Midweek Open Thread

| January 16, 2019

Crown-of-thorns starfish, photo taken by Jon Hanson/Wiki Commons.

Happy Hump Day TAH! How’s everybody holding up this winter? Here’s your midweek open thread – talk about anything you want to talk about. Someone double crossed you and you want to “roast” him or her here? Have at it.

Feel free to post link leads for posts you want to see here.

The above photo is from an article about using robots to help deal with invasive species.

Category: Open thread

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Combat Historian

Mid week first…

5th/77th FA

If GDContractor don’t show up soon and defend his 1st in the only FIRST that counts among all of the FIRSTs, the Friday Weekend Open Thread FIRST, we’ll know that he needs to be schooled on how to Lord it over the other dickweeds.

He has been slack in his Lording over and proclaiming his FIRSTness since his 1st in the Friday WOT. I believe this is a 1st in the non lording over of all of the FIRSTs since the 1st FIRST. ymmv


Perhaps he took the Gillette ad to heart and decided to be a better man.

Naaaah he’s probably just busy.

Combat Historian

I just know that as the First in the MOT, I don’t really get to lord over much of anything…



BlueCord Dad

Third…I think


Havin a beah after lunch.

I see Nancy wants to postpone the State of the Union. Security issues. Funny.


Failing a postponement she wants it submitted in writing first. She really thinks she’s the most important person in the country, doesn’t she? All hail, Queen Nancy.

5th/77th FA

C’mon Mason, Killary WideloadMcPantssuitthe bitchofbenghazi got the test questions on the debate in writing beforehand. Didn’t she?

Dwight Schwarz

I heard somewhere that the folks outside her wall seeking asylum were arrested and now some of them are being deported. As usual she talks out her ass both ways as to a wall.


Beah with Poco?


un poco senoir Sam Adams


What happened to the post where everyone was introducing themselves? The one that was “pinned?”


Saved it for ya:


It is now being gleaned for PII and claims of derring due.


So my claims of being the second coming of Chuck Norris and my claims of 7 MOHs and 32 PHs will get deleted?


They were gonna swarm him, better to judged by 12.


Don’t like to see the PTSD thrown out as a defense for this. I’m not losing sleep over him punching an attacking thug.


Gotta say it was a well executed punch.
And a southpaw at that!
She probably needed braces anyway.

5th/77th FA

The right reverends al, jesse, louis, and wright appearing in 5,4,3,2…

They will attempt to crucify this poor dude. Think about it, an old white man assaulting the poor little 11 yo black child.

Wonder where the parents of this gang of juvenile punks were? Have seen these types of roving gangs, girls, boys, girls and boys. Many times they are armed with guns and knives.



To protect your anonymity please change your actual name to something that can’t be traced back to you. There are a lot of people out there who wish us ill. Protect yourself from potential inclusion in frivolous lawsuits– in other words don’t make it easy for the bastards.

That is all.

RGR 4-78

Suggested board names;

Seriously, don’t use your real name.




Lars wishes he would have taken this advice.


Lucille (Hat tip to The Walking Dead tv show.)

Hmmm, did Buford T Pusser name his stick? Research time!


Don’t know about BTP, but B.B. King named his guitar(s) Lucille.


And then there’s ‘Lucille’ in “Cool Hand Luke”.

Dwight Schwarz

tried and doesn’t work


It worked “outcast”.


Thanks OS2. Beat me to it. “outcast.” I like it.


I would like to go by Long Duc Dong…


This just in, AOC condones gang-bangs:


Justice Kavanaugh unavailable for comment.


She is so dense, I’m genuinely concerned that she’ll collapse into herself and create a black hole.

5th/77th FA

She will be re-elected and there are more like her in the wings. It’s just gonna get worse.

Saw a blurb on somebody’s news feed about a Korean American Girl that was elected. She was Republican. Hadn’t seen anything on MSM about it.


You see this? https://www.detroitnews.com/story/news/politics/2019/01/16/fla-official-says-tlaib-could-blow-up-capitol-hill/2589540002/

Florida commissioner of some sort (a Jewish woman) says this about Rep Tlaib: “A Hamas-loving anti-Semite has NO place in government! She is a danger and [I] would not put it past her to become a martyr and blow up Capitol Hill.”

Outcry of bigotry and anti-Muslim rage is deafening. However the outrage at all of Tlaib’s anti-Semitism, anti-Israel, etc. was nonexistent. She freaking draped herself in a Palestine flag when she won. Who does that? Not somebody fighting for America or Americans.

5th/77th FA

It’s coming and gonna get worse. If she don’t try to do it herself, she could sure sneak in one of allahs chosen ones. Is it better to have them all in one area to better keep an eye on, or is it worse that they are spreading out, dispersing into every part of the country?

Wake up America. Prepare to fight back.

A Proud Infidel®™

She’s going against the left’s political and social agendas, something that guarantees a filthy shitstorm from the snowflakes!


CNN Analyst pulls race card. Gets it jammed back up her ass.

During a guest radio appearance, a CNN legal analyst said the show’s host, who is black, has benefited from “white privilege.”

The segment aired Tuesday during a SiriusXM show hosted by David Webb, who is also a contributor at Fox News. His guest during the segment was Areva Martin, a civil rights attorney and CNN legal analyst.

According to a clip posted to Twitter, Webb details his rise in the media, saying he always saw his qualifications as a more important issue than his color.

“Well, David, that’s a whole ‘nother long conversation about white privilege, the things that you have the privilege of doing that people of color don’t have the privilege of,” said Martin.

When Webb asks how he benefits, Martin said it’s “by virtue of being a white male.”

“Areva, I hate to break it to you, but you should’ve been better prepped. I’m black,” said Webb.

Webb then scolds Martin for making the assumption, going through his qualifications ultimately leading him to Fox News “where I’m told apparently blacks aren’t supposed to work.”

“Yet, you come with this assumption, and you go to white privilege. That’s actually insulting,” Webb said.

Martin apologized, noting “my people gave me wrong information.”

Both Fox News and a spokesperson for Martin declined to comment. CNN could not be immediately reached for comment.



Tucker Carlson talked about this last night. There are people out there who think that success and failure are based solely on skin color. MLK would be called a “house ni**er” by a huge chunk of Liberals today.


And some are still arguing over who the true racists are in this country? Assuming that a black male could not be successful by virtue of hard work and perseverance is flaming racism. And disgusting.


As we approach the one year anniversary and celebration of Bernath’s demise, I am pleased to report he is still dead.


I hear that hIs LiTtLe BuDdY still won’t shut up though.

5th/77th FA

Terrain, terrain, pull up, pull up, terrain, splat!


Heard somewhere that Ms NP had the people outside her wall, asking to be allowed to be inside (asylum ?), arrested and now some are being deported. Seems that what is good for her is not fitting for those of us that pay her salary.

Comm Center Rat

The stock market has been on a steep upward trajectory since the federal government shutdown. I doubt there’s a cause-effect relation however, I hope President Trump keeps the government shutdown through at least March 31st – the end of Q1. This retiree loves his dividends and capital gains distributions.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

It’s in the freezing 70’s here in Palm Beach County which is keeping me indoors and at least two naps a day in the recliner

2/17 Air Cav

Thanks for that, Jeff. Now, go #4@%^^^7###@@!!!


so i just watched 28 turkeys fly down from the trees they were roosting in. i guess it will be a wicked storm that is coming in this weekend if they are out eating now at 3 pm. they were actually kind of graceful and flew over 100 yrds and landed like a crow does.


i forgot, i just found out that i received a Meritorious Unit Citation from 2004, that was signed off in 2009. how do i go about getting it entered in my records now that i am retired/discharged (about 5 years now)?


Something about a DD-215? I’m sure one of our experts will be along shortly.


U.S. Military History on this date:

1940 – Hitler cancels an attack in the West due to bad weather and the capture of German attack plans in Belgium.
1942 – Japan’s advance into Burma begins.
1943 – On Guadalcanal, American forces advance west and southwest of their perimeter. Japanese positions overlooking the upper part of the Matanikau River are captured.
1943 – In converging attacks near Sanananda, New Guinea, the US 163rd Infantry Regiment and the Australian 18th Brigade are making progress.
1944 – Eisenhower assumes supreme command of the Allied Expeditionary Force in Europe.
1944 – The U.S. First and Third armies link up at Houffalize, effectively ending the Battle of the Bulge.


Battle of the Bug?

Klendathu, right?

5th/77th FA

Won by men wearing black suits and dark glasses. Beware of the flashy thingy.

Combat Historian

In the animated series that followed the original movie, the bugs counterattacked and advanced right into the Solar System and onto Earth. Watched an episode where the Roughnecks had to escape from Oahu as the bugs took over Waikiki…


Arguably the worst movie(s) made from a great novel. Ever.

RGR 4-78



The co-ed shower scene got Shinseki bought into the black-beret-for-everyone they had there, too…

2/17 Air Cav

1991…Operation Desert Storm begins. (Technically, it started at 0300 on 16 January. I won’t quibble as 17 January is widely recognized as the start date.)

5th/77th FA

Made mention of it in one of my posts yesterday. Wondered how many of our dickweeds/esess were there.

My boy (step) was a Brad Gunner C 3/15 in the 24th Mech. Nephew was in MLRS Btry. Older brother was baby sitting a wing of standby B-1Bs, ready to keep the Russkis and Ching Chongs honest. 1st and only time I ever prescribed to cable Tv & cnn so wifey could follow progress.

Colin Powell should have let The Bear finish the job. ymmv


It was early in the am where I was. Kinda sorta knew what was coming so didn’t bother going to bed and sat with the radio on instead. Me and another guy waited together after everyone else turned in. And went to work as we knew we would.

Yeah – it was dusty and hot where we were. I had already written/edited the contingency plans so all we had to do was implement them. Which we did nearly flawlessly.

All we had to do was launch aircraft and move stuff around in theater. I did get to ride space A on one of those flights when my presence was not required at “home” station for part of one day. Otherwise I was pretty much tied to a field desk or a chair in briefings. We did have a nice conference table that made for a few very welcome naps.

5th/77th FA

OK, 45 comments so far and not one on the subject matter of the thread. Bad dawgs! No biscuits for y’all!

AW1Ed gonna get a shorter leash, just so you puppies will track.

Are these robot star fish killers go be like the Wolf Pack Hunter Killer groups or more like solitary Terminators? Is someone going to take “pride” in taking out the lion fish?

If they are working on a robot device to take out invasive species does that include a model for illegal immigrants and liberals?

So many questions.


I thought it was a magic mushroom

5th/77th FA

Shhhh ‘Beans, she’s back man, you gotta start reading the material. That brown nosing HMC Ret with his butt kissing self, has done tried to rat us out to Ex. Hopefully that Hardin boy will screw up royally and she’ll get on his ass and not pay us any attention. We DON’T WANT any supervision.

Meet me behind the barn, I got cigars and sipping whiskey. Don’t tell nobody.


Why am I now hearing Grace Slick singing “White Rabbit”?


Open Threads have parameters on what can be commented upon? Who knew??

Must they now be renamed to “Limited Comments” threads???


Question 1 – the robots that deal with invasive species; do they take care of the removal of Californicate liberals invading the Great State of Texas?

Question 2 – any suggestions for how to help Army son deal with a flaming left-wing professor of “History” whose idea of “teaching” is playing role-playing games (WTH? Does she think she’s the Dungeon Master of a D&D game?) and claims there is no Truth? He went back to college to have a paycheck while trying to get his medical disability rating from VA – but failing a class may have some negative consequences. And after telling the prof (the only one teaching this & Department Head to boot) that she is full of Bull Shiite his chances of passing are about the chances of me making a million dollars this year.


For Q2, he should know how to deal with know it all assholes who can’t be told they aren’t God. Usually known as “Colonel”.

When I was in his shoes I just sucked it up and wrote to what I knew the professor wanted to hear/read. It’s BS, but that’s modern academia. No teaching of critical thinking, just all about the feels.


Tell him to play possum. Even though he knows better, that professuh can screw him legally without benefit of a kiss. Its their world, their rules. What Mason told you.

Combat Historian

Religion of Peace conspiring to be peaceful once again. Breaking news:

“A 21-year-old man was arrested on Wednesday for allegedly planning an attack on the White House and other federal buildings.

Authorities arrested Hasher Jallal Taheb of Cumming, Georgia amid a yearlong investigation into his alleged intention to use anti-tank rockets and improvised explosive devices to attack the federal buildings, U.S. Attorney B.J. Pak said at a press conference Wednesday.”

We may never know this peaceful man’s peaceful motive…


Whoever it is that has a telescope and is now doing astrophotography, Nikon has all kinds of info on shooting the coming lunar eclipse at this link:


I have found the Coolpix 900 to be VERY good at getting lunar shots in the ‘moon’ mode (subroutine in the cmaera’s computer), and worth the time it takes to use it. I don’t know that we’ll see the eclipse here in my kingdom – snow and all that- but the articles Nikon has posted are worth the read.


It’s me, Ex… the weather in the Ao for this weekend is rain, rain and more rain until next Wednesday…


I know how aggravating that is.

I was all wound up and ready for The Solar Eclipse. I had the camera ready. Instead, we got overcast skies until the very last minute when the Moon was leaving and I did get one shot of that.



ALCON: This Saturday the Linda Sasour crazytrain bka The Women’s March is pulling into a city near you!
Apparently, even after the ever-self-aware DNC pulled their sponsorship, this sh*tshow is going for a third year… (DNC balked over, wait for it, anti-Jewish behavior by the above named. I know, I was shocked too)
WTF notwithstanding, it’s actually a great thing. Their forums are open to troll the f out of ‘em. It’s kinda like DU but the crazy only happens once a year.
An excerpt of their ‘Unity Principles’:
‘We also call for an immediate end to arming police with the military grade weapons and military tactics that are wreaking havoc on communities of color and sovereign tribal lands.’
‘We believe in Gender Justice.’
‘We believe Civil Rights are our birthright. Our Constitutional government establishes a framework to provide and expand rights and freedoms–not restrict them. To this end, we must protect and restore all the Constitutionally-mandated rights to all our citizens…’

RGR 4-78

“To this end, we must protect and restore all the Constitutionally-mandated rights to all our citizens…’”

I wonder if this has to do with restoring voting rights to convicted felons?


TOW, in light of the mudslides, etc going on out there, be safe brother, and please, reach out if me or my department can be of any assistance.. and as always, yell if you’re headed out Colorado way, first round is on me!


How does one get out Colorado way, wait I know, head a little northeast about 40 miles and would be at Cabela’s and turn around and retrace my route or go straight east on Hwy 6 about 60 miles and turn around and come back. Yeah Cabela’s would be the best, the other way is not too much out there ah I’ll just stay here at house and have a drink later.


What’s the deal with the “Current Headlines?” Are there any from sources other than the Guardian? Do we really need them at all? Well, if they are paying to have them there, OK. I can continue to ignore them.