Thursday morning feel good stories.

| September 6, 2018

From Knoxville, TN

Knox County Sheriff’s deputies have arrested a suspect in connection with an attempted robbery that led to one of the two suspects getting shot below the belt.  Deputies found the suspect, Devin Dewane Smith, 21, who was wanted on two aggravated assault warrants, at Holston Oaks Apartments and arrested him without incident. The assault charges were related to the August 24 robbery, in which two individuals ambushed a female who was exiting her home, demanding money and drugs.

A neighbor who heard the commotion grabbed his gun and yelled at the suspects to stop. The suspect shot the neighbor in the chest, and the neighbor shot one of the suspects in the testicle, according to officers.

The suspects fled the scene and the victim was transported to UT Medical Center with non-life threatening injuries.

Sometime later, the injured suspect was dropped off at UT by an unknown person. The victim was able to identify the suspect as the person who had assaulted the female and who had shot him.

From Omaha, NE

 Police are investigating an incident in which a man said he fired a shotgun at intruders on his property in the 8700 block of M Circle Tuesday morning.

It happened shortly after 11 a.m.

The man said he saw two people coming over the fence in his yard and he fired a shotgun.

Police found a spent shell in the backyard but they found no sign of intruders or anyone injured. There was no blood found on the property.

Police are trying to sort out what happened.

From Ft. Smith, AR 

Krissy Noble, 21, shot and killed Dylan Stancoff using her husband’s gun on December 7 after he broke into her Fort Smith, Ark., home and attacked her, according to ABC News. Stancoff had reportedly tackled Noble, covered her mouth with a hand that she said smelled of chemicals, and then started hitting her in the face. She was able to break free and shoot Stancoff three times before running to a neighbor’s house for help. Noble was eleven weeks pregnant at the time.

According to the police report, Noble had “feared not only for her safety but for the safety of her baby, and felt that she had no other option in this situation.” Authorities at the Sebastian County Prosecutor’s Office later determined that the shooting was in fact justified — but Noble may be facing up to six years in prison over it anyway.

See, in 2017, Noble had pleaded guilty to felony possession of marijuana with intent to deliver and possession of drug paraphernalia. Apparently, in 2016, Noble had been riding in a car with some friends when they got pulled over. No one would claim the contraband that the police found in the car, so everyone who was in the vehicle got hit with the same charges. Noble received a five-year suspended sentence and was therefore not permitted to use or possess a firearm — making her potentially life-saving move in December a felony. She’s now being charged with felony gun-possession by a convicted felon, and for allegedly being in the possession of firearms between November 7 and December 7, according to prosecutor Daniel Shue. Shue also stated that a petition to revoke Noble’s suspended sentence has been filed.

Noble turned herself in on Thursday and was released on a $2,500 bond. She told KHBS in Fort Smith that she’s very concerned about the impact that prison time would have on her newborn son.  “He’s not gonna know what happened to his mom,” Noble said.

Category: Feel Good Stories

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Deplorable B Woodman

Hopefully this takes Mr Smith out of the baby making business, and cleans the gene pool just a little bit more.
(but that STILL has to hurt…..a lot)

Comm Center Rat

Regarding the Fort Smith, Arkansas story and felon Krissy Noble. I wholeheartedly support the County Prosecutor’s Office charging her with felony gun-possession by a convicted felon, for allegedly being in the possession of firearms between November 7 and December 7, and revoking Noble’s suspended sentence for felony possession of marijuana with intent to distribute. The killing of her attacker was justified and it’s reasonable that she not be charged for shooting the perpetrator.

The gun charges look like strike two for Krissy along with some prison time. She was a felon when she shot the intruder and not licensed to own, use, or possess firearms. She should never be licensed to own, use, or possess firearms. Let’s keep guns out of the hands of felons.

Lest any of my TAH brethren think I’m an anti-gunner please know I hold a License To Carry Firearms in Massachusetts which has very strict laws regarding concealed carry. And I own a Smith & Wesson pistol because I like to support that venerable Massachusetts company among other manufacturers.


Not 100% sure I am with the DA on this one…5 convicted felons in the carload? Seems a bit overzealous to charge her again when the first charge was that tenuous. I am far from a limousine liberal ( have advocated here for the death penalty for drug dealers) but this seems like an overreach.


Respectfully disagree. The weapon the young lady used to defend herself and unborn child belonged to her husband. Now maybe technically she was in violation of AR law, pending the outcome of appeal of the possession charge. How many of us were riding in a vehicle as a youngster, not knowing who had what in that vehicle. If I were to be on the jury, this girl would walk on that felony. Sometimes, common sense has to prevail over the letter of the law. NE story, shoulda kept pumping & firing, or been better aware of location of target. TN story; any one that can take a round in the chest and still perform a partial vasectomy is ok in my book.


Someone was in possession of some weed. Therefore, everyone is a felon? What a crock of shit.

The application of law in such ways is just part of what drives citizens up a wall.


you are a – so in your eyes it would have been ok for her to be raped and murdered because to use the gun she would have broken the LAW and then go to jail. Would it be the same if she was your daughter?????


Right on Stewburner, it must be the water in arkansas that destroys common sense, decency and honor !!!

2/17 Air Cav

I’m wondering whether there isn’t more to this that the prosecutor knows but we don’t. For instance, what if the guy she shot was a drug dealer? What if he was there to collect a debt and got rough? What if, in being interviewed subsequent to the self-defense shooting, she laid it all on the table and it wasn’t pretty? Then, I could see how Shue would want her to pay the piper. As for the original possession charge, she plead guilty so I have to assume that she was. It is the case that everyone gets charged when dope is found in an auto and no one takes responsibility for it. Lastly, the states are still free to make their own laws and if marijuana is illegal in state X and state X is surrounded by states A, B, C, and D where dope is legal, that changes nothing in state X.


I DON’T agree with the Arkansas idiots charging her! I can see if she was a felon carrying on the street, but she was in her own home and being attacked by an A.H.! SHE HAD EVERY RIGHT TO DEFEND HERSELF!
WTF is wrong with these pussified prosecutors anymore, they that hungry for a case they think they can win?


That’s bullshit! Get caught with some pot and lose your right to defend yourself? WTF?? I can see if you were charged with murder, rape, armed robbery but pot? C’mon, it’s time that stupid law gets changed. I hope the governor of that state agrees and pardons her.


It’s pot, who gives a shite? It’s gonna be legal Nation Wide next month here in Canuckistan.
I understand and support gun bans for felons who use meth, crack, bath salts ect. Even booze is more of a gun safety liability that weed.
Of course, guns should never be handled while under the influence of anything.