Monday Feel Good Stories

| January 28, 2019


Fatal warning shot?
Homeowner fatally shoots man during fight in east Orange County, deputies say

BITHLO, Fla. — A man was found dead in the doorway of an east Orange County home with an apparent gunshot wound and the homeowner was found nearby with a significant head injury, deputies said.

The shooting was reported just before 9 p.m. Thursday at a home on Vonderay Road near State Road 417 in Bithlo.

After finding a 53-year-old man who died in the doorway, deputies found the homeowner, with significant injuries to his head.

Authorities said the homeowner shot the man during a fight. The homeowner’s brother told WESH 2 News he had been trying to help the man who was killed by driving him to the Department of Motor Vehicles.

The brother said, for unknown reasons, the man attacked the homeowner with an object and hit him over the head. The homeowner thought he was firing a warning shot to defend himself but accidentally killed the man, according to the homeowner’s brother.

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Read the rest of the article here: WESH 2

Any man attacking a woman deserves nothing less.
Man shoots, kills another man in defense of daughter in O’Fallon, Mo.
Author: Ashley Cole
The incident happened around 10 p.m. in the 10 block of Holly Court.

O’FALLON, Mo. – A 45-year-old man was killed during a domestic incident in O’Fallon, Missouri Thursday night.

The man has been identified as 45-year-old Juan Ante.

Police responded to the 10 block of Holly Court around 10 p.m. for a report of a person who had fired a shot.

When officers arrived, they learned there had been a domestic violence incident between Ante and a 43-year-old woman. The woman’s father was also there and he reportedly fired a handgun in defense of his daughter.

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The rest of the article, here:

Don’t we already have this data point?
1 hospitalized following shooting in Miami

An employee at an auto dealership reportedly shot a customer who charged at him with a knife in Miami.

Miami Police responded to the scene of the shooting at Easy Auto Pay along Northwest 79th Street and Fifth Court, around 3:48 p.m., Friday.

Officials said the employee shot the customer after he charged at him with a knife. The man was reportedly angry with the service he received.

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The rest, you know, here:

Happy Monday, Delta Whiskies and Whiskettes, the total for the day is a quite respectable 2 / 1 / 0, with two definitely done dancing, one healing up before he stands in front of The Man, and no reported leakers. But you know they’re out there, waiting.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Toxic Deplorable B Woodman

Well! Guess who will never patronize Easy Auto Pay ever again!

Toxic Deplorable B Woodman

I guess if you’ve been knocked on the head, you’d be dazed enough to mis-aim a warning shot.


Pew Pew Pew!


Gotta love the irony: perp hits his victim in the head, and screws up his victim’s ability to aim so badly that the victim’s warning shot ends up killing the perp.

Talk about yer well-deserved Instant Karma . . . . (smile)


Yeah, that blood running into his eyes prolly messed up the shooter’s sight picture. See, warning shots are overestimated as to non-lethality.


Finally a warning shot that was safely fired. One should remember that if you fire a warning shot, you are responsible for that bullet until it is completely stopped. If you fire it into the air and on decent it hits someone other then the perp, you are liable also if fired into the ground a ricochet is the same. Course given time and a couple of test shots an old artillery fella could put the downward trajectory such that it would come down between the perp’s ears and a great pool player would figure out the angles for a bank shot (ricochet) that would hit the center between the shirt pockets. All I can really say is if the head wounded person was an older person, don’t mess with him, as to Mr DRT, 53 and fighting, message to all that are over 50, you still can’t dodge a bullet, much like having a knife, do not bring it or any object to a gun fight, stay home as was probably safer.


On a pedantic side note – oddly, bullets tend to ricochet at a much steeper angle than you would think. Read a study about 30 years back where they were examining an unusual spurt of “I fired into the ground in front of him and somehow the bullet hit him” shootings, turns out much of the time if you fire a bullet into the ground at (to pick a number) a 20-30 degree angle it may ricochet at a 70 or 80 degree angle. Part of this is no doubt the ‘English’ since even a relatively slow bullet is spinning at a high rate (37,000+RPM for even a slow .45 230 grain slug). Thinking you know where a bullet will go when fired onto concrete or any other hard surface is a fool’s errand. Kinda like when I try to make a two rail bank shot.)


It’s also been found that (probably because of that “English” spin”) that they can ricochet at a much shallower angle.

Years ago (like early 90s) there were a few studies done, and lectured about in Ohio police academies, about this very shallow bullet deflection, particularly down long hallways in concrete/brick/block buildings.

I think the lesson here is that when a bullet strikes something the path becomes unstable and unpredictable.

2/17 Air Cav

Glad to see you posting, Gravel. I have been wondering about you and how you’re doing.



Thanks. I still read the site almost every day, but I’ve been busy with a new house … VA Loan, and VA Hospital modifications (through PT/KT and Prosthetics.)

And, the VA is sending a “rep” down from the Cleveland regional office in early Feb. to evaluate the house for more modifications on the SAH (or is it SHA? I always forget) grant. It’s an 81K +/- grant for modifications. The balance of the unused portion can be applied directly to the principle of the mortgage.

It’s been a bit hectic, but finally slowing down.

2/17 Air Cav

Glad to hear you’re getting results, man. Busy is good. Too busy to enjoy life is not.


Everyone says the VA backed loan process is like molasses. I saw the house on Sept. 16th, and again on the 22nd, and had hashed out the price by the 28th. My bank doesn’t do VA backed loans, so it took me a couple days of research to find one. Then, start to finish, we were done and closed on Nov. 2nd.

It really helps when the lender specializes in them and gives you a solid list of everything needed. We didn’t have any issues with, “oh we forgot to do this, or have this inspected.” I was pleasantly surprised.

The longest part of the wait was for the ramp factory to manufacture the 50 feet of aluminum ramps and platforms and get them installed. That took another 30 days or so before I could actually move in.

2/17 Air Cav

Happy endings are always welcome. My VA home loan worked like a snap, too. I always attributed that to the fact that the lender handled just about everything. Actually, I think the lender did handle everything.

MI Ranger

I seem to recall instruction during CQB training that stated bullets tend to “hug” the wall. We were told to get down low in the hallway and to the center…when you weren’t walking in a deliberate manner firing rounds the other way!


Yep, exactly … they would take a very shallow angle ricochet and end up continuing down range about 8 to 14 inches off said wall.


Not only that, but you can “skip” bullets underneath cars using the same principle and hit persons barricaded on the other side.


Skipping rounds off of concrete or asphalt, I should say.

5th/77th FA

Where dahell is Jeff? I’m still needing that spare Brinks truck. Maybe I shouldn’t have given them boys a bonus out of my trifecta winnings. Two and one doesn’t pay as well but it is still a winning hand. Somebody needs to check on the boy. I’m wagering now that another 3fer is on the way before Thursday.

A 43 yo women is still Daddy’s little girl. Remember, the old man will kill you, given just a piece of a chance.


I know I have three daughters – one biological, two in-law – and no matter how old they may get, if I’m still able to aim and fire anyone who messes with them or my grandchildren had best be prepared to talk to God face-to-face about it.

And one of the problems with helping some folks, is they start to think they are entitled to your aid and get mad when you don’t do what they want. Now there is one fewer selfish morons in the population. Sad, but the world is better off for their demise.


The funny thing is (in the first one) the shooting didn’t even happen near Bithlo, Florida. Vonderay Road is 10 miles west of Bithlo. I love how the Orlando news always claim that everything east of the 417 is Bithlo, until you get east of Christmas, Florida.

I know, I know … journalists!!!


Almost got me … I had the coffee cup halfway to my mouth and stopped while I was reading your reply. I laughed so hard that I’m sure coffee would have come out my nose.