Worst written article ever?

| April 21, 2009

Here it is in full, via Drudge:

NEWARK, N.J. (AP) – Opponents of the Iraq war say former President George W. Bush overstepped his authority when the U.S. invaded Iraq in 2003.

A veteran and two mothers of soldiers are trying to get the war declared unconstitutional. Their attorneys made arguments Tuesday in federal court in Newark, N.J.

They cited Justice Antonin Scalia’s strict interpretation of the Constitution in a decision last year that affirmed the right of homeowners to own guns for self-defense.

They argued that Bush overstepped his constitutional authority to invade Iraq without Congress officially declaring war. They say that wasn’t the intent of the Founding Fathers.

The government argued that courts do not have authority to rule on a political matter.

No name of case, no name of party, no information at all. Why are they having it declared unconstitutional, what arguments are they making? This article tells me exactly nothing. And I can’t find [IVAW] on the Courts website. Does anyone know anything about this?

OK, The Incomparable Drew M. of Ace of Spades found it for me.
Iraq War Vet William Joseph Wheeler.

Category: Politics

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Brown Neck Gaitor

I think I would like to work for the AP.

Washington, D.C. (AP) – Someone today did something.

Opponents vow to fight and do nothing in response.


Sounds like something that should be on the onion.


Anna Berlinrut suffered “great anger at the President”.

Perhaps this a class action lawsuit for BDS sufferers?


From the complaint:

United States and resides in Windsor, California. He served in the United States Army from May 23, 2001 until his Honorable Discharge on January 5, 2004, as a result of a “physical condition not a disability.” He is subject to recall to active duty until May 2009. He served in Iraq from March 2003 to November 2003.

From the Rutgers Press Release:


From the Rutgers Press Release:

Wheeler, who resides in Windsor, California, was honorably discharged from the Army in 2004 after serving nearly three years in Iraq as a member of the 240th Forward Surgical Team, and was part of the original Iraq invasion force.


AW1 Tim


If they are going to try and get this through, then they also need to include Truman’s invasion of Korea, Kennedy’s invasion of Vietnam, LBJ’s continuance of the war in Vietnam, Nixon’s continuance of the war in Vietnam, Regan’s invasion of Grenada,the Invasion of Panama, I mean, what President HASN’T had to send troops somewhere to deal with some idiot nation, leader, or death cult?

The court ought to just buy these folks a nice hot cup of tea, slip about 100mg of Valium into it, and send them back to whatever granola patch they live in.



for whatever reasons, the link here and at the article does not work. It would be interesting to read the actual complaint…


Holy Crap! I didnt know the 240th was in Iraq in 2001?
How did the fool the Republican Guards?

From the Article:

“Wheeler, who resides in Windsor, California, was honorably discharged from the Army in [2004 after serving nearly three years in Iraq] as a member of the 240th Forward Surgical Team, and was part of the original Iraq invasion force”


In an unrelated story, the outspoken father of five, and his second wife, denied all reports and stated, for the record, that previous reports by the Obama administration were all ‘damnable lies’; meanwhile, Al Franken admitted the use of recycled beer enemas while driving, while a large force of veterans from the years 1966 through 2004, gathered in spite of local law enforcement’s orders to disperse. A spokesman for the veterans’ group said, “We are tired of this crap and we aren’t taking it any more!” The First Lady could not be reached for comment.
No charges were filed.