Leftist Lunatic in Critical Condition After being a Dumbass!

| March 13, 2009

A California man has been critically injured as a result of his long time association with dumb-assery. Why do I call him a leftist? Here is where I found his photo. Pretty telling I think.

An Oakland man who was among the tree-sitters who fought to save a grove of oaks and redwoods next to UC Berkeley’s Memorial Stadium was critically wounded in the West Bank today by an Israeli-fired tear-gas canister, officials and acquaintances said.

Tristan Anderson, 38, was injured during a protest over the separation barrier that Israel erected between it and the West Bank. An Israeli soldier fired the canister during a clash with protesters and hit Anderson in the head, said Ulrika Jenson of Sweden, an activist with the International Solidarity Movement.

Did you catch the critical piece of his description? This free-thinking moron is 38 years old! I don’t mind hippie idiots when they are 19 or 20 but being this idiotic at 38 years old!

My God, when I was 38 I was a field grade officer with 21 years active service. I had long since passed being a dumbass and was a solid, productive citizen.

Naturally, it is unfortunate that Tristan got hurt and of course his terrorist pals in Hamas are doing all they can to care for him. Actually, not so much.

Anderson underwent brain surgery at Tel Hashomer hospital in Tel Aviv and was in the intensive care unit, Woody Berch, who works in civil-rights law in Israel, said after visiting the hospital.

Orly Levi, a hospital spokeswoman, told the Associated Press that Anderson’s condition was “life-threatening.”

That’s right, the evil Jews are enabling this useless prick to cling to life. Left to those he chose to enable his carcass would still be on a squalor street being spat on by the very same savages he thought he was championing.

The sad story continues:

Anderson’s girlfriend Gabrielle Silverman, 25, was keeping a vigil at the hospital, group members said.
Anderson and Silverman were among those arrested during the 21-month-long tree-sitting protest at UC Berkeley over the university’s plan to cut down a grove to build an athletic training center. The standoff ended in September and the university cut down the trees.

The couple went to Israel because they are “concerned about human-rights violations,” Larudee said. “They are involved in defending human rights in many different places. They just felt compelled to do that in Palestine.”

Will young Gabrielle learn from her boyfriend’s idiocy? Not likely.

See, Ms. Silverman was also a Berkley “tree sitter” and apparently as radically stupid as Tristan.

Gabrielle Silverman (“my treesitter name is millipede”) sat in court for Monday morning’s hearing. She was the first treesitter forcibly extracted from the branches last Tuesday.

“I’m very disappointed in the judge,” she said.

Asked what she planned to do next, the treesitter answered, “What do we do now? We keep giving them hell.”

Well Gabrielle hopefully your eyes have been opened to what ultimately happens to the radical leftists that you seem attracted to.

I remind you that one of your no doubt heroes Che Guevara was only 39 years old in October 1967 when he came screaming and crying out of the jungle and was shot on the spot.

Category: Politics

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Glenn Cassel AMH1(AW) USN RET

At 38 I was a severly overtime in grade First Class Petty Officer who had already dropped the Request for Transfer to The Fleet Reserve. It was part of the post Desert Storm Drawdown. I had already had one career and was getting ready to start another one.
A 38 year old hippy, tree hugger got in the way of Israel’s right to exist and got popped in the noggin with a tear gas canister. Actually if it was an aimed shot, it was a damned good one. Sierra Hotel to the IDF.


“They are involved in defending human rights in many different places. They just felt compelled to do that in Palestine.”

Yeah… And they wouldn’t dare “defend human rights” in more violent places like Burma or Kashmir ‘cuz the combatants don’t give a flip about the Geneva convention, unlike the IDF.


I know how to get those tree sitters down. It’s called a Stihl MS880.


very strange that Gabrielle Silverman was 19 years old in June 2008 and is 25 now. Sorry that this professional protester got hurt, but it appears he’s not only a tree-sitter but a cradle-robber.

what a life, eh?


There was a “Tristan” arrested with the IVAW pukes once. Wonder if it’s th same “Trisitan”.

Seem to recall it was at the Pentagon and he was a civivlian.

Just A Grunt

Would you be surprised to find out that one of his fellow tree sitters is your Energy Secretary Steven Chu?


Where does this idiot’s income come from? Probably parents/grandparents who are just glad to have him hanging out in Berkley or Gaza rather than coming home for a visit. He’s probably avoided real work for so long that he doesn’t realize that’s how most adults live.

Frankly Opinionated

elTaoseno said: ” He’s probably avoided real work for so long that he doesn’t realize that’s how most adults live.”
Isn’t that the way of the Liberal? They live off the producers, the doers, of America. Most often spending their lives in “Higher Education”, becoming dumber by the year. If they do “earn” any money it is probably in a coffee house in Copenhagen reciting 60’s poetry, while smoking a hooter. What a dipstick! Was he protesting when Hamasians were building bombs, and shooting rockets into Israeli farmhouses with families inside? When Saddam and sons were killing the citizenry in Iraq? I believe the part that he was found sitting in a tree. I am not sure he climbed up there. More’n likely he sprouted there and matured into a nut.
nuf sed

Marooned in Marin

This guy’s on the road to being like many of the 1960’s hippies, in their mid sixties and still doing the same shit they did when they were 20.


Fools in their own paradise. What did you do, daddy, when you were young? Well, I sat in a tree and then took on a metal projectile with my head, dear.


You seriously wrote that about gunner che? HA HA HA HA !!!!!


I suppose you still believe George Bush ain’t crackers for Miss Condaleeza


My heart pumps piss for Tristan Anderson. F*ck him.


Yeah, the first thing that jumped out at me was his age. My son turns 38 today. I am proud that he is a very productive person, busy raising a family and acting like a MAN. I would be ashamed of him if he were like this idiot. I think thebronze, post #13, says it all.


My son will be 38 next month, a soon-to-be Marine Master Sergeant, on his way to A-stan. A much better life than a professional student/tree-sitter/tear gas inhaler. And the Bronze is right, f**k Tristan Anderson. BTW, Tristan? sounds like a girlie name to me.

Marooned in Marin

UpNorth: I think you’re close. I went to high school with a girl named Trista.


M in M, hey, with the advances(?) in medical science, who knows, maybe it’s name was Trista, before the surgeries? We have to be careful, I’m sure we’ll offend SD.


I am 38. I gotta give the guy props for getting such a young piece of tail. But then again, I have over 20 yrs of Active duty, so dating such young strange is like masturbating with a cheese grater. Slightly amusing, but mostly painful.


Matt, ROFLMAO…. Way to make my day.


My treesitter name is “Holy mother of god are these people retarded”. It’s a long name, but my tree sitter spirit guide gave it to me.


This guy is a guy from my home town and our local paper in a conservative area is making this “poor” young man a hero…he is a rabble rouser in another part of the world and I have no sympathy for him or his cause

a friend

It’s incredible how much hate this article and comments display for someone nearly killed, and debilitated for life. Tristan has been a friend of mine. I hope that with him remains the human grace utterly lacking on this site.

Old Trooper

Would that be the human grace that led him to side with terrorists against Israel? Or, would that be the amount of hate that the ISM feels necessary to spew towards conservatives, Jews, etc.?

A little advice for ya: Don’t throw rocks from a glass house.

We have grace, we just don’t suffer fools too well.


Sad thing is the brain damage’ll probably make him even more liberal and martyr. Yeah, a friend, sorry to say that and it sucks to get hit in the head with a CS canister, but that’s pretty much it.


Considering my philosophy is “Stupidity should hurt” This dingus got what was coming to him. If you were truly a friend you would tell this useless pile to grow up and get a job and a life.

Southern Class

Sounds like he took the same protest course as Rachel “Pancake” Corrie. Stand in front of Israeli military dozers, don’t move when told to, try to deflect tear gas cannisters with your head, all taught in the same course?
And, the people they were protesting for would do them in, in a heartbeat for just being dumbasses.
No sympathy here.


[…] – otherwise known as “millipede” – is a tree-sitter and ISMer. Here’s hoping this video can be used as a basis for […]


I have a lovely wood burning insert in my fireplace. My Farm Boss and I love cutting trees down and splitting wood. My tree sitter name is: KMRIA.

On the tear gas cannister to the head issue, here are three examples of what could happen when dumbass travels to sh*thole to protest:

