Corrosive unilateralism?

| December 14, 2006

Senator Pat Leahy accused President Bush of corrosive unilateralism. What the Hell is that? According to Leahy;

Leahy plans to rein in President Bush’s program of wiretapping without warrants, rewrite the policy for handling terrorism detainees and more closely scrutinize nominees to the federal courts.

So Leahy wants to just strip our country of any useful tools that we might have to combat the cancer that has infected the planet. If these programs are as damaging and illegal as Leahy claims, why doesn’t he just start bringing up charges instead of flapping his gums with empty platitudes.

It’s strange that on the same day Leahy makes this bonehead statement, a federal judge upholds the President’s new terrorism law;

A federal judge upheld the Bush administration’s new terrorism law Wednesday, agreeing that Guantanamo Bay detainees don’t have the right to challenge their imprisonment in U.S. courts.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge James Robertson is the first to address the new Military Commissions Act and is a legal victory for the Bush administration at a time when it has been fending off criticism of the law from Democrats and libertarians.

Judge Robertson rejected a legal challenge by Salim Ahmed Hamdan, a former driver for Osama bin Laden whose case prompted the Supreme Court to strike down the Bush administration’s policy on detainees last year.

Makes Leahy look just a little bit ignorant of the law, doesn’t it?

I’ve never hoped for another man’s misfortune, but it would be a sweet day if Tim Johnson needed to be replaced by the Republican governor of South Dakota just to see Senator Leaky denied access to our justice system and our weapons against the terrorists.

However, in the interim, I wish the best for Senator Johnson and his family.

Category: Politics

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