Mystery Solved

| March 20, 2009

The Republican National Committee is finally getting around to reaching out to bloggers. This just arrived in my email;

Category: Politics

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Larry T

The incoherent without a teleprompter president sends out his incoherent press secretary to convince us that the sky is falling.


I’m getting to the point where I can’t wait for Gibbs to make a daily appearance anymore. Gotta get some kind of free entertainment out of this Administration, lol. Lord knows Rahm might want to tax us for it otherwise.


Now,(pause……) that was……(pause….) painful.


For some reason the video is no longer available.

Jonn wrote: I still see it. The link is here;

airborne injun

Perhaps the term UNITED STATES CONGRESS should be replaced by something more appropriate like UNITED STATES ROMPER STOMPER ROMPER ROOM! They would both be equally entertaining.