Kos throws Murtha under the bus

| March 13, 2009

I guess since it’s not Bush’s War anymore they don’t need John Murtha’s portly shadow cast over them;

Here’s the link if you want it, but you’ve got to paste it into your browser (http://www.dailykos.com/story/2009/3/12/122212/162/186/707656) The really amazing part is that nearly all of the commenters agree. Of course, I recognize it as hypocrisy because they were scrambling to save Murtha a scant few months ago when it looked like he might lose his seat. So now that they control the Congress and the White House, they want to shed themselves of a potential embarassment. Personally, I don’t care – just so long as he’s gone.

On a tip from 1stCavRVN11B

Category: Antiwar crowd, Bloggers, John Murtha, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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Guess it didn’t take them very long to toss ol Multha under the bus after all, lmao!