Now Hear This…
You are no longer merely “irremediable” and in a “basket of deplorables.” San Fran Nan has deemed us all “despicable,” as well.
LOOK: Pelosi Calls Republicans ‘Despicable’ in Misleading Fundraising Email
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) fund raising email has been obtained by The Daily Caller, stating:
“I need you to rush in $1 to defeat every last despicable Republican,” Pelosi said in the email. “I will personally quadruple-match it.”
The message said that the fundraising asked for by Pelosi was “extremely time-sensitive,” and also “that the GOP was “ramming through a vote” on his confirmation “in a matter of minutes.” At that time, the full Senate vote wasn’t scheduled until Saturday.
“They don’t care about everything we’ve learned the past week,” Pelosi said of Republicans. “All they care about is falling in line behind Trump.”
Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) then delayed further progress on Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation by calling for another FBI investigation.
Talk about high pressure sales.
And there you have it, you deplorable, irredeemable despicables.
Category: Liberals suck
Well, after all, she is an expert in being despicable, so she should know.
Despicable? Can she even pronounce that word?
Why did she send out a begging letter? Is this deceptive advertising? Or is she just plain stupid and senile and it shows more than ever?
I’m so confused.
Hey, would each of you send me $10? I need to get a new fur coat – something made out skunk and coyote hides.
Now I have to add another adjective to my self-description. I’m running out of room on the t-shirts.
I tend to not care, but I’m beginning to think that armed resistance is becoming more of a possibility.
Wait, why would you all think the “deplorable” or “despicable” labels apply to the readers here?
I thought this was a bastion of rational non-partisan arbitrators of facts without political agenda or bias.
You mean this is a right wing website?
You are as dumb as you look then.
More of a bastion of common sense with a disdain for political grandstanding thrown in. I thought you left?
I think that this class at Bezerkley would be of interest to “C”:
Keep fucking around. You won’t like how it turns out. The Old Ones will not be mocked.
Your Mom is a right-wing website.
“You mean this is a right wing website?”
I would guess the general political bent is right of center. Just like the country
We do get a few far left gnats but I don’t recall any far right idiots that actually hang around like the gnats.
Hope that helps.
I’m called deplorable/despicable??? You’re the one that ate her out. (enjoy the visual in your brain right now).
Damn, there are some jacked up priorities in you. But hell, I’m only a reader.
I have another bit of info coming up in a few minutes.
I’m called a deplorable
And a despicable
Something that makes my Mom weep
But still I’m deplorable
And I’m despiable
And those are names I will keep.
I’ve votes and I’ve taxes
I’ve listened to nonsense galore
And somehow the the idjits
Who want all my taxes
Are asking me for more and more
Come play with Despicable
Walk with Deplorable
All politicians run scams
If you want my vote, then
Please hear my demands and
If you don’t, I’ll show you the door.
H/T ‘Buttercup’ – Pinafore.
Take your pills numbnuts…you are drooling again!
that was for cthulu or whatever the p–k its name is!
You mean Cunthulu, star of Japanese tentacle p0rn, and braindead proglodyte.
Crapthulu, I can tell you’ve sniffed a LOT of glue and licked many windows!
I think a few paint chips were consumed as well.
Larsie, is that you? Go back to being the bitter little man storming around the quad at Bezerkeley…
Be interesting to compare it’s URL to the one that Lars used.
Word choice and demeanor are different. If Squiggy is a sockpuppet, xhe is a fairly good one.
xhe? Works for trans-dimensional, too.
I’m an Indie and 100% Conservative so I guess I’m not a despicable/deplorable. I guess these Republicans have never heard of the Night of the Long Knives?, Just wondering.
How about “Krystal Nacht”?
The last time I gave a flying f-word what Pelosi thinks of me? Lemme check the calendar… -flip, flip, flip-
Yep, have it right here, the third Tue-screw-hers-day in the month of Neverburuary, in the year of Our Lord, Ninteen Shecanf…herself Eleventeen.
I can count on one finger (extends it) the value of her opinion…
I’m so tired of the hatred coming from the liberals. The revolution is coming and I plan to be an active participant. I won’t start it, but I will defend this nation and my family from this trash, and if that means what you think it means, you are absolutely correct.
I don’t know which one to call the biggest corksucker in this deal, Nimrod Pelosi or Flake the turd clinging to the bowl. Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) needs to take his balls out of his wife’s purse. Start acting like an actual Republican conservative, or stop all the suspense and convert to the full blown Socialist he acts like.
Flake is lost without McCain to guide him.
He has nowhere to go no matter the outcome.
The Dems will thank him and lose him.
He is pissant non grada.
Was Jeff THE Flake ever anything but John McCain’s lapdog?
Since we can’t vote them out of office, we have to wait for them to die out. Unfortunately, folks that think like us, right of center, are out numbered in the howler monkey classes because, well, we are normally at work when the paid demonstrators are begging for socialism to hurry up and get here. Drain the swamp, both sides, fire them all, hire new ones. Are y’all tired of me saying out loud time and again what we are all thinking? Every single deplorable, despicable,irremediable, unredeemable, tax paying, American is truly sick of this crap. And yeah, cutulhooie, if you don’t like it here, don’t let the mouse cursor, clickie thingie hit you in the http://www.GTFO as you’re leaving. When you and your kind finally get the war or socialistic utopia that you think you want, you will find out that it is not so pleasant. You will beg, plead, and yes, pray for those like us to come to your rescue. Sorry, Cupcake, it’ll be too late for you and yours by then. I will stand shoulder to shoulder with folks like are here, we will repel the boarders, light off the foo gas and click off the clay mores to try and save our country from people that have tried their damndest to destroy it. We will resist, we will not be assimilated. ESAD!
Better yet, Cunthulu and his fellow moonbats can just move to Venezuela and live there, I’ll even pitch in to buy them one way tickets!
Dunno if that would work for Cunthulu. I hear they don’t produce any tentacle porn there. She would be popular on the menu in a seafood restaurant.
Don’t leave out wine stain!
Poor, poor, despicable me… Great country song lyrics!
Das Hildebeast labeled us as “Deplorables”’, now Nanny Lugosi labels us as “Despicable”, methinks they’re getting even more afraid every day! 😀😀
“Nanny Lugosi”
-golf clap-
Bravo. Just Brah-voh.
Deplorable, despicable, ir-re-deemable, put that to a beat and you’d have a [c]Rap song!
A third “D” descriptor has been dropped on us. Joe Bite-me has called us “the dregs of society, in speech to, of all places, the Human Rights Campaign. And, he threw in that we’re “virulent people” for good measure.
“Deplorable Despicable Dregs”, sounds like the name of some 80’s Underground Punk Band!!
That would make a great T-shirt, though.
Deplorable Despicable
Shit, the machine wouldn’t display it the way I wrote it, oh well.
One wonders if she was able to write this with her crayon or if she needed help.
The liberals have taken the sting out of most of the best insults. In on breath a woman call me a despicable, racist, homophobic, NAZI. And all because I disagreed that Barack Obama wasn’t the best President in the history of the universe. As she sputtered and stammered, I told her that Obama wasn’t the best president in the last decade. That’s when she cut loose with her invective of hate. Considering the source, I bid her Good day.
Yet another “Person of Tolerance” proving that liberalism is a Mental Disorder!
Well, gee whiz, Roger, you took everything away from her so all she had left was obscenities and name-calling. What were you expecting? I could have come up with a list of past Presidents better tha bodaprez, in the blink of an eye.
Even Jack Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson were better than that dope!
EX, here’s a hint. All of them. Including Jimmy Carter,Ford and Clinton.
Next, we will be called “vermin”.
After that,
They are already calling us Untermenschen amongst themselves and when they are wearing their face masks.
But this time the Untermenschen are armed.
How can they stay organized against us while they can’t even figure out which bathroom to use?
Badump tisssssh!
Which bathroom? Are you kidding me? They can’t even figure out the difference between food and laundry detergent!
Read the next article, which is now available. Thanks!
NO…I call them that LOL
Since we are the opposites of The Them, that makes us the Übermenschen.
I don’t think it’s a good idea to advertise your weaknesses the way Puddlebrain Pelosi is doing. Adding ‘despicable’ to ‘deplorable’ and all those other terms shows a weakness on that side of the fence. Holes in the Wall of Separation, so to speak.
They keep advertising how much they detest us, and yet we keep turning the other cheek and trying to reason with these closed minds. Maybe we should stop wasting that energy and instead, focus on watching them act like the amoebae they are. Wait, that’s a bad comparison: the humble amoeba is at least sensitive to its boundaries.
Remember that word: Übermenschen.
You cannot be -that- tone deaf.
Who was it, historically, that called themselves exactly that?
You chose … poorly.
Gawd, I hope she lives forever and stays the head of the DNC.
Jeezuz… the botox bimbo running her suckhole again.
Someone in the Bay Area get the fucking guts to run her out of office…
Hack Stone is deplorable, and his vote counts.
Re: Cunthulu
Unquestionably, TAH is populated by those who lean right, who respect our country’s traditions, institutions, and history, those who recognize that our military allows America to be. We are not of one mind when it comes to all things. Mention religion, abortion, capital punishment, or the Confederate battle flag, and see what happens. TAH is a pretty gruff group, unwilling to tolerate the Left’s claptrap crap. It is also a private concern, not run by the government, and can tolerate who it wants for however long it wants. Jonn Lilyea was more patient and tolerant of Lefty assholes than I could ever be. I want to slap them silly most of the time. All started out here wearing the veil of dissenting opinion, but, in each case, the veil eventually fell away and they were revealed for what they always were. Most departed of their own volition, but some lost their shit and the result was that they effectively banned themselves. I miss none of them.
The Berzerkeley Blatherskite, a proglodyte who occasionally dropped his mask and showed he was a true believer of Karl Marx and Lenin, was an entertaining chew toy. I don’t really miss them either.
As despicable as Pelosi is, she is still better than James Clyburne, noted liar and hate monger, who expected to succeed SanFranNan as SOTH.
That’s like comparing turds. One is better than the other because it stinks less or has more corn and peanuts in it, I suppose. (I hope no one is reading this over supper.)
Now we call DiFi,
“Lumpy” ?
And that would make zer0
“Smooth move”