Iran Guards Claim Drone Overflight of U.S. Carrier in Gulf

| April 28, 2019

cvn 69 ike

Simon Kent
A camera-equipped Iran Revolutionary Guards’ spy drone flew over an American aircraft carrier transiting the Strait of Hormuz, Tasnim news agency claimed in a Sunday report on its site.

The unverified report included footage apparently taken from a Guard drone that flew over the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower and another U.S. warship in the Persian Gulf. The images show fighter planes parked on the carrier deck.

A video published by the agency shows a light blue coloured drone with the name “Ababil III” written on the wings in Farsi and Latin script.

In the Koran, Ababil refers to a type of magical birds that protected Islam’s holy city of Mecca in Saudi Arabia against an invader king’s elephant army by dropping stones on them.

Lt. Chloe J. Morgan, a U.S. Naval Forces Central Command spokesperson, said in an email that the Eisenhower has not been in the Persian Gulf since 2016. She said the U.S. and its allies are committed to freedom of navigation in the Strait of Hormuz.

Even if the video is two years old, it’s a bit disconcerting for an Iranian UAV to get that close in to our warships unchallenged. A quick burst of 20mm from a CIWS should handle the issue nicely.

The entire article may be read here: Breitbart

Category: Blue Skies, Iran, Navy

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DB didn’t die. That was just a cover story so he could get super secret…. he is now flying drones for the Iranians.


The way the video is edited, I doubt seriously that it’s from a drone. I think the Iranians just took footage off the internet and cut & pasted it to get what they want.

If it’s two years old, why is it coming up now?

And why didn’t ship’s radar detect the drone?


It’s definitely the edit of two different videos. Early on you can see the effects of the AN/SPS-48 radiating and the interference in the video is synced when pointed at the video camera. At about the 1:16 point, the video shows the -48 pointed at the camera and there is no interference. It’s subtle but noticeable in its absence.


Them revoguardkhomaniacs are sure tech savvy, ain’t they?


The UAV at the beginning of the video looks big enough that it should pop on radar, or at least be spotted visually. So I’m inclined to think that if these are actual Iranian drone videos, they were taken with a small COTS drone with a GoPro on it.

Those would be small enough to evade both radar and visual detection. They’d be capable of hauling a small amount of explosives. Like a grenade-sized. Certainly never going to bring down a ship with that, but you could definitely make a mess of an aircraft or two and be a pretty good terror weapon. Which is interesting, because wasn’t it just last week that the Iranian Guard was upset they were being designated a terrorist organization? Then they go and show how they be terrorists.


Yup, BS. Even the one that uploaded the video spelled out how they could’ve obtained those videos.


It just looks to me like they nicked any USNAV stuff off Navy PR videos.

I only say this because it took them all these years to put something that is 2 years old on the internet. And none of the USNAV stuff looks like anything they could do.


Or, we allowed folks to look at a carrier.

“Oh my. That drone we have been tracking for six hours is sneaking undetected over us. The owners probably feel pretty clever. “


pffft…anything coming that close would have triggered General Quarters and immediate action…followed by laughter.


Horseshit. Multiple shots of the Ike were from a stationary position. Full on impossible with that POS RC airplane.

To believe anything from Iran, except “..we are so fucking sorry for being so fucking stupid for do fucking long. Please quit sinking our stupid fucking boats, and shooting down our stupid fucking aircraft…” is being ridiculous.

Remember the last official video of their indigenous “stealth” aircraft. This crap is right along side of that.

A Proud Infidel®™

Speaking of their “Stealth Aircraft”, I’ve seen small town Little Theater sets and Props that looked more convincing than that!

A Proud Infidel®™

I believe politicians more than I do those goat-humpers!

5th/77th FA

I likes Ike, and the Johnny Reb, and The Big Stick, and both the Georges, matter of fact, I likes all the floating air bases. They are loaded down with multiple Aerial Artillery Platforms that can bring the dam dam down on the bad guys.

Lubs me some Naval Aviation/Aviators….Navy football?….not so much! (dodges a thrown flight helmet, grabs the grog ration and beats feet out of the ready room…laughing like hell)

Cameron Kingsley

Army/Navy game? Never heard of it.

Kenneth Taylor

If it was a drone why wasn’t it shot down? I agree that it looks like a cut and past job from a back yard tent.

The Other Whitey

Nice beauty shots of the carrier. I could make a video like this with a web search and a free iPhone app. Of course it mike take me a few minutes to put it together.


I knew they advocated pedophelia, but now they have magical birds that drop stones? Shoot down their fucking drones.


Pretty creative to catch a time when there are only like 10 guys on the whole deck. Always thought carrier decks were a little busier. Wonder where the other 4990 guys were.

HT3 '83-'87

Looks to me like they just dubbed over the Godsmack tune “Awaken” from some of the Navy commercial spots about a dozen years ago. Take a look…wadda ya think?