All Hands!! Attention On Deck!!! Listen Up!!!!

| September 29, 2018

You should all be aware that the “Me Too” movement by women regarding sexual harassment and misconduct started about one year ago. Furthermore, this next week, there will be an investigation by the FBI as ordered by dTrump, as well as a one week delay on the confirmation vote.


The drama is not over yet, but may be reaching a peak shortly.

Why? An astrologer would said it has to do with Venus (women) retrograde in Scorpio and square to Saturn in Capricorn, no longer retrograde but moving forward. Capricorn is the control freak sign in the zodiac. Saturn symbolizes structure and authority, which applies to control freaks. I should know. My sister is a Capricorn.

So we can go with the astrological explanation, or we can take a different and more prosaic viewpoint.  They seem pretty much the same.

Whether or not you believe in karmic influence is immaterial. Per karmic law, the energy from whatever you do goes out into the Universe and comes back to you nine times over. It ‘s another way of saying ‘What goes around, comes around.’

Bearing in mind that the Democrat side of the Senate is dead set on controlling everything, the reality is that their control is slipping, and they may know it but refuse to recognize it. However, their behavior is clearly saying ‘we know we are losing control here’. Why else would Pelosi put out a begging letter already?

Sen. Flake has asked for an investigation and a one-week delay on the vote. Pres. Trump has asked the FBI, as I said, to pursue an investigation.  What will happen next?

In one week, the SJC will be required to vote ‘Yes” or “No”, like it or not. Nothing will be found impugning Kavanaugh. The “guilty until proven innocent” is as Medieval as you can get, and I once said ‘Do NOT go Medieval on my ass!’  I meant every word of it.

Therefore, should Mr. Kavanaugh not receive the vote to seat him on the SCOTUS bench, the next candidate is Amy Barrett. 

Barrett is, as we all know, a Catholic, which means that her view of things like abortion may be even less acceptable than Kavanaugh’s history. The fact that Roe v. Wade, passed in 1967 and tested several times since then, has not yet been overturned is immaterial to them. The first thing they will pounce on, like the fools they are, will be that issue, which in my view is, and for 50+ years has been, a non-issue. To say that it will be automatically overturned is utter nonsense boiling out of pure ignorance.

By delaying the vote instead of holding it, and letting everyone know that they are the most obnoxious control freaks on the planet, the Democrats are setting themselves up for what can only be termed the most laughable and obnoxious public decision they have ever inflicted on themselves.

They had a good choice with Kavanaugh, but trumped-up fantasies from “this one time in high school…” have had them chasing themselves and their stubby, wrinkled, little tails in entirely the wrong direction. And now, unless I’m informed otherwise, they will have to vote for someone, whether or not they like it, or leave SCOTUS in an unbalanced and untenable position.  While I realize that there are other candidates waiting in the wings, they and Barrett all have the advantage of witnessing the biggest, and possibly most egregious clown show since Bozo left the circus.

And frankly, the leftreds and Democraps brought it on themselves.

“Lord, what fools these mortals be!” : Puck to Oberon, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Act 3, Sc. 2.

Chin up! It is not over yet.

Category: "Teh Stoopid", "Your Tax Dollars At Work"

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“…will be an investigation by the FBI as ordered by dTrump…”

You of course realize Trump has limited the scope of the investigation to only the first two women, Ford and Ramiez. Creepy porn lawyer’s Kav accuser, Swetnick, didn’t pass muster.

Of course after the FBI completes their investigation and reports the results as nothing new found, the Dems will howl that the investigation was too limited, and must go deeper!

Meaning, longer.

Perry Gaskill

I’m surprised DiFi hasn’t wanted to put Robert Mueller on the case. He can make an investigation last forever…


As sure as night follows day:

Hirono: ‘Farce’ to ‘Limit the FBI as to the Scope and Who They’re Going to Question’ in Kavanaugh Probe

Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” Sen. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) said the FBI investigation of Supreme Court associate justice nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s accusations of sexual misconduct would be a “farce” if the scope and who they’re going to question is limited.

Hirono said, “I would think that Jeff Flake and the other senators who are going for this, investigate investigation, will call for there’s time you know. The thing is every Senate vote matters. There’s time to get to the bottom of it, even if it’s seven days. That is bad enough. But then to limit the FBI as to the scope and who they’re going to question? That really —I want to use the word farce. But that’s not the kind of investigation that all of us are expecting the FBI to conduct.”

Breitbart News Link

There is no ending for these people, unless it’s another Kagan or Sotomayor.

Hack Stone

If they FBI can locate Elaine Ricci, Hack is positive that she will provide the smoking gun. Kavanaugh went to High School In Montgomery County, Elaine Ricci disappeared in Montgomery County. We’re through the looking glass.

J.R. Johnson

AW1Ed the White House stated that it will not limit the scope of the FBI investigation. This means not only will they investigate all three accusers, but the people financing them and coaching them. Including their possible motives and financial gains. Could any of them have IRS problems or unreported Overseas income? Could Mr. Soros be indicted for conspiracy to defraud the government, money laundering, wire fraud…etc.? You bet!


This is BULLSHYT, the phony lying bitch ford and the other phony lying bitch feinstein, both need to be removed from the present positions and inducted into the LIARS CLUB…this FBI crap is a farce for the benefit of ignorant citizens, FBI couldn’t find their own ass with both hands at high noon in the first place and in the second place how are they going to find anything when the lying assed bimbo couldn’t remember “who, why, when, where, and how” A BIG WASTE OF TAXPAYERS MONEY, WHICH THE A.H. DUMOCRAPS ARE GOOD AT! imho


It has been my guess President Trump was saving the nomination of Amy Barrett until the retirement of the “impartial” Ruth Bader Ginsberg; which I though an extremely prudent move. If the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh is destroyed by the ever increasing ruthless progressives Trump may not have a choice but to nominate Barrett.

That leaves his ace card spent and with the retirement of “I can’t imagine what the country would be with Donald Trump as our president” Ginsberg, the radical leftist Democrats bent on destroying our republic for their own power will attack Trump for nominating another male despite his nomination of Barrett and that will be the media message.


True in that he always seems to have another card up that sleeve. He’s playing chess while the Dems are playing Risk and running out of wild cards.

I wasn’t a Trump fan while he was running initially. I didn’t trust him; especially when he said he was on the fence about “man-made global warming”. Once he took office and started instituting his policies I quickly became a huge fan.


Ditto for me.

The guy has been growing on me. Like Bongino says, the old rules are dead.

New rules: call them on their BS – and be brutal about it.


Why, it is almost as if someone discovers that a Replublican can play to win,

and actually -win-.

Not at all tired yet, Mr President, but do please keep trying to overdo the winning.

We’ll let you know, sure nuff.

(I imagine an orange-topped rabbit saying “oh no, not the briar patch again! Oh no!”)

Inbred Redneck

Can you day John Bolton? Would heads explode on the Left?

A Proud Infidel®™

Heads would be exploding like bombs on Berlin or Tokyo during a WWII Air Raid!

Inbred Redneck

Yeah, API, ain’t that a wonderful mental image? I’d love to have the Depends franchise for the House and Senate. They’d all be pissin’ themselves so badly they’d be in danger of dyin’ of dehydration.


No matter how it plays out, we the people lost again. These parasites will not stop until they have their way, or God willing, they finally die off. How much public treasury has been wasted so for, and how much more? The pure hypocrisy of the left is just mind boggling. I have been to 3 county fairs and 2 goat ropings and aint never seen the crap that has boiled over in the last 2 days. Our hope and salvation lies in getting the vote out in Nov, giving the Trumpster a solid majority, so maybe then, finally, we can start a major investigation on the Bitch of Bengahzi, Blow Job Wllie, Oblowme, hell Ted Kennedy, Byrdman of WV, ect,ect,ect. Most of us remember the Nixon/Kennedy debates, Nikita Krushev banging his shoe, the 68 DNC, Watergate, Bork, Iran Contra, Monica. C> Thomas, damn it just never ends. And WE, The People, We paid for it, and are still paying. I am praying that is what dTrump is planning. Maybe the dRats that have been keeping a stranglehold on power for so long have finally pissed off enough people that they have not groomed their own replacements and someone else can slip on in there. Drain the swamp. Would love to see DiFi, San Fran Nan, Maxie Pad, et al ad naseum swinging from a rope. I honestly think that a case for treason, sedition, corruption, graft, violation oath of office, loss of public trust, misuse of taxpayer $, on and on and on.


“These parasites will not stop until they have their way, or God willing, they finally die off. “

To borrow a line from the asshole Neil Young, “Rust Never Sleeps”. Progressive accept their goals may not be achieved in their lifetime. President Woodrow Wilson knew that. At the turn of last century the progressives realized through the school system and religion they could achieve their goals over the next century.

They are a patient bunch.


If they would stop the abortions their numbers would grow. A morbid thought but why stop them from killing their own?

A Proud Infidel®™

Here’s hoping we see a big RED TIDE in November snuffing out the “blue wave” the D-rats have been sniveling about!


From your lips, to the ears of the Most High.


The worst part of the naked power grab by nan the spam, sorry if you took a visual, but that is the best description available, is that Judge Kavanaugh is an absolute choir boy, Boy Scout, Altar Boy, and innocent victim of what can only be termed as an increasingly out of control, attempted, left wing coup to destroy President Trump no matter what the cost to anyone or anything including America.
The Judge has spent his entire life being the one of the best citizens in the history of America and I am proud that President Trump is smart enough to recognize true genius when he sees it and appoints such a great man to a post that he so well deserves.
If the RINO’s even think of letting him fail, that will be the end of the GOP as we know it, guaranteed…
And ,I pray to God, nothing else….


Amen Thunder. Progressives care not about the virtuous they destroy. It is their goal to subjugate those in their way of their power no matter the means. Hitler, Pol Pot, Mau, the DNC, it matters not. They are from the same father: That of unquestioned power and are willing to destroy those in their way.


We can hope that Graham is but one who finally turned back to the real source of his power – the American people. Looks from here that he was so in awe of McCain that he lost his way for a while. I certainly could be very wrong, but I imagine that what started out as proper deference to the man who was a POW and American hero became twisted into an unhealthy following the man to crazy town. Only time will tell if this new attitude sticks with Graham and spreads to others.


He has turned, at least twice now.

The man is politically on ball bearings. While I hope this represents a true change of heart, he needs to be watched, and let know that -another- change is not conducive to voter support and re-election.

J.R. Johnson

Lindsey Graham is actually one of the few true politician. He is willing to compromise in order to get the best outcome for his constituents. He has his opinions, and makes his statements, but he listens to his people and what they want. Even when it goes against his desires.
Some have accused him of being gay, but more likely he missed his fun years having to raise his sister who is almost ten years younger, when his parents died and now finds it hard to relate to others.


and if he is gay? so the fuck what, he’s not hurting anyone with his supposed gayness. As for being a true politician, yes he is, but sometimes his massive balls pull him in the right direction like they did in the hearing.


Good analysis, Ex. My hope is Kav gets confirmed on the floor vote after the FBI turns up nothing, and Barrett is held as the Ginsburg replacement. That old bat can’t live forever. I also hope Kavanaugh spends the rest of his life getting even with these filthy bastards.


I second that!

A Proud Infidel®™️

I just wonder how much longer RBG will keep getting blood transfusions from Keith Richards?


if she was getting ol’ Keith Richards blood you’d think she’d be awake more often.


Hey! I’m getting too old for all these calls to arms!! But don’t let that stop the rest of y’all. Me? Gonna just sit quietly over here eating popcorn. Maybe some bacon. And contemplate additional appropriate reactions should they become necessary.


Those who pass up fresh popped bowls of popcorn and re loaded muskets also serve. I would venture to say that as old as most of us are, we still have at least 1 good fight left in us when our Country’s future is at stake. Speaking of age, is it just me or does this Ford girl look like she has been rode hard and put up wet? She’s only what, 51/52? Help me out here.


Some of us have been saying for a while now that even though we can’t fight as hard or as long as we could, we will still fight. They may take me out in the first round, but it will cost them because I will NOT go down easy.

There are many more who think like that. Such a complete waste of time that these howler monkeys refuse to just sit back and enjoy their lives. They have to keep themselves in a frenzy over ridiculous things and make as many as possible miserable around them. Stupid.

J.R. Johnson

That is because unlike most here, she has never seen the world and horrors that it embodies! They are safe in their own little place…and (to quote a Weird Al Yankovic song) their First World Problems!


She does look used up, but she sure did try to reprise that innocent little 15 year old victim when testifying in that whiny voice.

Made me wanna puke.


Now they go by

“Heads we win, tails CHEATER! CHEATER! CHEATER!!!!!!!”

Hack Stone

Looked like she was going for the Hillary Rodham Clinton look during her testimony. Hack wonders if Ford’s husband steps out on her, too.


Just saw pictures of the Doc’s house (because of her BS about a 2nd door) on Gateway Pundit. I’m sure I read somewhere that it has a tax value of over $1M and an appraised value of $3M! It’s a dump. Ah, California!


Usually never get involved or comment on things like this, but:

For those out there who may believe Ford’s story, consider this…..

Her Grandfather was a CIA agent.

Her Father ran three CIA-front companies.

Her brother worked for the law firm which was behind the creation of the dossier used to start the Russian collusion investigation.

Get the picture?


That is certainly an interesting tidbit.

I suggest adding a link or three to the source. That would be useful stuff.

A Proud Infidel®™

Let’s not forget that Brent Kavanaugh’s Mother was the Judge who ruled on a Foreclosure on Ford’s Parents as well.


I thought it was against them?…..


Don’t absolutely know for sure, but a legal eagle friend who I trust told me that her ruling favored the parents of the twit.

Urban legends are accurate how often?

2/17 Air Cav

The renewed background investigation will tell us what? Unless the FBI investigators use hoses and phone books, I don’t expect that individuals identified by Ford to have been at a gathering of some sort 36 years ago when they were teenagers will suddenly recall it. They will remain consistent in their statements. So, too, will Kavanaugh, because his statements are ironclad, leaving no fudge room at all. That leaves us with Ford who can’t recall how she furnished the WaPo with her therapist’s notes a couple of months ago, let alone how she got home from the gathering, where the gathering was held, what year it was held, or how she flies regularly but could not appear for a hearing on her issue b/c she is afraid of flying. Of course, it will be Trump’s fault when nothing changes next week. All ready being floated is the notion that he is influencing the investigation, restricting where the investigators can go. In other words, just like the election claims, the Left will be claiming that the investigation was not valid. Anyone other than Cunthulu and LC disagree?


I have a dad type bod. My face can be debated as far as attractiveness. However, even though I will never rape nor otherwise harm anyone in the sexual manner, because I could not bring myself to inflict that kind of pain, I still lose opportunities to have romantic relationships or anything even close because of this detestable cultural molestation of accusations, evidence, and lack of integrity to even consider merits of any such things.

Mr. Pete

I am a Catholic!


Unless the FBI finds that Kavanaugh was a serial rapist in high school and has continued with that behavior since that time, most recently the night prior to the issuance of the report, the dipshitcraps will howl that Trump influenced the FBI and will demand another investigation, this one into Trump and his behavior in high school and since.

This is a no win for the Republicans. Any outcome short of a firing squad for Kavanaugh and they will scream bias by the FBI and influence by Trump.

They are the lowest group of smegma coated scum in the history of politics. Senator Graham laid it all out quite nicely. He did so well I thought it might have a positive influence on the dipshitcrats. But, no, it is not to be. They will return to being the trash they are.

I am going to be sooo happy when Kavanaugh is confirmed, provided that flake Flake comes to his senses. If he votes against confirmation, he should immediately be removed from any committee on which he sits, and any money earmarked for his state should be shitcanned.

J.R. Johnson

What we can hope for, is give the Democrats exactly what they asked for (not hoped for)! A wide open investigation into the conspiracy to commit fraud by the DNC and Mr. Soros. They convinced several employees that they had an event occur which they were repressing and could not identify the actual person who did it, that they were in fact the victim of a fictitious person and can now make up wild accusations about it to support their narrative. The FBI will likely find that the “victims” all had similar backgrounds of controversy in the DNC, and participated in many rallies, they also all had DNC supporting therapists which report to Soros. However there is no funding link, because it is all Crowd Funded (though large chunks are from DNC personnel).


Odd thought…

What martial art does the judge practice?


2/17 Air Cav

Disgraced and disgruntled FBI Guy Comey is in the news. He says there ought to be no time limit on the additional background investigation being done on Kavanaugh. Now, there’s a guy who should be listened to. Cripes. What a piece of shit.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

The fucked up thing about Kavanagh is that everyone keeps telling me he’s a strict Constitutionalist…I’m not seeing that…he actually likes government spying without warrants on American citizens, he helped write the Patriot Act and he hasn’t met a government plan to limit the bill of rights that he didn’t love.

He’s not a conservative, he’s a fucking totalitarian who believes government owns it citizens. That’s the reason he shouldn’t be on the fucking Supreme Court….

But we’re going to worry about unproven allegations, because the Democrats can’t actually protest his political views on spying and warrantless searches because they love them as well…

2/17 Air Cav

“He’s not a conservative, he’s a fucking totalitarian who believes government owns it citizens. That’s the reason he shouldn’t be on the fucking Supreme Court….”

That’s an uncharacteristically crazy statement from you. He apparently has pulled the wool over everyone’s eyes but yours. I am inclined to dismiss the mini rant b/c I don’t believe that you believe what you wrote.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Read a few of his comments in case law. He is absolutely comfortable with warrantless spying on every American. He’s also comfortable pushing the limits of the fourth on personal searches without warrants as well.

If you are free to be searched at will by the government, then the government owns you as you are not free in your person from said searches. He also indicated he was skeptical that a warrantless application of a tracking device to a vehicle was a violation of the fourth amendment.

Those are dangerous ideas when coupled with government over reach my friend.

Those views constitute a totalitarian in my view. In the name of safety he’s willing to forgive the government all manner of warrantless search and review of every American.

2/17 Air Cav

I like specifics when it comes to these things, things such as case cites and even abstracts from an opinion, although the latter can easily be misconstrued out of context. I’m guessing that your strong view that Kavanaugh is some sort of despot enabler stems, at least in part, from distortions and misunderstandings of the US v Jones and Klayman cases. Here’s an article from National Review that discusses how the take on those regarding Kavanaugh was, as the author puts it, botched:

I’ll have more later. Gotta do something to pay a bill now.

Veritas Omnia Vincit

Thanks for that, for me the benefit to the government of declaring an unending war and keeping troops in the middle east allows the over use of the term national security to be applied to everything the government does that borders the periphery of the Bill of Rights. For now that’s been limited to a sort of global spying campaign against every single American in the country under the good old, if you’re not doing anything wrong what have you got to hide horseshit.

But even with the drug war we’ve seen the government seize property without due process.

My concern with Kavanagh and others like him is that they are products of government, as such they believe government knows best in many of these cases as do his peers.

You see an endless stream of slow erosion of our Bill of Rights protections. It’s the kind of bullshit that leads to “reasonable” restrictions…where reasonable can redefined ad nauseum to suit the current political climate of the nation and the courts.

Kavanagh is another cog in that machine, that machine is a totalitarian machine and that makes Kavanagh hardly a protector of the individual, which to my mind is exactly what the founders would mean by strict constitutionalist….someone who would in fact protect an unpopular individual from the tyranny of the majority.

I don’t see Kavanagh as that guy, at least not yet.

The definition of conservative today hardly seems to mean anything that used to be considered a part of the definition.

One thing remains certainly true, a government big enough to supply everything you need is also big enough to take it all away. Today’s conservatives seem to love big, bloated budgets and a continued march toward’s reducing personal freedoms. It makes them the flip side of the same coin the fucking liberals are on.


Well, I also have some reservations about Kavenaugh. I am still shocked that I actually sympathized with Kamala Harris et al. when they were questioning him; he was entirely too evasive. I understand and sympathize with his reluctance to answer “yes or no” questions and otherwise aid his opponents, but in my opinion he is either dumber than people think or overly evasive. Also, surprisingly for someone who makes a living with words, more than a little incoherent.

Plus, I remember David Souter, whom we were assured was reliably (aka extreme by Democrats) conservative by all the experts. After watching the hearings I knew the “experts” were full of feces, and Souter was much less evasive than Kavenaugh.

2/17 Air Cav

He should have gotten up and punched her lights out. What a POS she is.

2/17 Air Cav

In the judicial branch, especially embodied in the Supreme Court, is the greatest threat to representative democracy. The court’s members are not answerable to the people and serve for life, except in the case of impeachment or incapacity. The power that they have acquired over the last eight decades or so is tremendous. The Court has, at times, abandoned its role—itself assumed!—of reviewing laws for their comportment with the Constitutional, in favor of declaring law. Who gave the Court such power? Certainly not the Constitution itself. No, it was taken by the court and Congress, collectively, has allowed it. It’s safer that way, easier to avoid upsetting voters when the court is willing to do the job. They are, after all, virtually untouchable once seated. You want tyranny and tyranny of the minority, at that? There it is.

I firmly believe that Judge Kavanaugh appreciates what I have just described. When he says he will respect precedent, I believe him. His job will not be to seek to legislate but to render decisions that do not offend the Constitution. He is, after all, a Scalia son, if you will. He is rightly regarded as one of the more conservative judges around, by those who rate such things. He is also has a sharp legal mind and understands history better than St Antonin did. He is exactly what we need on the court just now and I am wholly confident that he will piss me off from time to time if he ever gets there.

I don’t think that either of us has to start briefing his decisions to get a sense of where he is. That’s my take.


This is BULLSHYT, the phony lying bitch ford and the other phony lying bitch feinstein, both need to be removed from the present positions and inducted into the LIARS CLUB…this FBI crap is a farce for the benefit of ignorant citizens, FBI couldn’t find their own ass with both hands at high noon in the first place and in the second place how are they going to find anything when the lying assed bimbo couldn’t remember “who, why, when, where, and how” A BIG WASTE OF TAXPAYERS MONEY, WHICH THE A.H. DUMOCRAPS ARE GOOD AT! imho