOD getting sued for failing to provide promotion demographic data

| September 27, 2024 | 6 Comments

The Center to Advance Security in America (CASA) submitted a Freedom of Information Act request. The FOIA, filed with the Department of Defense, requested promotion and nomination breakdowns by race and gender. CASA wanted five years worth of information, with the view towards seeing if diversity, equity and inclusion played a role on who “got the nod.”

From Fox News:

A watchdog group is suing the Department of Defense (DOD) after it failed to hand over demographics data on who is receiving promotions in the military.

The group, which says it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request in March that has gone ignored, is looking for breakdowns by race and gender of military promotions and nominations over the past five years, suspecting that diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) practices might be at play.

They’ve also asked for all communications related to these practices between key DOD officials.

The Center to Advance Security in America (CASA) seeks to analyze whether DEI practices are being implemented transparently and without compromising merit.

The group said the DOD acknowledged receipt of the FOIA but has not communicated whether it plans to hand over any documents or give a reason for withholding them.

“The increased role diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives have played in the military is concerning to many Americans. The American people believe that promotions in the military should be based on merit,” said CASA Director James Fitzpatrick.

“Responsive records from this request will show the demographic breakdown of military promotions over the last five years. We know that the DOD has this information readily available and [we] are curious why they are so reluctant to share it with us, which the law requires. This lawsuit will force them to.”

Additional Reading:

Phillips, M. (2024, September 26). Watchdog sues Pentagon for withholding promotion data they believe will show DEI at play. Fox News. Link.


Category: Military issues

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The toxic woke DEI infection has been promoted to all levels of leadership in the US Military and has broken it for anything resembling combat.

AW1 Rod

Of course DEI is at work in selection/advancement. It’s the New Religion!


I can only attest to my subjective experience in the Army. In 2016, every promotable Hispanic Drill Sergeant in 2-54 Infantry was selected for SFC (maybe 15-18 total), without a single White SSG making the cut. A fellow 11B in 2-47 (a non-Infantry BCT unit we shared the DFAC with) told me the same thing happened in his battalion.

Years earlier, in The Old Guard, my company 1SG was Black, as were both the battalion and regimental CSMs. For a while, we had two Black PSGs as well. This in a company that had maybe three Black junior NCOs and a handful of Black enlisted 11Bs.

I’ve watched mediocre females and minorities get selected for senior NCO ranks and positions over well-qualified White males. Let’s look at the recently fired Veronica Knapp, who made history as the First female CSM of the 101st. The 101st is typically led by CGs and CSMs with an Infantry or Aviation (maybe Cav or Artillery/ADA) background. Military Police, particularly Corrections Specialists (31E, Knapp’s previous MOS) don’t necessarily have the background to lead the “World’s Only Air Assault Division”. Yet, this woman without so much as a Combat Action Badge was selected over Infantry CSMs sporting multiple deployments, Ranger Tabs, and years of direct leadership experience.

DEI isn’t about strengthening the force. It’s about ensuring that merit-based promotions and assignments are supplanted by feel-good decisions. Anyone can earn a blue cord and go engage with the enemy, but let’s face it, White males disproportionately choose Infantry over other races and genders. That Infantry battalion sure will look good with a Black female commander, and about 40% of its other leadership comprised of females and minorities. The White males comprising 85% of the battalion’s strength need to just shut their mouths and drive on. Shoot, move, and communicate… let Big Army dictate who wears the rank, but be prepared to step in and give Big Sister Sarge a helping hand.


How dare you encourage competency over diversity! You’re some kind of -ist, what you’re saying is -ism!


Knapp was apparently good enough for the 101st but not the MDW. She would have been next in line for SMA. Whatever idiocy she partook in must have pretty juicy.

Green Thumb

Good luck with that.