Reader Tea Party Pictures (Now With Added Tea Party Goodness)

| April 16, 2009

Additions at the bottom from Lafayette, LA.
Speaking of Jamie (TSO and his internet wife are trying to auction the poor girl off below), she and 1stCavRVN11B sent me some pictures this morning. Here’s a few Jamie sent of the Dallas Tea Party;

It looks like they had a real good turn out – and no rain;

1stCavRVN11B sends a whole slew of pictures from Baton Rouge, but I can only get a few up right now;

ADDED: Some late additions from Cynthia of the Lafayette, LA Tea Party. She writes that “couillon”means crazy;
4-Tea Party-Lafayette
Cindy holding sign and flyers-Tea Party-Lafayette
Cindy holding sign thanking Veterans and our Troops for protecting our right to protest against things we feel are wrong
1- Tea Party-Lafayette

Category: Politics

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Definitely Not a Wood Product Salesman

That “Uncle” sign is amusing, I saw TSO’s nephew carrying the same sign. Poor thing was crying, even if TSO did give him a lollypop.


I really like the sign about America just saying no to low self-esteem. That one is priceless. And YES!! TERM LIMITS for everyone!

Just A Grunt

Guys I got a picture you might like over at my place. It is on the post I got up about DHS Secy Nimcompoop but the guy holding the sign is a former Ranger and was taken at the Atlanta Tea Party


I liked the “uncle” one too. At my TEA party, *pictures that are posted at my blog* we had about 3,000 people, and it was said to be the largest “PEACEFUL” demonstration in the states’ history. And yet, the media does not get it.