Soldier Injured in Syria Blast in Critical Condition

| January 28, 2019

Captain Jonathan Turnbull while deployed to Afghanistan. U.S. Army Photo.

Captain Jonathan Turnbull was one of three who were wounded in a Syria blast that killed four Americans. He was flown to Baghdad, where surgeons stabilized his condition. Then, he was flown to Germany for more substantive treatment.

According to friends and family, he’s in critical condition. His condition is the kind where doctors don’t know which way his recovery would turn. His family has requested prayers for him.

This explosion killed additional personnel, and appears to be the work of ISIS. More from Stars and Stripes:

Turnbull was slated to return home days before last week’s blast, friends and family have said, but his deployment got extended.

The family received the news that he’d been wounded a few days later, his sister-in-law Sarah Williams told ABC12 News.

“‘Freedom isn’t free.’ He always said that. We didn’t realize the cost of that until 24 hours ago,” she said. “We’re very thankful that he’s going to survive. We didn’t think that at one point.”

Surgeons in Iraq had removed shrapnel and placed a shunt in Turnbull’s head to relieve pressure on his brain, his cousin wrote on the GoFundMe page that’s since been closed. He had lost vision in his eye, said Erin Turnbull. It’s unclear if he regained his vision.

In a post shared by others on social media, a pastor at Jonathan Turnbull’s hometown church said his injuries also included a broken pelvis and a fractured skull.

His deployment to Syria was supposed to be his last, some family members had said.

You can read more here:

Category: Syria

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Yes, he is very correct … Freedom is not free.

Prayers to CAPT!

2/17 Air Cav

I’m good for an extra 10 Hail Marys ’cause he’s Cav.


May he recover quickly and completely and retribution be swift and severe.


Thank the Almighty for Men such as he.
Speedy recovery to the Captain.


Swift healing and easy rehab, Captain.


Prayers to God 6 Actual. Lift this good Captain up to the great physician and Almighty Healer. Thy will be done. Peace and healing to him and his family. Amen.


Godspeed, CPT. May your recovery be complete and quick.


Prayers to him and his family.

Wilted Willy

Capt. may God Bless you and your family during this most difficult time. I pray for your quick and complete recovery and I hope the devil kills those that did this to you!

5th/77th FA

God’s healing hands be placed upon CPT Turnbull. His strength and peace be with the Family.

Bring them home….Now…

“Deployment was to have ended in a few days, but was extended.”

“deployment was supposed to be his last.”

Bring them home….Now….