Film about SEAL who shot OBL

| February 7, 2019

They have just announced that Universal Studios plans to make a movie about Rob O’Neill, the SEAL who fired the shots to kill Osama Bin Laden. It will be based on the book “The Operator,” which was written by O’Neill.

Based on his accounts in “The Operator,” O’Neill had been involved in several other operations that have since been turned into films, including the attempt to rescue Marcus Luttrell in what became “Lone Survivor” and the story that became Paul Greengrass’s “Captain Phillips.”

Brace for impact – lots of fake SEALs will be coming out of the woodwork timed with the film’s debut.

Category: Politics

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Lorne Michaels? Who is gonna be the hero in this story, Obama or Osama?


There’s a difference?


Well, one of them no longer requires oxygen . . . .


And many would say that it’s the one still wasting oxygen that actually caused this nation more damage.


Jesse Ventura autistic screeeeke!

Slow Joe

Jesse Ventura was just an UD.


More of an ED, but they have pills for that.


Jesse wouldn’t have even made a good IUD.


Jesse Ventura UTI!


You guys are smacking ’em outta the park…


I met more than a few real SEALS who despise O’Neill and said he is shunned by many in the community for coming out about all this, from day one.


You are absolutely right. He sold his soul for money and notoriety; now I guess I’m supposed to say “I hope he enjoys it” but I won’t. O’Neil is pissing on the legacy and the graves of better men who went before him, and he deserves all the disdain we can give him.


Indeed. “Quiet Professional”, my ass.

The reason SEALs, submariners, Intel types are so good at what they do is they don’t discuss their successes outside their communities.

Their failures? EVERYBODY gets to nitpick the shit out of those.


I was confused, for a couple of reasons, when he disclosed back in 2014 that he was the one who shot Bin Laden.

1. The SEAL Ethos/Creed has this line in it:
” I do not advertise the nature of my work, nor seek recognition for my actions.”

2. Did he ever consider that by going public and taking credit for shooting Bin Laden he was also putting his family & team mates in harms way?

Also, why did he quit the Navy in 2012 with 16 years service, and not put in four more years in order to retire?

Slow Joe

Occasionally, but not very frequently, I have come across people that have been there and done that, but cannot help to talk about it and become the center of attention, looking to feel the adulation and acceptance of the people around them.

It is a mental problem. I think people like that weren’t loved by their parents when they were kids, and feel the constant need to fill that emptiness with fake love.


Rumor Control had it that Cankles basically had to arm-twist Barry into green lighting the mission.

barry sit room

Who is in charge here?


The real decider in Commander 0’s abode was ValJar, and she vetoed the mission on three prior occasions. If not for the pressure from the SecDef, it never would have happened. 0 finally ok’d it because he was reminded that the fact he had a chance to get Bin Laden would likely leak out, and failure to take the chance would not bode well for his re-election.


Also read an article that substainated this (VJ wanting to axe the mission). I always wondered why DEVGRU was chosen over CAG. I mean the ocean was very far away. Just sayn


RE: your second q

ADM McRaven was USSOCOM CO at the time of the operation, and gave the op to DEVGRU – where he had once served under Dick “The Geek” Marcinko as an O-3.

No doubt that any other USSOCOM commander, save for probably his predecessor Eric Olson (another SEAL), would’ve picked CAG.

I’m sure the decision has paid dividends to the NSW community as i can only assume that NSW hasn’t been hurting for more guys to sign on the dotted line and come try out.

HT3 '83-'87

SEAL POSer: O’Neill pffffttt…I taught that guy everything he knows, but I didn’t teach him every thing I know. One other time, I was showing Chris Kyle the right way to do blah, blah, blah…

We can see it coming.


NSW will wash their hands of this movie.

O’Neill is universally despised throughout community.

Got out of the Navy … ah, clue.

5th/77th FA

And NOW we know. Thanks Master Chief.

But won’t it star that former top gunz masterbaitor, err navel aviater? I mean after all, that one does have fake navy creds. Do we have enough toner to print out the SF 180s we’ll need for the teams of seals that will show up? Are there enough Golden Corrals to handle all of these Meal Teams? Will all of the extras be survivors of Macho Grande?


They may have survived it, but they will never get over it.


Loudmouth Professionals?


BTW I thought they already made this movie?

(NSFW language warning.)

Starring TAH’s favorite retired USMC LT Col, Rob Riggle.

My, My, My

Two Robs don’t make a right 🙂


How many people shot him? Wasn’t there another guy claiming it previously? I’m confused. Also let’s be realistic here these guys get pittance pay so if they want to benefit off their duty so be it. Hollywood and former President Obama used it to benefit I don’t see the problem with the men that actually did it wanting to benefit.


I would like to think he had more dignity (and professionalism) than Barack Obama. Obviously he doesn’t.

Slow Joe

Yeah, but it is something that doesn’t belong to him.

He got lucky that he shot OBL. (if he did)

We all know how much work goes into planning a mission. Then jobs get assigned, assault team, breach team, support-by-fire team, outer cordon team, demo team, EPW team, etc, etc, with some duties overlapping.

He got lucky that he ended up being at the point of contact.
He was not better than his battle buddies, he had the same fuckin training and was a memof the same fuckin team.

But the mission developed that way, as we all know, we train for max flexibility, and somehow his team ended up in that floor, and he ended up in front of his team.

There is lot that goes into clearing a building, and when you don’t know for a fact the layout of the OBJ, there is no telling which team will end up at the tip of the dory (hoplite spear) or holding the sauroter (hoplite spear butt).

Slow Joe

My point is, you go on a mission, somehow you get eyes on target and you score, be humble enough to recognize it was a team effort. REALLY, a team effort, in which everybody did his job superbly which in turn allowed you to score.

MI Ranger

So basically he is claiming to have screwed up and not captured the guy…”had to defend my self” when he hopped out of bed, and armed himself.

Or did he!? They also claimed to have buried the body at sea, after the autopsy… Maybe he is just claiming the unclaimable, since he was captured, and is still being held in a secret facility in an undisclosed location!


Mark Wahlberg been signed to play the titular role yet?

2/17 Air Cav

Didn’t O’Neill shoot Liberty Valance, too?

5th/77th FA

He shot JR Ewing and he shot the Sheriff. But he didn’t shoot the deputy.





He shot a man in Reno.

5th/77th FA

…just to watch him die…


I have it on good authority he was in Vegas on September 7, 1996, and in LA on March 9, 1997.

Pure coincidence, no doubt.


He was there at the OK Corral, even though the gunfight took place somewheres else.

Geez, he was right there at the Alamo, too! He was everywhere, including Apache Pass!


Rob O’Neil is proving time and again to be an embarrassment to the SPECOPS community. If he had any dignity or self-respect at this point, he would just go away.


Sounds like a case of ME before WE.

2/17 Air Cav

You can buy his book. You can rent him to speak at an event. Soon, you will be able to watch Hollywood’s version of him. He’s a star!


I have never understood O’Neil’s need for the attention. I have seen several interviews with him and others and he definitely likes the attention. I felt Marcus’s book and subsequent movie were in good taste to Honor his fellow fallen warriors. I have not read O’Neils book but I did read the other one by the other guy. I know money is a driving factor and as you have pointed out that leaving at 16 years tells a story. What are your thoughts on Eddie?


Remember when Esquire ran a story on how Mr. O’Neill was supposedly “screwed” because he was out of money? Good times.


Esquire. ‘Nuff said.


Just want to be very clear here – I did NOT shoot OBL and will never be one of the 4,763,892 who make that claim.


errr, yeah that was sarc, but it’s still true.

Reverend Pointyhead

What a fool, a long with the others claiming to have shot OBL.
Bin Laden wasn’t shot for one thing, he was beaten to death with a dog turd. They (the media at large) also omitted a key detail: upon removing his mask it turned out that OBL was actually old man Mitchell from that spooky theme park the whole time!
I know because my pothead BIL was there with his weird van friends and his dog.


And he would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for those pesky kids!

E T Gwynn

What the hell happened to the high water mark?

Walter nizzza

Fame can make you sick. You are better off without it