Extra Marital Affair Leads to Soldier’s Murder

| January 16, 2019

For this episode of “As the Army Turns”, we have a case involving three Soldiers. Two of the Soldiers were married to each other. The female Soldier was having an affair with another Soldier. Both plotted the murder of the husband, one carried it out.

Apparently, what the woman was getting out of the extramarital affair was such that she wanted to “cash in” on her husband’s death benefits, and share the windfall with her lover.

Considering the lack of judgment involved with this plan, perpetrated by two of the Soldiers, one wonders what could’ve happened if they would’ve gotten away with it.

This brings back a story that I heard when I was in the Navy, possibly another urban legend, of when a couple of Ship Servicemen stole from the ship store, then successfully brought enough of the goods off the ship to hopefully make “a killing” converting them into cash. These guys couldn’t agree on how to apportion the goods, so one made a killing of another kind.

Didn’t either one of the Soldiers think that if they could do that with someone else, they could do that to them? If the wife could easily negotiate away the life of her husband, what’s stopping her from negotiating away the lover’s life? What’s stopping the lover from shooting her if it were to financially benefit him?

I wouldn’t be surprised if they turn against each other in court.

Regardless of the situation, both Soldiers won’t be playing Soldier in the future… A good thing as Soldiers with that kind of judgment, and mindset, aren’t needed in the Army.

From Michigan Live:

An investigation into the killing revealed the woman was having an affair with another soldier stationed in Georgia, where she lived with her husband and 1-year-old child, the release said. Police say the pair plotted to kill Hassel in order to continue their relationship and reap financial benefits resulting from his death.

Hassel and his wife were staying with his father in St. Joseph Township while home on military leave over the holidays. He was at a family gathering in Benton Harbor on the night of his death.

When he returned to his father’s home around 11 p.m. to bring his wife some food, he was confronted by “an assailant who shot and killed him,” the release said.

…And from WWMT:

Police said both Kemia Hassel and 24-year-old Jeremy Cuellar, both of whom are active duty members of the Army stationed at Fort Stewart in Georgia, were engaged in an extramarital affair and plotted to kill Tyrone Hassel III in order to cash in on his Army death benefits.

Cuellar is said to have traveled from Georgia to Chicago, where he waited several days before receiving directions from Kemia Hassel on where to ambush Tyrone Hassel III. He also is charged with premeditated murder and felony firearm. He remains in custody in Liberty County, Georgia, and is awaiting extradition proceedings.

More details could be read on Michigan Live and on WWMT.

Category: WTF?

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BT-1000 and its ED-209, deadly.

5th/77th FA

“…if they turn against each other in court.” You can sure make a bet that they will. Georgia does have a capital punishment law, (tho it takes decades for it to happen) and you can rest assured that the prosecutor will be putting that on the table. Ever who makes the first deal will be looking at some prison time for conspiracy or some such, or the possibility of parole.

The SGT seemed like a good troop. E-5 already at 22 seems like an accomplishment. I may be wrong. My sympathies to his family and the baby boy. Won’t remember his father and will never know his mother. Betcha betcha she cops a plea, pins it on the shooter, plays the conned female, what about the baby card, gets 20 years suspended with probation so she can “turn her life around and make a home for her child.” Either way, we the taxpayer will be supporting this scum for a long time.

I personally think both should have an appointment with a new rope and a tree branch.


Georgia law only matters about extradition.

5th/77th FA

True dat. If the Michigan prosecutors try to pin the whole conspiracy thing on starting down here and the extradition/extra charges potential.

Guess I wasn’t clear on them using whatever they can to get the dirtbags to turn on one another. Did not mean that they would be charged for the actual act here.


Involves Active duties soldiers crossing state lines in the crime. Most likely will end up in Federal Court.


“plays the conned female, what about the baby card,”

But but….muh PTSD made me do it…

A Proud Infidel®™

I’m sure she’ll do whatever she thinks will get her either off or an easier sentence, the only ones I have pity for are the Kid and the Parents.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

I feel cheated somehow at life experiences, I mean I really like sex and I am grateful that my gear works without medical assistance in my 60s…my wife also seems to like it as have other partners before I was married…but I’ve never had sex that was so amazing I would plot to kill someone to keep having that sex…

In fact I’m certain I’ve never had sex so good I was willing to be rude to some innocent bystander to keep having that sex, never mind kill them….

Perhaps I’m doing it wrong, or perhaps I’ve never found the right partner for sex so good it makes you want to murder some poor bastard for no reason other than sex…


i have had sex where after waking up the next morning i wish i was dead, but that is a another story.

President & Founder of the 350 and above club
Camp LeJeune, NC


You don’t have shit on me…

“The Farmer”
El Toro, CA


“Pigs in Space” aka Ladies night, any E-club, any base.


Rather doubt it was the amazing sex which motivated the killing here, either. The monetary bennies are more likely.

But, will join you and others in saying that at no time has sex ever seemed worthy of killing somebody over it. Maybe a bit of hollering, or a nap, but murder? Nope.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

A little hollering now and then makes for a good time, get some great music in the background and it’s like your own romance movie….

But never a noir film with bodies and such…



Ouch! That was great!


That gal can sure sing, even if she is a murderer.

Non Cedo Ferio

They lived in the next subdivision over from me. I recognized her in the pic of our local paper from a few times at the Fort Stewart Commisary. Sadly this is the third time in the last 10 years where either a love triangle or a desire to collect SGLI has led to a Soldier getting murdered by a spouse here . Two years ago we had an NCO murder two private’s in a drug deal gone bad. I love my Community I’m proud we support our Fort Stewart / HAAF troops. But I’m glad Ive been out for almost 12 years.now. This stuff seemed to be an isolated incident kind of thing when I was in. I’m not sure what’s changed. But I wish it would stop



Non Cedo Ferio

Good point.


I’d be curious, outside of millennial, is there any other commonality among these individuals that are involved in murders, drug deals, etc? Without folks other than leftists accusing me of being racist, from the pics I can recall, there is one similarity that stands out… could this be because of the leftist led destruction of the nuclear family in certain communities with higher than average melanin levels????

Bubblehead Nuke

My nephew served with the SGT and says he was a good guy from word one; RIP Sarge. Hope the wife and Jody get what they deserve.


Here’s one involving Marines from ’06 – I served with the one in the story


A Proud Infidel®™

Shit like that has happened ever since there were love triangles, I remember seeing that in the 70s and 80s when I was a kid.




I was on Ft Hood in the mid 90s when some female Sgt had a Pvt she was having an affair with in her unit kill her husband in their on post quarters when he came back on mid tour leave from his year in Korea. needless to say, even those Keystone cops from CID were able to figure out what happened.


That’s cold. Both should get the electric chair. Fucking scumbags.


Works for me, but I prefer a good hemp rope for convicted first degree murderers.

Deplorable B Woodman

Kemia Hassel.
Tyrone Hassel.
Jeremy Cueller.

Calling Claw! Calling Claw! The Whiz Wheel needed ASAP! Calling Claw!