
| April 16, 2009

Some of you probably remember when I wrote about the first DC tea party and had a video of Joe the Plumber speaking to the crowd. Well, one of the comments on YouTube was;

The implication, of course, was that the crowd was all white people listening to Joe (well, I saw at least one Asian woman there in the video).

So yesterday, I found a black man (certainly not the only one there, but the only one with a megaphone) and put that video on YouTube. One of the two comments;

Yeah, so I wonder why more blacks don’t cross over to a conservative movement? I have no doubt that it wasn’t a conservative who wrote that – I’m pretty sure it was a leftist trying to coax the gentleman in the video back onto the Democrat plantation. But that pretty much sums up the whole Leftist strategy in regards to minorities and Republicans. They scream that the Republicans are all rich white people, and then criticize minorities who stray to the party with childish, dated and racist name-calling.

Category: Liberals suck

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I did a little dumpster diving on DU (Democratic Underground) this morning, and essentially the standard line over there is that a) the tea party thing is mostly white people, b) it’s mostly racist white people, c) it’s mostly old racist white people, d) it’s not very many old racist white people, e) old racist white people wave too many flags that contradict themselves.

On occasion that a pic was discovered of some minority who was attending the event, it was typified as a) a self loathing Uncle Tom, b) an infiltrator, c) a race traitor who had made their millions and didn’t want to piss off their old racist white benefactors.

When faced with the question of longevity of the movement, the prevailing school of thought was a) it’s “astroturf” and will die within days, b) the movement is too fractured to survive since there’s a mixed bag of libertarians and Republicans who can’t agree on what government should actually be, c) the numbers are too small to sustain any kind of momentum, unlike the anti-war movement which has totally changed the world, d) the whole thing was engineered to give Fox News more ratings and will peter out as soon as something more interesting rolls along.

So, to sum up, in the vast intellect that is DU, the tea parties were; too small, too racist, too fractured, too old, too contrived, too Fox Newsy, too flaggy, and too white…mostly too white.


Ain’t it a good thing I’m an American Indian(Sioux) & white man(French)? Not to mention, I dearly love this country & usually most of it’s inhabitants? But then again, I think about the enviro green commie *dinks* roaming the face of the planet or the worthless lil punks over at DU & want to choke the life from each one…..

Then I read of *punks* like this & wonder why exactly it was I served our country. Oh wait…I got a “Uou ain’t gonna believe this shit” story.

SFC Lilyea and our gureilla unit were bailing out at 38 grand feet…CPL 1stCAVRVN leading the way out the poop chute when SFC Lilyea comes up wid the brainy ide’r of popping his chute whilst upside down.

Now, SFC Lilyea is onna dem aero-borne grunts dat likes his smokes and cheap rum…nassy man he is. Anyways…while the rest of his squad is freefalling straight downwards in to “This Ain’t Hell” he comes upon us…of all thangs, upsidy down grinning big, waving, smoking his el cheapo cuban cigar and sipping on his onliest glass of booze.

A poleriod moment indeed. Them led slugs was wizzing in da iar all around us. SFC Lilyea was calm, cool and dranking his pineo-colada rum when he flashes ME a picture of this not so foxy looking gal.

Well, sir? Ritch then & there I knew muh days as a stQQpid military cop jumping outta a perfektly good aero-craft wid dem der aero-bourne guys & new I was cooked…..”Heaven hep me” I says hearing my chute tangling up in da wind.

Anyways, SFC Lilyea hanging upside down on da lef his clam face reassuring me I’m gonna die real fast heading fer de bayou & gators awaiting us.

“Dude?”, he yells,”It could be worse. You might could look like TSO”…..Toll ya’ll ya ain’t gonna believe this shit.


“Uncle Tom?” That’s it? Hell, I was a “coon” for attending-much less organizing-a Tea Party.

Pretty sure if they were the “Klan meetings” the left wants to make them out to be, I’d’ve been shot upon taking the stage.

Didn’t happen. So…screw ’em.