
Another Trump assassination attempt?

| September 15, 2024 | 63 Comments
Another Trump assassination attempt?

Here we go again. Reports out of West Palm Beach are that shots were fired “in the vicinity” of Trump, who was golfing at his resort there. According to The Independent, not a very Trump-friendly outlet mind you, the target was Trump. That’s if you can believe the media, and who in this day and […]

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No good news for Trump

| September 14, 2024 | 107 Comments
No good news for Trump

Regardless of whether Trump claims he swept the debate, and that everyone SAYS he did, it seems from here that he is seriously mistaken. Now, there are quite a few allegations swirling that Kamala Harris got quite preferential treatment, which would certainly skew the results. The gist is that whenever Trump said something remotely fallacious, […]

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Crooks’ rifle pics released

| August 31, 2024 | 26 Comments
Crooks’ rifle pics released

They have released pictures and some info on the ‘eeevull’  AR-15 Mr. Crooks used to take a shot at Trump. Pearl clutching is in order. The weapon itself is almost a box-stock DPMS model….certainly not a high-end rifle, more like the sort of thing you buy just walking into the gun store and asking for […]

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Trump’s Arlington woes

| August 30, 2024 | 29 Comments
Trump’s Arlington woes

First off, I have to congratulate Donald Trump for appearing at Arlington on the anniversary of the Afghan airport bombing that killed 13 of our own (see thebesig’s column 8/27 for more detail.). It’s a disgrace that the President, Vice President, and Saint Weekend Warrior all failed to even mention it, much less actually go. […]

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Change of pace

| June 28, 2024 | 35 Comments
Change of pace

Well, been picking on the Biden folks pretty hard lately. Lest anyone think there is any bias from my end – I heartily dislike ALL of ’em – let’s go look at some Orange-spew for the day. “What I want to do, and what I will do, is you graduate from a college, I think […]

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Der Nazi Trump ge-exposed ist!

| May 27, 2024 | 63 Comments
Der Nazi Trump ge-exposed ist!

Or something like that… for going on 8 years the anti-Trumpers have accused him of being a closet Nazi, wanting to install a neo-Nazi government…hell, they have accused him of everything short of  barratry and simony. Yet somehow it seems that whatever they accuse  him of, is something they attempt to bring in themselves. Weaponize […]

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Massie, Trump dissing troops

| April 22, 2024 | 27 Comments
Massie, Trump dissing troops

So little space, so much to discuss. Let’s start with the Iranian bombing of Israel. It isn’t bad enough that we have pro-Palestinian demonstrations occurring on campuses of “institutions of higher learning” but we even have support for Hamas in Congress. As Mr. O’Rourke said, “a parliament of whores” indeed. More than a dozen House […]

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Thursday thoughts – Biden, RNC, SF Patch, Abortion travel

| March 28, 2024 | 74 Comments
Thursday thoughts – Biden, RNC, SF Patch, Abortion travel

Well, that was fast. President Biden says the US Government will pay the cost to rebuild the Francis Scott Key bridge in Baltimore…seems he has traveled over it many times on his way to or back from home in  Delaware, whether driving or by train. “At about 1:30 [a.m. Tuesday], a container ship struck the […]

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