John Kerry: First Amendment is a major block to hammering out “sick” information sources

| September 30, 2024

John Kerry complained that it is challenging to get a consensus in the United States today. One example that Kerry used to back this statement is the fact that we can choose our information sources. If only one source is chosen, and it is “sick”, the First Amendment stands in the way to hammering this source out. Kerry isn’t the only Democrat complaining about the inability to police information that Democrats want “out of the way.”

Approximate translation:

John Kerry: And I think the, the, dislike of and anguish over social media is just growing and growing, and growing, uh, and it is a part of our problem, particularly in democracies, uh, in terms of building consensus around any issue. It’s really hard to govern today. You can’t, you know, you know, there’s no, the referee as we used to have to determine what’s a fact and what isn’t a fact, that kind of, you know, been eviscerated to a certain degree. And um, people go, and then people self-select where they go for their news, or for their information, and then you just get into a vicious cycle.

So it’s really, really hard, much harder to build consensus today than at any time in the 45, 50 years I have been involved in this, and, and, I, you know there is a lot of discussion now about how you curb, uh, those entities, uh, in order to guarantee that you’re going to have, you know, some accountability of facts, etc.

But look, if people go to only one source, and the source they go to is sick, and, uh, you know, has an agenda, uh, and they’re putting out disinformation, uh, our, First Amendment stands as a major block to the ability to be able to just, you know, hammer it out of existence.

So, what you need, what we need is to, is to win the ground, win the right to govern by hopefully having, uh, you know, winning enough votes that you’re free to be able to, to uh, implement change, uh, now obviously there are some people in our country who are prepared to implement change in other ways. And…

Panelist: so you’re questioning really, if, uh, democracy, can survive on related social media (inaudible).

John Kerry: (inaudible) I think democracies are deeply (?), are very challenged right now and have not proven they can move fast enough or big enough to deal with the challenges that we are facing. And to me that is part of what this race, uh, this election is all about. Will we break the fever in the United States?

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Category: "Teh Stoopid", 2024 Election, Democrats, Veterans in the news

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Freedom is, like, so oppressive, maan! /sarc
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I have to say George Orwell knocked that one out of the park. It’s crazy how many things he has gotten right.


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Don’t forget another totalitarian slogan: Arbeit Macht Frei


Build Back Better


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Hack Stone

I, for one, welcome our new Democrat overlords. I’d like to remind them that as a trusted Director of Media Relations for a proud but humble woman owned business, I could be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their Chinese Communist Party owned underground cobalt mines, extracting the precious metals needed for Electric Vehicle batteries!


Aww, c’mon, go here with that:

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Not just EVs, Cobalt is used in practically every battery made.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Hellary’s dildo is glad to hear that


A barbed dong of Brimstone.


A lit highway flare in a pinch.

You know it!


It is truly amazing how we ever survived before!
Oh wait,…we had reporters and media heads who were interested in finding out the truth and providing as many facts as they could to the people so they could decide for themselves, not have someone’s opinion rammed down our throats!!!

Slow Joe

Well, to be fair, much of the reporting during the reign of the Big Three from the early ’60s to the late ’80s was propaganda that slowly but surely was pushing the goalposts in favor of the Left. People thought they were fair and balanced because there was no internet to verify their “facts”.

The Democrats just miss the good old days when they had total control of the media and “facts” were whatever they said it was.


They really tried though. From 2017 to 2020 Trump was a Russian plant who got peed on by a hooker. Then suddenly he wasn’t anymore. Three solid years of lies and not a single apology.


The part about getting peed on by a hooker had to have come from Hillary’s autobiography notes.


In a completely and totally unrelated coincidence HRC said pretty much the same thing on her talkie show on a different left loyalist network on Sunday. That is so weird.

Last edited 3 months ago by 5JC

It’s interesting how the very lefties that claim President Trump is a “threat to democracy” and that he will be a dictator if elected again are the very ones that are OPENLY calling for policies only a dictator would use..
One thing the left has truly mastered.. projection..

They all need to decorate a lamp-post for their crimes..

jeff LPH 3 63-66

Before the advent of computers giving birth to the social media craze, we didn’t have problems like we have today. I’m a member of a different generation.

Slow Joe

True, but I think this might be one of those cases where correlation does not imply causation.
Society was moving towards the left due to the influence of leftist professors on all levels of education, and the nature of big government bureaucracies.
I think it would have happened even if there was no internet or social media, though perhaps at a slower pace.
But now, the tools that were adopted early by the left are being used to unmask the left. Early adoption does not necessarily lead to success in the long term, just as the early adoption of agriculture in Mesopotamia did not lead to Sumer or Babylon, or Assyria for that matter, ruling the world.
After all, the Chinese were the first ones to use gunpowder.


Freedom to think is kind of a problem for the Democrats. With all the propaganda coming out of the MSM supporting the left causes, one would think there is no freedom of the press already. I can see why they feel the need to strip Americans of the 2nd Amendment. Because then they can change that pesky 1st Amendment. And just have their democrat truth. (Lies) Kerry is a Traitor and should be tried for Treason.


Matt Taibbi ain’t diggin’ Kerry’s crap… “Motherf*cker, I’m an American… that sh*t doesn’t work on us”:

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

A speech and attitude well worth repeating on all the Social Media (hehehehehe)


It was just a meme too far. . .

Hack Stone

Dat’s a good one.


We should give them what they want. It will greatly speed things along. Nothing really unites people like oppression.


We can’t give them what they deserve. That’s against the law! Can we try them for treason? At some point we have to preserve and defend our constitution. Kerry has steeped over that line with what he is advocating. He is advocating treason, he should be arrested and tried.


Arrested and TIED. Like over a hill of fire ants with wet rawhide, left in the sun to dry.


I can still say that, right?

Forest Bondurant

For Democrats (who are of the totalitarian mindset), free speech is something they will fight for only when it advances their policies or agenda.

Then, it stops.


Exactly– it’s only freedom of their speech they ever wanted.
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Oh, that pesky First Amendment…
Anyone talking about limiting the 1A is a tyrant-in-waiting. The Bill of Rights was written to limit Government and not the Citizens.


Democrats… if it were up to them, not only would we still be British, but we’d be speaking Russian or German to get ahead now.


Not to mention we would still have slavery.


Kamala’s family would be loaded.


Another political dumbass that doesn’t understand that the 1st Amendment is an impediment to the government By Design. I think it’s time to bring back Schoolhouse Rock.


Sure SFC D, we can bring that back, as long as we also bring back tar and feathers for traitorous scum like Kerry and hitlery..


I’m in.

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

Suuuure. Let’s have a “Ministry of Truth”. I wholeheartedly agree. (hear me out now….)
But apply it TO the Gooberment, NOT The People.
So it would shut up people like (s)Kerry, BiDumb, Kamal-Toe, Hellary, Up-Chuck Shoo-me, (I think you get the idea)
The 1A is meant to constrain the Gooberment against the people.
Nothing sez that censorship can’t be used ON the Gooberment, does it?

Last edited 3 months ago by President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

The whole Bill of Rights was intended to restrain govt, not We the People…


Most Americans, on every side of the socio-political spectrum, get their news from biased sources. We hear what We want to hear. Trump is going to destroy America, because MSNBC says so. Harris is going to lead to our downfall, because Fox says so. Of course, you have those on the fringe as well: an Antifa moron may spend hours fine honing his beliefs with like-minded peers, while a Neo-Nazi might be fully immersed in the likes of Stormfront or other sites.

The thing is, it’s our prerogative as Americans as to how well-informed, objective, and/or ignorant we want to be. I’m obviously a big fan of this site. However, if there’s something that really piques my interest, I’ll not only click on the link(s) provided, but also conduct independent research. I know that, for the most part, what’s posted here will be right-leaning and biased more towards Orange Man than The Ugandan Giant (not saying “this is MAGA country”, I know there are some here who dislike him or consider him merely the lesser of two evils).

In my layman’s mind, disinformation is usually top-down, while misinformation can be top-down or bottom-up. If someone like Kerry has his way, the “disinformation” sources are likely to be almost entirely right-wing. We already see Republican politicians who are lambasted as liars and worse, while almost anything a Democrat says is considered the gospel truth. Misinformation is much the same: if a right-leaning meme or a Twitter post twists the facts just a little for the sake of humor, it’s considered sacrilege, while it’s free game for everyone to use the “very fine people” quote completely out of context.

We no longer have to watch the nightly news and read the morning paper to hear what our national and local outlets want us to hear. It’s hard to control what you can’t control, to Kerry’s chagrin.


I remember how shocked some people were when literally every man that served under Kerry in the Viet of Nam came out against him. I watched 5 seconds of him talking and wanted to toss my phone at the wall. I can’t imagine having to deal with this tool when he was a O-1, O-2.


But they’re all biased political tools. How dare they question a politically ambitious junior officer who earned a SS, BSM/V, and three PHs during his four months in country, with various descriptions of the actions and differing citations. I wasn’t there, and I know little about service on a Swift boat, but I find it hard to believe that he truly earned more medals than the average SEAL did during a year-long tour.


Don’t care. He threw it all away on purpose.


“…in a manner reminiscent of Jeng-is Khan.”
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Last edited 3 months ago by Anonymous

He always reminds me of Lerch on the Munsters. Creepy.


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jeff LPH 3 63-66

Wow, john kerry Navy war hero awarded a Purple Heart and a Johnson & Johnson bandade for his finger. What are the NSN product code numbers for a bandade. Claw, where are you.


My fellow Vietnam combat veterans and I will never forgive that POS for this fraudulent testimony.


Nothing screams “I’m credible, I seen some shit,” like presenting yourself for a hearing in OD’s with long hair… cause… yanno…. civvies or a shirt and tie just doesn’t complete the look you’re going for.

A Proud Infidel®™

FIRST, he said he threw HIS Medals over the White House fence, then he backtracked and said that he threw a friend’s medals instead, lying POS.


The 2nd Amendment protects the 1st Amendment.

Ergo, John Kerry and all you aspiring tyrants: to Hell with you and your tyranny.

Buy more ammo, y’all.


Aside from wanting to get rid of those parts of the Constitution they don’t like, they also want to overthrow the Rule of Law.

I say gopher it molasses britches. That might just be the straw the brings down the whole house of cards. Course it will be funny as hell when they say; “nah”.

Hack Stone

Don’t know about you, but to Hack that sounds what a dictator would do in order to control all branches of their government.


Don’t be silly, nobody on the left is allowed to be a dictator. That’s like against the rules.


Don’t be silly, nobody on the left is allowed to be CALLED a dictator. That’s like against the rules. FIFY
It’s a feature, not a bug that they are all wanna be dictators at heart, and would be real ones in a heartbeat if given the chance.. THEY are the reason the 2nd exists..

President Elect Toxic Deplorable Racist SAH Neande

They forget, “if the law does not protect me from thee, it equally does not protect thee from me.”
Suck it, bitches.


The Tree is getting very thirsty…Prepare


RGR 4-78

Go f#$k yourself Mr. Heinz.

Hack Stone

Thanks to him, Hack Stone can never purchase any product owned by the Heinz Corporation, which is a shitload. John Kerry is rich enough.

Forest Bondurant

John Kerry = Dipshit extraordinaire


A PSA reminder…

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FJK. Sorry, buts that’s as big as I can make my letters.


Well, ole John just can’t stop putting his foot in his mouth. When will he ever figure out the left is using him for a stooge?


I believe Jawn Fraud sKerry falls into the willing stooge group.


Useful tool.

A Proud Infidel®™

IMHO he’s just as much of a disposable useful idiot as Joe Biden was until they threw him out.

Hack Stone

If Donald Trump gets back into the Oval Office, he will shred the Constitution, says the people who want to take away our right bear arms, our freedom of speech and dissolve the Supreme Court.

A Proud Infidel®™

John “Lurch” Kerry is going full throttle with the left to extinguish the US Constitution, fuck him and his ilk.

Army-Air Force Guy

Was never a big fan of W. Bush, but man, so glad he won in ’04.


In all the leftist calls for an authoritarian take over of the US and getting rid of the Bill of Rights we missed the supporting talk from Bill Gates who wants to use AI to automatically cancel dissenting speech last weekend. What a full weekend. Let’s review the left’s plan:

1. Violate the 1A
2. Pretend it is legal
3. Get rid of the SCOTUS
4. Profit!


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Democrats gonna Democrat:
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Skivvy Stacker

There’s that pesky Constitution getting in the way again!