All US sanctions against Iran will be back in full force on Nov 5

| November 1, 2018


President Trump said on Thursday, all American sanctions against Iran will be in full force on 5 November, as he signed into law another legislation imposing hard-hitting sanctions on Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

On November 5th, all US sanctions against Iran lifted by the nuclear deal will be back in full force, every sanction that we had on their originally, which would have if they would have just left it a little bit longer, would have been so much easier than what we’ve been through over the last number of years,” Trump said at a White House event

After withdrawing from the Iranian nuclear deal, Trump has asked all countries to reduce their purchase of oil from Iran to zero or face secondary sanctions. India, being one of the largest importers of Iranian oil, also comes under the purview of American sanctions. To avoid this, India either needs a waiver from the US or has to bring down the purchase of Iranian oil to zero.

Trump said these sanctions will be followed up with even more sanctions to address the full range of Iran’s “malign conduct”.

“We will not allow the world’s leading sponsor of terror to develop the world’s deadliest weapons. Will not happen” he said.

Pretty obvious Trump’s intentions aren’t to bring the Mad Mullahs to heel, but regime change. This time, however, the change will be from the inside. Ask the shade of Nicolae Ceausescu how that turns out.

The entire article may be read here at The Economic Times

Category: Iran, Terror War

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RGR 4-78



Think of the Hezbollah children.
They will have to go back to school with slingshots instead of the claymore backpacks.
Wonder if their school lunch will be cut back as well.


Obama and Kerry will take credit.

Daisy Cutter

It was their idea to bring James Taylor over to France and sing the song “You’ve Got a Friend.”

I suspect this was the beginning of the end for terrorists.


Liberal heads exploding nationwide in 3 – 2 – 1 -BOOM! The main stream media whores will be questioning how this affects our desire for peace with Iran. I personally don’t much care that Iran will go batshit crazy and call us war mongers.

Combat Historian

Iran has over 40 or more minority ethnic groups and tribes, most of which are already engaged in insurgencies of varying scope and level against the Farsis. If haven’t already done so, now is the time to increase covert support and aid to insurgency groups in Iran to ramp up the pressure against the Farsis. The Farsis have inflicted untold brutality and pain on their minority tribes and communities during the last four decades; payback’s a bitch…


I would say less “the Farsi” than the religious zealots running the government.

More than a few Persians asked us to keep going, please, back in 2003. They were only kidding a little bit. Most people of Iran remember Israel as an ally and don’t have much use for the Israel delenda est mantra of the Islamic radicals running the regime.

In fact removing sactions on Iran for a few years has upset the locals even more. The promise was made that once the Great Satan removed sanctions & returned frozen cash, the country would prosper. In reality the regime has used the money to finance Shiite militia groups in Syria and amped up the war against Israel. So what the Persian “man in the street” sees is no sanctions, billions of dollars returned, more war & bloodshed financed, and living conditions are still deteriorating. The perception over there of the regime has morphed from evil & corrupt to evil, corrupt, and incompetent.




He says what he means and does what he says…unusual for politicians.

Balls of titanium.

What a guy!


He’s not a politician. That’s why this works.

5th/77th FA

Egggsxactly SFC D Our biggest problem in this country, and in our relations with other countries, has been career politicians. The career politicians, on both sides, are scared and mad a dTrumpster because of this too. Blow Job Willie and dashildabeastbitchofbenghazi had them all scared because of the dirt the Clinton Syndicate had gathered or stolen from the secret FBI files that they scarfed up upon BJW’s 1st election. VOTE VOTE VOTE. The ME countries are running scared also cause dTrumpster is doing what he said he will do. Despite the Lame Stream Media, snowflakes and career politicians, we are winning and they hate it. Two years from now when the economy is still cranking along, jobs are available, dtrumpster will skate back in for another 4 years of winning. Probably gonna get even more sucky for the Persians.

A Proud Infidel®™️

“*POW!*, right in the kisser!” as Ralph Kramden would say, it’s great to have adults in charge!


It only took 2 freaking years but a f’ing win is a f’ing win, and I ain’t tired yet.

2/17 Air Cav

Man, if I had known in or suspected on Election Day 2016 that Candidate Trump would do all that he has done as President Trump, I would have camped out to have been first in line at my polling place. Like others, I had reservations and voted for him chiefly in the hopes of defeating his unworthy opponent. To keep this program running, he needs a Congress that will not undercut him and block his administration’s mission. Vote.


Yep. Completely agree. Had to kinda hold my nose during the general. He was obviously much better than the alternative. There was something that looked frightfully like sincerity coming across as he campaigned – definitely not like any politician we had seen before.

This time around? While not camped out to be the first to vote, I was pretty close to it. Taking no chances – voted early.


2/17 Air Cav – I agree 100%!!