Boomer Sunday
These guys went on to be Ex-PH2’s “A” School instructors. Those that lived, anyway.
Poetrooper’s pal Boomer, who comes to us from Guam where he clearly has Island Fever, has been filling up my in-box with cartoons. Some funny, some thought provoking and all from the right of the political spectrum. I’ve culled through them and picked the top ten, so let me know what you think. As if I have to ask.
There we are. So, keep it going as a weekly, a random posting, or not at all? In the interests of fairness, if LC would send me some from the ‘other’ side, I’d consider posting them as well. I’ll use the same thought process for those as I did with Boomer’s, that is if I don’t like it, it goes into the shitcan. What could be fairer that that?
I think a collected tome of the Sayings of Alexandria Occaionally-Conscious might just be a best-seller.
Oh God no…
Please don’t post that.
Every time I see that ass face I want to throw up…
I only proposed it because her latest brain-dead twitterpate is blaming the Philade3lphia refinery fire (cause by an explosion in a butane vat) is due to climate change.
The Stupid is strong with this one.
“That’s funny stuff right there, I don’t care who you are!” HT to Larry, a boy from Flyover Country. Go Big Red! Enjoyed these kinda cartoons for years and my daughter finally told me it was not pronounced me me. We’ve come a long way since the Thomas Nash days.
It’s true that President Trump fills stadiums while the D-rat candidates can’t even halfway fill a small elementary school cafeteria.
And yet, the Donks claim to get more votes. Kinda weird, eh?
Either the vast majority of Donk voters are ashamed to be seen, or one might assume the average Donk voter is imaginary.
Don’t forget the many Donk voters who have been deceased for many years or are illegal aliens or non-citizens.
Wouldn’t mind seeing something like this once a week.
Bring it on, those were great, I’d love to see more.
More, More.
“Take us to your concentration camp.” Love it!
Where are those Boomers reflective belts?! Any SGM / CSM that sees this is going to shit bricks.