Phony soldier: Those tea parties are unhinged mobs

| April 21, 2009

Remember our buddy Ray Buckley, the Democrat Chair…um…person from New Hampshire? If you don’t, let me refresh your memory. He was the clown who told Debbie Lee that he was a Vietnam Veteran back in October.

Well, TSO sent me a video of him calling all y’all tea partyers an “unhinged mob”.

“Unhinged”. Like a guy who blurts out that he was a veteran of a war for which he turned 12 years old in it’s final year. And, oh, he’s the best Democrat they got up there in New Hampshire.

ED Note: Whoever put the video up took it down, so here’s the article from Fox News. Thanks to Mary for pointing it out and thanks to Michelle Malkin for the link.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Phony soldiers, Politics, Usual Suspects

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Frankly Opinionated

No Clue about what we are protesting? I am hunting for an e-address for this dick drip. I’ll leave it here when I find it.
nuf sed


Yes, which is great news for those of us living here 🙂

AW1 Tim


We deal with craptacular folks like this every single frikkin’ day in Maine.

If they can’t make you believe their lies, they will do their best to shout you down, to drown you out and harass you from the stage. that is what they do best. they have no concept of honest debate, of morals, ethics, or compassion.

These folks live only for themselves, and are imbued with a sense of entitlement, of absolute rightness of their cause and calling, to the extent that they believe that whatever they have to do to keep their place and destroy the opposition is not only acceptable, but demanded of them.

And they wonder why they are loathed. They are the living decendents of the entitled class whom our ancestors fought against to establish this good nation. We must never again allow them to regain that power.


I am one of thousands of proud unhinged tea party goers! And unlike Buckley and his Viet Nam experience, I can prove I was at a tea party! They can say what they want, but so many voices are hard to quiet.


damn, says video down…..anyone save it?



Unhinged, disgruntled and for the most part, armed and skilled in the use of arms. Something for despots and tyrants to bear in mind.