State Judge, Who Helped Illegal Alien Escape ICE, Indicted in Federal Court

| April 28, 2019

Massachusetts State Judge, Shelley Joseph, crying in the aftermath of her federal court appearance. (Associated Press)

This should be a shot across the bow to state and local officials who stand with illegal aliens against federal immigration enforcement. A Massachusetts state judge, Shelly Joseph, and another court officer, are accused of assisting an illegal alien avoid ICE detention.

When ICE got wind of an illegal alien’s appearance in state court, they took the steps needed to be able to detain him after his proceeding. On his court appearance date, ICE had an agent ready to detain him after his court appearance. However, the state judge and a second court officer facilitated the illegal’s leaving through “the back door”.

The U.S. District Attorney decided to take a course of action that would lead to the state judge being on the other side of the bench.

From Fox News:

Medina-Perez’s lawyer was also heard telling Joseph “ICE will pick him up if he walks out the front door. But I think the best thing for us to do is clear the fugitive issue and release him on a personal, and hope that he can avoid ICE…That’s the best I can do.”

“What if we detain him?” the judge asked before requesting the clerk to turn off the courtroom’s audio recorder, leaving nearly a minute unrecorded.

Minutes later, Medina-Perez’s attorney said his client “has some property downstairs” and needed to speak to an interpreter, which Joseph allowed.

MacGregor then used his security access card to escort Medina-Perez out of the courthouse without being seen by the ICE agent, officials said.

“With the recorder off, defendant Joseph and the Defense Attorney discussed devising a way to have A.S. [Medina-Perez] avoid being arrested by the ICE officer,” court documents stated.

The ICE agent continued to wait in the lobby not knowing the illegal immigrant already left the building, Lelling said, adding Joseph lied about the incident to her superiors when asked about it.

Maura Healey, Massachusetts Attorney General, wasn’t happy with this:

From Fox News:

Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey said in a statement the indictment “is a radical and politically-motivated attack on our state and the independence of our courts.”

“It is a bedrock principle of our constitutional system that federal prosecutors should not recklessly interfere with the operation of state courts and their administration of justice,” she continued. “This matter could have been appropriately handled by the Commission on Judicial Conduct and the Trial Court. I am deeply disappointed by U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling’s misuse of prosecutorial resources and the chilling effect his actions will have.”

The Constitution clearly gives the federal government the right to deal with federal immigration issues. By helping an illegal alien escape arrest, the state judge and her “accomplice” interfered with the federal government’s duties. In this case, to deal with someone in this country illegally.

Here’s hoping to see more news like this as narcissistic, spoiled brat, social justice warrior state and local officials defy the federal government on this issue.

You can read more here.


Category: "Teh Stoopid", Politics

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Typical from Healey; she is noted for creatively twisting established law to suit her own ends. She made tens of thousands of Massholes into felons when she rewrote “assault weapons” definitions by executive fiat.


She clearly has NO right being a judge! MA A.G. Healey should follow right along out the door. She said, “….that federal prosecutors should not recklessly interfere with the operation of state courts….” I see nothing reckless here unless you consider that there are plenty of these “judges” presiding on courts throughout my lovely state of California.


Massachusetts arguing state’s rights? Has the state been converted to old time federalism?


Good! This should be just the start. They also need to go after the prosecutors who are declining to pursue charges on deportable offenses (like rape) so the suspect doesn’t get the boot.

Though I do feel bad for the bailiff. He was likely stuck between a rock and a hard place. Take the guy out the front like he’s supposed to and get found in contempt and/or lose his job or follow the judge’s orders and risk pissing off ICE.


The problem with the PDRofMA is that too many blindly vote for anyone with the D after their name, hacks and boobs like Hold It Healy and her predecesser Milk Carton Martha Coakly (she only surafced when there was a headline to be grabbed or a there was a campaign for higher office to lose) get returned to office no matter what they foist on the voters. We have DA’s who refuse to prosecute certain crimes, moronic judges who tell career criminals jail clearly isn’t working for you and release them to kill police officers; or release drug dealers peddling opiates saying he was only doing it to support his family it was a money crime – hello moron, he’s here illegally been deported before AND he’s selling heroin. We also have law makers who claim there is a “right” to bail and bail in itself decriminates against the poor because many can’t afford it. They also love them some illegal immigrants here. Me, I can still remember my mom’s reaction when I told her I had registered as a Republican when I registered to vote, she got this shocked look on her face and said “Your grandfather has got to be spinning in his grave, he always said ‘if he’s a democrat he’s a good guy’ even if the guy was the biggest crook on two feet.” Put this biatch judge away for a nice stretch, throw the book at the court officer and go after any law licenses of anybody else involved, for starters then do it across the country. Cut down on the surplus lawyer and activist judge population.

A Proud Infidel®™

“Cut down on the surplus lawyer and activist judge population.”

AMEN, PREACH IT, I myself am in favor of lynch mobs on ambulance chasers and ACLU types for starters.

Greg Roy

Get woke go broke, fired and no retirement pay.


I have no sympathy for her. She chose the previously deported drug dealers side. Now she is facing a new career making license plates and/or furniture for state offices.


Making license plates or furniture. She will be useful then.


Laws are for the little people…

You helped an illegal criminal invader who was also arrested for crimes while in your state escape.

But you would think nothing of destroying a small business who refused to bake a cake or for not allowing a deranged man who thinks he is a woman to pee in the ladies room.

God bless DJT.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Mass. Judge. I wonder if she poks her cah in the havad yads. I c e now that they were trying not to keep the illegal on ice so the Ice agent could make an arrest.
N ice try judge.



Comm Center Rat

A woman and her little girl were visiting the grave of the little girl’s grandmother. On their way through the cemetery back to the car, the little girl asked, “Mummy, do they ever bury two people in the same grave?”

“Of course not, dear,” replied the mother, “Why would you think that?”

“The tombstone back there said… ‘Here lies a lawyer and an honest woman.'”


Years ago when Arizona was getting sued over immigration Liberals were cheering saying that immigration is the jurisdiction of the Federal Government. Now that there is a Republican in office they have done a complete 180 degrees. If it wasn’t for double standards Liberals would have no standards at all.

A Proud Infidel®™

FURTHER PROOF that liberalism is a Mental Disorder!!!


It’s about damn time one of these individuals* got busted for this kind of thing.

*It’s Sunday. I try not to cuss on Sunday.


I try not to cuss whenever I am awak….


Dammit, I misspelled awake there…
Oh for fuck’s sake…

The Other Whitey

I restrain my language under four criteria: church, presence of kids, presence of my wife, and presence of my Mom.


“I try never to say fuck in front of a C-H-I-L-D” – Kinky Friedman

MSG Eric

What the Shit?

A Proud Infidel®™

Here we go again, liberal Judicial Activists having their feet held to the fire and I hoe that each and every one of them MELTS into oblivion, ditto with their careers, let them have to BEG for jobs mopping floors and washing dishes!

A Proud Infidel®™

OH, and that pic of her doing the proverbial perp walk? PRICELESS!!!!


It does have a very “Hillary supporters on Nov 8, 2016 night” vibe to it.


This should be a shot across the bow…

Your Navy is showing, tb.

MSG Eric

Hmm, she’s not wearing a necktie, she has on a blouse.

How about, shot across the blouse?


Bow, as in the front part of a ship, not bow, like a ribbon in her hair, my Nautically Challenged friend.

MSG Eric

Oh, as in she’s lucky we’re not shooting her across the bow of a ship? Gotcha.

That might be fun to see though…




If you’re gonna cry your honor then cry for the victims and their families. How many have been raped, robbed or murdered because judges like you aided these scumbags.

A Proud Infidel®™

THAT would require her to have a conscience, which the vast majority of liberals don’t thus I’m sure she’s only sorry she got caught!

The Other Whitey

The Mass. AG doesn’t have a leg to stand on. The feds weren’t leaning on the state to influence a verdict or sentencing. The feds’ position was, “When you’re done with him, we’re picking him up for a federal beef.”

The feds made no encroachment into state jurisdiction. The state authorities aided and abetted an offender in evading federal arrest and prosecution. The judge, defense lawyer (sorry, you can’t break the law on your client’s behalf, dickshit), and any other accomplices should do hard time in a federal facility, where I’m sure an ex-judge will get along just swimmingly.

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure that an ex-Judge would get along about as well as an ex-Cop!

5th/77th FA

Bwaaahahahahahahahahahahaha gasp pant hahahahahahahahah snort guffaw hahahahaha giggle tee hee

BTW your Honor, States Rights took a big hit a 155 years ago…..Club Fed Rules.

Dumbass. Hope we see more winning like this.

A Proud Infidel®™

What really adds some 200 Proof Schadenfreude to this for me is the thought that she was likely grinning and gloating when she did that and now she’s in “OH SHIT, I GOT CAUGHT!” mode!

Kenneth Taylor

And these “Wallies” go after Mr Trump with absolutely no evidence of wrong doing. They committed a criminal act so should pay the price.


Make sure when they convict her to yank her law license.

A Proud Infidel®™️

It’s a sure bet that she’ll be disbarred upon conviction.


I saw a few days ago in another story that the ACLU was complaining, too.


Her co-conspirator just recently retired from the court system – wonder if they could tamper with his pension…