Fort Riley Soldier Charged with Murder Conspiracy

| January 28, 2019

Junction City Post photo.

Remember that Fort Riley Soldier that got arrested after trying to meet a 16-year-old? This is the same guy who, while in custody, had the bad luck of someone using his car as a battering ram.

We have another case involving a Fort Riley Soldier, this time on suspicions of murder. If he’s guilty, SFC Jeremiah Joseph Grubb threw away a good career… Doing something he may have told others not to do during safety briefs.

From Junction City Post:

Junction City police have arrested Jeremiah Joseph Grubb, 33, Junction City, on suspicion of Conspiracy to Commit Capital Murder in connection with the death of Jenna Schafer, 31, Junction City in December. Grubb is an active duty soldier at Fort Riley and holds the rank of E-7 in the Army.

Police also said after a search warrant was conducted in the 600 block of West 5th Street, Grubb, along with Julia M. Ridenour, 20, Junction City were arrested on suspicion of Possession of a Hallucinogenic, Possession of a Stimulant and Possession of Drug Paraphernalia

According to the Topeka Capital Journal, Jenna Schafer was pregnant, and was a victim of an alleged contract killing.

You can read more from the Junction City Post and from the Topeka Capital-Journal.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", Dumbass Bullshit

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5th/77th FA

Lot more to this than any of these articles indicated. We will wait patiently for the “rest of the story.”

Either way, the Sarge has f’ed up royally. Sex, drugs, and rock & roll?


Agree ^^^^


Unfortunately, stupid and evil are not confined to any one group or class of people.

2/17 Air Cav

First, he isn’t charged with murder so you might want to correct that. Second, who gives a shit about his career if he’s guilty. The woman killed was pregnant and had two daughters, motherless since Christmas Day.

2/17 Air Cav

“Wrong. He was charged with conspiracy to commit murder, you might want to correct that.”

What language care we communicating in? You (or someone) changed the title of your article to reflect the correct charge, so what’s up with that “Wrong” business? As for the rest of your explanation, I know that your skin is transparent but, man, that explanation sucked. I can hear it now, ‘Well, I was going to contract to kill my wife, but after reading thebesig’s piece, I’ve reconsidered.’

2/17 Air Cav

Look, if you don’t know that a charge of murder and a charge of conspiracy to commit murder are different, that they are not the same thing, then there’s nothing more I can say about that. As for the rest of your tome, I’ve caught your act m,any times with others previously. Now, it’s my turn. You cannot take any criticism, let alone correction, and you wear the other party out with your ramblings. So, have at it. This one ought to be worth another 2,000 words. Oh, and congratulations on pushing a pencil for so long. Your dick is certainly bigger than mine.


Congrats 2/17. With every reply you get free psychoanalysis!

2/17 Air Cav

Sorry, GDC. I didn’t read all of that crap but I saw just enough to hold my nose and turn away.


Been there, done that.

2/17 Air Cav

Blah, blah, and blah. I read enough, as I said. You think otherwise. Okay. That’s fine. Stick with what you’re good at: global warming and weather reports.

2/17 Air Cav

Hey, I haven’t read this one at all. I’m sure it’s your usual excellent work. You can call me a liar again. It’s okay. I know it makes you feel better. Any word on the polar vortex?


It’s not that you are a liar. It’s just that you have anger issues and control issues and you’re a narcissist. Just like anyone else that’s ever tried to have a discussion with him.


True to form.


As the mother of the victim, I hope this piece of shit rots in hell!! The pain, the loss, the emptiness, the heartache that engulfs our family is overwhelming and if he gave 2 shits about his career, he wouldn’t of been AWOL and maybe just maybe had he stayed on the straight and narrow my daughter would be here and my precious grandchildren wouldn’t of lost their mom!!! The depths of hell are not even good enough for him!! An eye for an eye!!


Must be a slow day. And the site ran out of blue pixels.


Wow, part of taking a hit out on a pregnant woman? Classy. There’s much more to this story, so I look forward to hearing it.


Rae Carruth could not be reached for comment.

Just my .02 worth.

Club Manager, USA ret.

Let’s see, 33 year old man, 20 year old woman, drugs. What could possibly go wrong. I recognize I’m old school but what ever happened to getting a little mutual strange without anything more involved than an adult beverage if candy was not dandy. We live in a scary world.


124 miles from Junction City to Fort Leavenworth. If guilty, I hope the ex-Sarge enjoys is last road trip.
Aside, it looks like Fort Riley became Fort Stewart’s dumping ground for problem childs.


He may not be going to Leavenworth. Kansas may try him on state charges and send him to El Dorado instead.

A Proud Infidel®™

He could end up in Lansing as well.


Possibly, if he gets less than a death sentence. It’s my understanding that all Kansas inmates who receive a death sentence go to El Dorado.

A Proud Infidel®™

I wonder who will claim Primary Jurisdiction, the Military or the State of Kansas? He could end up getting tried and convicted by both and have to serve time in the USDB at Leavenworth followed by time served in a Kansas Prison just like when someone in the Service gets a DUI and not only pays for it in Civilian Court, they get punishment from their CoC.


I suspect if he’s convicted in state court of conspiracy to commit murder, he may well get a very long sentence or possibly the death penalty. If that happens I kinda doubt the military will waste its time trying him. My guess is that in that scenario they’ll simply Chapter 14 him, give him a UOTH, and let Kansas have him.


If he’s guilty of being involved in the murder of a pregnant woman (no matter if she was a druggy skank endangering her unborn child), then all he deserves is a bullet to the base of the skull, and a shallow grave..(coyotes gotta eat too!)