John Kerry: First Amendment is a major block to hammering out “sick” information sources

| September 30, 2024 | 17 Comments

John Kerry complained that it is challenging to get a consensus in the United States today. One example that Kerry used to back this statement is the fact that we can choose our information sources. If only one source is chosen, and it is “sick”, the First Amendment stands in the way to hammering this source out. Kerry isn’t the only Democrat complaining about the inability to police information that Democrats want “out of the way.”

Approximate translation:

John Kerry: And I think the, the, dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing, and growing, uh, and it is a part of our problem, particularly in democracies, uh, in terms of building consensus around any issue. It’s really hard to govern today. You can’t, you know, you know, there’s no, the referee as we used to have to determine what’s a fact and what isn’t a fact, that kind of, you know, been eviscerated to a certain degree. And um, people go, and then people self-select where they go for their news, or for their information, and then you just get into a vicious cycle.

So it’s really, really hard, much harder to build consensus today than at any time in the 45, 50 years I have been involved in this, and, and, I, you know there is a lot of discussion now about how you curb, uh, those entities, uh, in order to guarantee that you’re going to have, you know, some accountability of facts, etc.

But look, if people go to only one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, uh, you know, has an agenda, uh, and they’re putting out disinformation, uh, our, First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.

So, what you need, what we need is to, is to win the ground, win the right to govern by hopefully having, uh, you know, winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to, to uh, implement change, uh, now obviously there are some people in our country who are prepared to implement change in other ways. And…

Panelist: so you’re questioning really, if, uh, democracy, can survive on related social media (inaudible).

John Kerry: (inaudible) I think democracies are deeply (?), are very challenged right now and have not proven they can move fast enough or big enough to deal with the challenges that we are facing. And to me that is part of what this race, uh, this election is all about. Will we break the fever in the United States?

Video Segment:

Category: "Teh Stoopid", 2024 Election, Democrats, Veterans in the news

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Freedom is, like, so oppressive, maan! /sarc
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I have to say George Orwell knocked that one out of the park. It’s crazy how many things he has gotten right.

Hack Stone

I, for one, welcome our new Democrat overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted Director of Media Relations for a proud but humble woman owned business, I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their Chinese Communist Party owned underground cobalt mines, extracting the precious metals needed for Electric Vehicle batteries!


Aww, c’mon, go here with that:

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Not just EVs, Cobalt is used in practically every battery made.


It is truly amazing how we ever survived before!
Oh wait,…we had reporters and media heads who were interested in finding out the truth and providing as many facts as they could to the people so they could decide for themselves, not have someone’s opinion rammed down our throats!!!

Slow Joe

Well, to be fair, much of the reporting during the reign of the Big Three from the early ’60s to the late ’80s was propaganda that slowly but surely was pushing the goalposts in favor of the Left. People thought they were fair and balanced because there was no internet to verify their “facts”.

The Democrats just miss the good old days when they had total control of the media and “facts” were whatever they said it was.


They really tried though. From 2017 to 2020 Trump was a Russian plant who got peed on by a hooker. Then suddenly he wasn’t anymore. Three solid years of lies and not a single apology.


The part about getting peed on by a hooker had to have come from Hillary’s autobiography notes.


Freedom to think is kind of a problem for the Democrats. With all the propaganda coming out of the MSM supporting the left causes, one would think there is no freedom of the press already. I can see why they feel the need to strip Americans of the 2nd Amendment. Because then they can change that pesky 1st Amendment. And just have their democrat truth. (Lies) Kerry is a Traitor and should be tried for Treason.


Matt Taibbi ain’t diggin’ Kerry’s crap… “Motherf*cker, I’m an American… that sh*t doesn’t work on us”:


It was just a meme too far. . .

Hack Stone

Dat’s a good one.


We should give them what they want. It will greatly speed things along. Nothing really unites people like oppression.


Oh, that pesky First Amendment…
Anyone talking about limiting the 1A is a tyrant-in-waiting. The Bill of Rights was written to limit Government and not the Citizens.


Another political dumbass that doesn’t understand that the 1st Amendment is an impediment to the government By Design. I think it’s time to bring back Schoolhouse Rock.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Suuuure. Let’s have a “Ministry of Truth”. I wholeheartedly agree. (hear me out now….)
But apply it TO the Gooberment, NOT The People.
So it would shut up people like (s)Kerry, BiDumb, Kamal-Toe, Hellary, Up-Chuck Shoo-me, (I think you get the idea)
The 1A is meant to constrain the Gooberment against the people.
Nothing sez that censorship can’t be used ON the Gooberment, does it?

Last edited 2 minutes ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande