The Curse of the ISG report

| December 14, 2006

Now, every knucklehead with a plane ticket is going to the Mideast. John Kerry even feels safe enough to stick his head out of the sand to tell us to talk to Syria and Iran – as if it would actually accomplish something besides ridding us of those pesky taxpayer dollars laying around Washington.

From Flopping Aces we get to see Bill Nelson talking with perennial Iranian bootlicker Syrian President Bashar Assad in Damascus, with a photo of Nelson that Allah dug up.

And now it seems fashionable for Democrats to talk to the irrational maniacs that want us all dead – after they strip us of our cash and i-Pods. Just like it was fashionable for Kerry to chat with the North Vietnamese in Paris in the 70s, and Kerry and fellow faux-Vietnam vet Tom Harkin to visit Commie Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua.

Both of those events took place during Republican Administrations – so that’s how Democrats see their oversight responsibilities. Going over the head of our country’s official foreign policy and undermining our executive branch. I don’t remember any Republicans talking with Aidid in Somalia or any Serbs during the 90s. But I remember the McDermott mission to Iraq in 2002 when he (McDerrmott) announced that Hussein was a more trustworthy person than our own President.

Is there anything in the Constitution that tells us that Congress should conduct it’s own foreign policy? Or was our government designed to operate as a single unit?

The only time the Constitution refers to Congress and foreign policy is in Article II, Section 2 when it says “[The President] shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur….” In Article I, Section 8, the Constitution enummerates Congress powers, and no where does it mention conducting foreign policy. 

Of course, these idiots are received warmly by our enemies. I wonder why that is?

Category: Politics, Terror War

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