Iran hit by computer virus more violent than Stuxnet

| November 1, 2018

iran computer hack

Times of Israel reports Iranian infrastructure and strategic networks have come under attack in the last few days by a computer virus similar to Stuxnet, but more violent, more advanced and more sophisticated.

Israeli officials are refusing to discuss what role, if any, they may have had in the operation.

The report came hours after Israel said its Mossad intelligence agency had thwarted an Iranian murder plot in Denmark, and two days after Iran acknowledged that President Hassan Rouhani’s mobile phone had been bugged. It also follows a string of Israeli intelligence coups against Iran, including the extraction from Tehran in January by the Mossad of the contents of a vast archive documenting Iran’s nuclear weapons program, and the detailing by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the UN in September of other alleged Iranian nuclear and missile assets inside Iran, in Syria and in Lebanon.

Iran is not doing well, economy wise, either. And since Phase 2 of Trumps sanctions take effect next week, things there aren’t likely to get any better, anytime soon.


Category: Iran

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MSG Eric

I’m guessing the Israelis wanted to do this more actively for a long time. But, there was a POTUS treating them like shit for about 8 years who preferred to be friends with Iran.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

So the computers are now Stux with no Net activity.


When the net gets stux you have to cut it loose or risk sinking.

The Other Whitey

Couldn’t have happened to a nicer shithole.

RGR 4-78

Sounds like a well deserved boot to the a$$.


I warned them about downloading donkey porn.
Did they listen?


That’s supposed to be “donkey prOn”/smile

Spam filters and all that.

Perry Gaskill

Ayatollah plays whack-a-mole-ah…




If things go bad for the Dems next week they will blame Israel. And Trump.


They’re gonna do that anyway, might as well earn the blame.


Mdssad doing (his) best to block and blunt the jackals, eh?

I should publish my sister’s stuffed cabbage roll recipe, just to celebrate this achievement.

5th/77th FA

Are you toying with us again or is that a sneak preview for next Thursday?

SSG D retired

I should give you my mother in laws recipe. She came over from Poland in 1987


“What goes around comes around”.

I hope Israel has their network infrastructure secured. And I think it is past time we did so, too.


I know! Let’s ask Obama what to do?! Eh? I mean maybe if we give them more billions and lots of free stuff, they’ll use their powers for good instead of evil. Right?

Fuck Obama and his candy ass, give America away and surrender to the U.N. bullshit and, FUCK Iran! I mean like the one goat that wandered into the compound, fuck them.

I hope the intrusion was bad enough cause a meltdown at their facilities, or at least irradiate everyone with a few miles.

5th/77th FA

Hey Sparks, man you are among friends, no need to hold back, tell us exactly how you feel. You have really got to quit being so shy and reserved. We’re with you dawg.

MSG Eric

He might need Therapy to work on his beating around the bush….

A Proud Infidel®™️

Heheheheheheheheh, it gets better every day.


Intel reports point to the virus coming from Hillary’s open server. Oops! James Comey will be issuing an apology to Iran shortly…..


That’s what happens when your password is, “password”.

2/17 Air Cav

And at each mandatory password change, you add 1, then 2, then 3, and so on to the word Password. Of course, at that point Wide Load had to begin noting each new password in a Word file she named “Passwords” and sent herself an email containing the new Password so that she would always have it handy when she was away from home sending out classified material.


God bless Israel if they did this.


I for one want to know what John Kerry is doing to fix this.

2/17 Air Cav

“Attention! Your account access is at risk. Please click this link to continue having access:

5th/77th FA

(giggle, snort) Now that ranks right up there close to staplers, basements, and drinking problems. Good one A/C

2/17 Air Cav

I guess it doesn’t matter that the technician’s shoes are filthy and that he is dropping skin and dirt from his arms all over the console. Homer Simpson’s counterpart?


Death by a thousand cuts. bam. Bam. Bam! BAM! Patience, patience and etc.