‘I’ve killed people for a living. If you call me again, I’m going to f–king send you to Afghanistan’ – James Mattis

| September 6, 2018



Defense Secretary Jim Mattis takes questions during the daily news briefing at the White House Feb. 7. (Carolyn Kaster/AP)

Military Times reports that Bob Woodward’s newest book has some interesting things in it.   It seems the Deep Throat guy is jumping on the bash the President bandwagon.  Additionally, I am not sure how smart it is to piss off Mad Dog.

Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis didn’t favorably receive former Press Secretary Sean Spicer’s repeated requests to get the retired Marine Corps general to appear on numerous talk shows, according to an excerpt from Bob Woodward’s upcoming book, “Fear: Trump in the White House.”

According to one passage in the book, an exasperated Mattis, having answered “no” a number of times already, lashed out at Spicer, who is an officer in the Navy Reserve.

“Sean, I’ve killed people for a living,” the secretary of defense said. “If you call me again, I’m going to f–king send you to Afghanistan. Are we clear?”

To date, Mattis has appeared only once on a network television show, when he added to his long list of Mattisisms after “Face of the Nation” host John Dickerson asked what tumultuous world affairs keep the retired general awake at night.

“Nothing. I keep other people awake at night,” he quickly countered.

Probably all true but why poke the Bear?  Some other things in the book are probably fiction.

That statement was refuted by Mattis on Tuesday, when the secretary of defense called Woodward’s book a work of “fiction” and “a product of someone’s rich imagination.

“While I generally enjoy reading fiction, this is a uniquely Washington brand of literature, and his anonymous sources do not lend credibility,” Mattis said in a statement.

Woodward based “Fear” on hundreds of hours of interviews with Trump administration staffers with firsthand experience conducted on “deep background,” according to the Washington Post.

The entire article is available HERE. 



Category: Politics

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Hell, even IF he did say it…
Mattis could tell me to pack my bags for ‘jumping into a volcano’ duty, I’d go.
Mattis’s knivehands are the only hands that’ll beat a royal flush.

A Proud Infidel®™️

SECDEF Mattis once shot an azimuth and it killed an entire enemy platoon.

A Proud Infidel®™

The Sun rises in the East and sets in the West because SECDEF Mattis TOLD IT TO!

cc senor

I don’t think that’s what back azimuth means, but I’ve been known to be wrong before.


In this case, I’ll lend you a hand…
According to some dicktionare….

“Azimuth- (as in to “shoot an azimuth”)
(Previously General, 4 star) SECDEF Mattis’ ejaculate…..killed an entire enemy platoon


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SECDEF Mattis has a bear rug in his living room. It’s not dead, it’s just too scared to move.


General either fish or cut bait, SEND SPICER TO AFGHANISTAN LOL Spicer might even grow up! 😉


General Mattis once threw a grenade and killed 10 insurgents…
before it exploded.


Death once had a near-Mattis experience.


Best line. . .

“One probationary officer still in field training, however, was unfamiliar with Mattis and attempted to subdue him. He was subsequently disemboweled without incident.”


I’ve seen GEN Mattis “in action” on a S-3 that he felt was “fucking around” on a field exercise….

It was ASS UGLY.


Deplorable B Woodman

I wonder how a meeting between Gen Mattis and Chuck Walker would go? I would imagine they’d become friends, or at least respect each other.

But imagine the jokes………

Deplorable B Woodman

Make that Chuck Norris…….
Still too much blood in my caffeine stream yet…….


Posted above:

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Norris, Texas Ranger

It’s an easy mistake to make.


I don’t see how Trump could have made a better choice for SecDef. And if the Candy A.. Sean Spicer was pestering Mattis I could see where he might get rightfully indignant.

That said I don’t think he is much in to lying and if I were to pick the word of Woodward or Mattis old woody is just going to have to forgive me… or not. I am good either way.


What did Sean Spicer do to earn that title? It looked from here like he did his time in the hot seat pretty well, under impossible circumstances, and continues to serve honorably back in his military position.

The thought of anyone pestering Mattis is giggle worthy.


Perhaps it is just what I perceive as his personality type but his unicorn comment for example strikes me as a little odd.


I doubt this was actually said. In the world of the Mattis-type warrior, going to A-Stan would be a reward, not a punishment.

2/17 Air Cav

And…we have a winner. The best anyone else can hope for is second place.


McMurdo would be punishment. Particularly if you’re sent there for the winter.


Gee, it’s almost as if Woodward was actually there. Riveting. Protect those “sources” Bob.
Remember deepthroat Bob? It’s your time in the spotlight again so don’t blow it.


Personally, after two combat deployments to Afghanistan, I would rather go there than patrol Chicago rougher neighborhoods.


I had a recruiter tell me that once. He begged to be sent to Afghan and they wouldn’t.


All of the above is true, but the hard truth is General Mathis is a leg.


I’ll take a leg with a CAR and a BSM-V over a five jump chump any day.


This sounds like the kind of quote a writer would love to attribute to a Mattis whether it is true or not. I get the same impression of the rest of the book. Rumours, third hand stories, and the author’s wishful thinking.


In other words, just like every other “tell-all”, “inside story” books about Trump.

Comm Center Rat

Jim Mattis does not simply kill you, he kills you until you’re dead.

Jim Mattis does not know where you live, but he knows where you will die.

Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know when Jim Mattis is going to kill you.

Jim Mattis once heard that nothing can kill him, so he tracked down nothing and killed it.

If you can see Jim Mattis, he can see you. If you can’t see Jim Mattis you may be only seconds away from death.


Here are your choices Troop. You can either have Mathis pissed off at you, or you can sandpaper a bengal tiger’s ass while in a phone booth.

Old Trooper

I’ll take plan B for $200, Alex




GEN Mattis does not seem to be the type that threatens people.

He seems to me to be someone who would just hand Spicer his orders to Afghanistan and drive him to the departure point, and then put him on the plane if Spicer objected.

That’s my take on GEN Mattis.


And then bring him a plate of turkey, stuffing, and pecan pie, fresh from the oven, on Christmas eve.






Too bad Mattis can’t ship that scum-sucking Woodward to A-Stan for some interviews with the ISIS boys. I’d love to see him in one of their videos.


Well, he was a Navy officer. Maybe he was released from active duty but didn’t file his resignation documents. SecDef can recall fron the inactive officer roles.


Surely not when they are like a hundred years old.

2/17 Air Cav

I wish I could have captioned that photo at the top of the page. The face and full-hand point suggest all sorts of good things.


“Lashed out” is pure artistic license. If such a comment was made, it was delivered in a calm, controlled voice. The one that leaves a sensation of crushed ice tumbling through the vena cava.


Adding the F-bomb to a statement like that does not seem to me to be how this man approaches anyone. Period.

Embroidering stories/reports seems to have become a common way to present news of any kind now, including weather reports. It is not just heavy rain, it is devastating with a threat of flooding, even if the standing water level is about 1/2 inch on the pavement.

GEN Mattis seems more like a banked fire than anything else. I’m sure he has an extensive and colorful vocabulary, but then, so do I, which is why I brought up this story in the first place yesterday in regard to Woodward’s literary effort. Nattis used the term ‘literature’ to describe it in the full news story. There was no profanity involved in what he actually said.

This F-bomb sentence hardly seems like something he’d say to anyone. The pile driver approach does not fit, in my opinion.

On the other hand, I’ve never had dinner with GEN Mattis, so I could underestimate how he’d approach telling the waiter that he brought the wrong order. My guess is that GEN Mattis would hardly show a bursts of temper on the level of a spoiled brat or use a vocabulary suited to today’s semi-literate millennials.

The point is that Woodward says things with no verification of them. Both Mattis and John Kelly have denied Woodward’s “source quotes”.

I believe this is hogwash. There may be something to Mattis’s refusing to be a TV icon when/IF Spicer (may or may not have) pestered him, but I personally doubt that he was rude or profane if he said anything at all. Firm, firmer and firmest, yes, but dropping an F-bomb over something so petty?



Yep. But there is a generational thing going on here as well. Guys the age and stature of GEN Mattis tend to just not use language like that outside a locker room, and often not even then. They (and many of us) were taught that coarse language is what you use when you are too lazy to come up with appropriate words.

Gen Mattis is a lot of things but lazy is not among them.




Lets see… who am I going to trust? Will it be a guy who’s lived a life of honor, or someone who trolls bus stations mens rooms? I’ll go with the man of honor!


Lets see… who am I going to trust? Will it be a guy who’s lived a life of honor, or someone who trolls bus stations mens rooms? I’ll go with the man of honor!


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