Putin on Trump Impeachment
‘Your Members of Congress Should Know Better’
The remarks from the Russian leader came during his wide-ranging annual press conference.
By Paul D. Shinkman, Senior Writer, National Security
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday criticized Congress for its pressure on President Donald Trump hours after the House of Representatives impeached the American leader, describing the partisan vote as “the continuation of the domestic political strife.”
“Your members of Congress should know better,” Putin said Thursday morning during his annual, wide-ranging press conference. His remarks came less than a day after the House impeached Trump on two articles almost exclusively along party lines: abuse of power, with a vote of 230-197, and of obstruction of Congress, with a vote of 229-198.
The Russian leader on Thursday defended Trump – with whom he has maintained an amiable relationship since the embattled American leader became president – against what Putin considered Democrats’ attempts in the aftermath of the election to “achieve results through others means, accusing Trump of colluding with Russia.”
“Later on, it turned out there had been no collusion, so this cannot be the basis for impeachment,” Putin said. “Now they are referring to alleged pressure on Ukraine. I don’t know what it is all about.”
Seems neither does Nancy Pelosi, who currently is sitting on the two Articles of Impeachment instead of turning them over to the Senate. More on this later.
Read the entire article here: US News.com

Russian Flag — Image by © Royalty-Free/Corbis
Category: Politics
More Russian collusion! Start more investigations!!!!!
Plastic Woman Pelosi probably has an appointment coming up soon for another round of Face Lifts in preparation of President Trumps’ State of the Union Address in January 2020.
That is going to be a very interesting State of the Union Address. Talk about AWKWARD!!!
What would also be interesting would be the reactions from the left in the aftermath of the 2020 presidential elections. The excitement I see, from the conservatives in favor of President Trump, is similar to what I saw for President Reagan. With all other things being equal, and unless something major happens between now and then, President Trump is looking at winning reelection. If that happens, the look on the leftists’ faces will be priceless.
President Trump WILL be Re-Elected in November 2020 and unfortunately, the Liberal Democrats will never stop with their asinine accussations and craziness.
History does have a tendency to repeat itself. I just hope our Nation does not go thru another Civil War.
Ditto, although we almost did that with segregation protests and then war protests in the 1960s.
The Botox Queen is sitting on two of those Articles of Impeachment?
Can she do that and get away with it?
Just what IS she hiding?
Someone needs to go into her office with a search warrant – a REAL one – and rummage through her personal stuff as well as lifting her bony ass off those documents she’s sitting on.
What is she hiding?
Oh, this gets better all the time.
You nailed it.
And in the meantime, Ole Plastic Woman can’t even take care of San Francisco….
“San Francisco Awash In Human Waste”
You can urinate, defecate and/or shoot up drugs on the streets of San Fuckedup, but DON’T EVEN THINK OF vaping there, that’s illegal in that town! Much of that town is like a third world shithole, which I am sure is what the D-rats and the left want to inflict on the rest of the USA!
As usual, your common sense prevails!
And don’t forget PLASTIC straws! The Horrors!
*An Innocent Tree Died Today So That I May Use A Paper Straw To Drink My Soda*
Yep, YOU KNOW that you’re in a very fucked up city when you can get in far worse trouble for possessing a plastic straw than you would for having a plastic syringe!
If she never sends the Articles to the Senate, Trump was never actually Impeached.
Not optional.
I luvs me some Vlad… he’s my hero!
I just wonder how much more Nazi-like Pelosi and company are going to get in their insane quest for power at all costs? I hope that this leads to the D-rats getting their asses handed to them at the polls in November!
She was trial-running that “black outfit” ….
Too bad she didn’t have on the matching hood and hemp necklace. scrunt!
Vlad prolly pissed cause all the money he paid to the Clinton Crime syndicate didn’t do him any good.
I am waiting to see how many Democrats (Clown Force) get new book deals for voting with Nancy. The book deals are a nice form pf bribery in the digital age.
Nothing surprises me about any of this – not any more.
If you sling enough shit on the wall, eventually some will stick…sliding down all the while though. I agree with Ex-PH2 above, nothing surprises me anymore. I might be slightly surprised if the morning mirror test revealed that Ruth Bader Ginsburg was indeed not breathing.
I agree with most of my ilk, this will never make it to the Senate. Too much egg on too many faces when Trump is found not guilty of anything, except being a great President.
I don’t think they stopped to appreciate, what a not guilty decision would do to Trump’s popularity in November to come. For the liberals, they live scrapping shit off their shoes so they don’t really care how they look.
But, russians went to the moon first!!!!111
Russian hackers can hack computers not connected to the interwebz using their mind powers!!!
They are scared to death of a trial during which rules of discovery will be enforced.
What will be discovered?
Most likely that the FBI spied on ALL republican presidential candidates from 2015 on and that this practice may go all the way back to the 2012 election cycle.
What that means is subject to speculation, but it would seem almost beyond comprehension that such wide ranging abuse of the DOJ was not coordinated at the highest level.
What will also be revealed, IMO, is that abuse of the FISA warrant system is not limited to mistakes or “abusers” but is both systematic and institutional across the entire spectrum of the DOJ, DHS, and perhaps even the DNI.
Once discovery starts, and witnesses can be called, all bets are off.
Of course, this assumes that Barr’s probes do not pick certain perps off sooner with actual indictments. I’m not optimistic that anyone will ever be held accountable, but the libertarians have been spot on with respect to the Patriot Act.
To add to my thoughts, I suspect that abuses are not limited to party, although we can’t know that yet.
The bottom line is that once you give these vermin the powers contained within the Patriot Act, they will use them to further their own agendas.
If there were ever to be a slam dunk argument against government power….
It’s been said that Rudy Guliani has uncovered more corruption and graft on the part of the Biden family, I bet that the DNC Pravda media will do all that they can to censor it from their coverage!