Defense Secretary Mattis sending personnel to North Korea
I have seen that look before…something is about to get done.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. military is “absolutely” considering the possibility of sending personnel to North Korea for the first time in more than a decade to search for additional remains of U.S. troops from the Korean war, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis said on Friday.
I ponder several things right off the bat:
What kind of hysterical hyperbole will the Loony Left come up with to spin a dark side to this? Is President Trump colluding with Rocket Man to build Time Shares?
How much would we be paying for the return of our fallen if Whats her Name was running things? If That Other Guy sent billions to Iran for…sorry it slips my mind what we paid for, how much would that crowd be willing to pay these days? Maybe its just me, but it seems all of this winning is taking a toll on Certain People.
Like him or hate him, its becoming impossible to not acknowledge the man for accomplishing an awful lot in a short time. Maybe his button really is bigger…I mean, look at those hands.
Category: Foreign Policy, Liberals suck, Politics
“Well, yeah, ahem, sure, there is all that actually getting things done stuff, but, but, but, but…what has he done to advance the causes that matter to MEEEEE! Like equitable treatment of fireflies, beautification of fireplugs, making wildfires illegal. And important stuff like that.”
Thus ends a typically inane lefty screed.
The left can’t stop clutching their pearls and decrying the way he just does things his own way and damn what anyone thinks. Politics as usual only works to employ politicians.
He’s a loud-mouth jackass, but he’s OUR loud-mouth jackass! MAGA!
Is anybody tired of winning?
NOPE, not me!!
You ask a good question and I’ll have a go at answering it. Claymore may have more on this tomorrow, c/o DU. The words “sending personnel” as used by MadDog is code for a pre-emptive military strike, the one that Trump has been planning for many months. Initially, the personnel will be Delta Force members disguised as DPAA employees. Mark my words. This is the first step in the war that Trump wants.
Dare to dream…dare to fucking dream.
The first guy in country will be a radio operator.
O.M.G. Dave Hardin, if you are going to post a link to something that would scare the hair off a Persian cat, would PLEASE – I’m begging you, with tears in my eyes from laughing – PLEASE POST A SPEW ALERT!
I almost sprayed my monitor when I saw that. Geezo Pete, man, have some mercy!!!!
In regard to “sending ‘troops’ to North Korea” as a prelude to some sort of warfare something or other: no matter what dTrump does, it is bad because the other person didn’t win.
Is it possible to turn a successful and thriving economy into a complete mess in barely two years? Well, Venezuela went right down the tubes when Maduro took over and has stayed there in the cesspit of decline since then. We missed that by the skin of our teeth.
It is also possible to turn a stagnant economy into a thriving, active entity. When my cousin Steve was in the Army in the late 1950s, he was sent to Korea. When he returned, he told my aunt that (at that time) the Koreans had nothing. Things have picked up considerably since then, haven’t they? Let’s hope that continues, and that the “reunion” (or improved relationship?) between the Norks and the South does improve things and that eventually, the Kims and their ilk will simply fade away to history.
The polosi pic
Woke me UP !!!!
After seeing 1 & 2 was too scared to click bait on # 3. Sure glad I was scared.
They better keep their MREs under lock and key with double encryption. In North Korea, one MRE could literally feed 1000 people and be more caloric intake than they get in a day.
Granny McBotox- so fugly even IDC SARC wouldn’t hit it.
Pelosi has has so many facelifts, one more and she’ll have a goatee. 🙂
That ain’t a dimple on her chin, it’s her navel. Don’t even ask about the brown spot on each shoulder.
Ummmm… I clicked on the third link and my phone screen cracked. Who do I send the bill to?
Send it to Pelosi. Tell her she owes you big time.
“How much would we be paying for the return of our fallen if Whats her Name was running things?”
Nothing. It would never occur to her to do so because she could care less about the recovery of the remains of US military personnel. She would have done nothing, just like ‘That Other Guy.’
Sad to say, you’re likely right on that.
Actually, I bet we’d be paying a crap ton, like pallets full of unmarked bills… the thing is, we would get NOTHING in return, just empty promises, if that..
Actually, she “couldn’t” care less. I fixed it for you.
Actually, when she and Obama were sorting out Burma back in 2012, access for JPAC/DPAA recovery teams for WWII crash sites was one of the very first items discussed and agreed to by the Burmese Army. The first investigation and recovery teams came in 4 months later.
Burma Bob…As one might suspect from knowledge of Trump’s immediate predecessor, the recovery of MIAs was not a priority of That Guy’s administration and the idea itself of reaching out to Myanmar (a/k/a Burma) did not even come from That Guy, let alone Wide Load. Instead, b/c of that country’s designation as a tyrannical shithole by the Bush admin, That Guy wanted to make friends with its tyrant leadership as soon as he was first in office and ordered a review of the effectiveness of US sanctions imposed by Bush. In 2009, That Guy’s administration said it would open dialogue with Myanmar and by 2012 restored diplomatic ties with it and agreed to exchange ambassadors for the first time in 20 years. So, while it is true that That Guy’s State Dept did include MIAs in its discussions with Myanmar, according to Grant Peck of the Associated Press, it was not That Guy’s administration but Yin Yin Oo, a Myanmar Foreign Ministry official, who suggested that initial topics for re-engagement between the US/Myanmar include recovery of WW II MIAs. As always with That Guy and Wide Load, the issue of anything military, including MIAs was not a priority but was merely a tool.
Trump has done many good things with little help from McCONnell and Ryan, but the greatest accomplishment has been the return of the remains of this Nation’s
fallen Warriors from Korea.
How does this advance the causes of the LGBT Community?
What about the children in Africa?
Who is gonna pay my electricity? We need legislation to address that issue.
What gov program pays for my car insurance? I can’t afford that shit.
How does the muzzie community benefit from this?
I don’t have an opinion until the MSM tells me what to think.
Somebody tell me what to think.
I can’t stand this. I’m going to mom’s basement. It’s safe there.
I need a time out.
Those soldiers were rassis. They killed little brown people. Little brown people have rights, you know.
Trump will have ocean front condos in that shithole in six months. Anyone tired of winning? I mean, other than the BSM (Bull Shit Media).
Hey, BSM, eat a bag of dicks you fucking losers.