Kerry headed to Iraq?

| December 15, 2006

I just read over on Little Green Footballs and Flopping Aces that Kerry is shooting off his mouth about the US foreign policy while in Egypt. The man with no plan is criticizing everyone else. Funny how he says that “the Middle East peace process is the critical issue of the region, and it has not been focused on for the past 6-7 years adequately” yet he’s not specific about what we should have done instead. Just another dorky ivy-leaguer running off at the mouth.

I noticed in the story that Kerry plans to go Iraq, too. I guess the commanders there had better start planning his pinning ceremonies in advance – for his new Purple Hearts, I mean. I’m sure he’ll demand Purple hearts if he gets a zit or sand in his eyes while he’s there. Or sand in his Pampers.

They probably ought to keep the 203s away from him, too, so he doesn’t get his own shrapnel on him. I’m sure the troops will be overjoyed to see the traitorous sissy.

Category: Politics

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