Scott Cutright; Fake Navy SEAL with identity crisis.

| July 30, 2018

The fine people over at have published a case on a Scott William Cutright.  It seems “Knotright” Cutright can’t make up his mind about what he did while in the military.

Scott William Cutright comes to us from League, TX.  Military phonies became aware of Scott’s claims of being a homeless Navy SEAL Officer.  After a simple search of Scott Cutright we found dozens and dozens of money requests and numerous conflicting posts.  In some posts he claims to be a Navy SEAL then others he was not a SEAL.  Other claims of being a Mustang (Navy term for prior enlisted that receives his/her commission) with two Purple Hearts. 

He claims that some Ring Knockers were picking on him because he was prior enlisted.

His claims about military service are all over the place.  He is, he is not, he was, he might be, you will have to go over to to read all the different claims.  Here are some highlights:

This clown goes on ad nauseam.  Plus, he is a real tough guy.

Ok, he throws in some PTSD and Purple Hearts and bada boom bada bing…he is a war hero.   Well, maybe not.  A few real Navy SEAL types over at MP had no idea who this guy was, so they ordered his records through a Freedom of Information request.   You will never guess what they found.

Hey, he almost made it two years.  But I don’t think he was doing any super secret SEAL stuff while he was in the Brig.  Navy seems to think he skyrocketed to E-1, which is just a pay grade or 12 under a LtCmdr.  Shocking…I know.  Since he is obviously confused about his role in protecting our fine country, we are glad we could help clear it up for him.  Who knows how many different accounts he has asking for money out there.

Category: Phony soldiers, Valor Vultures

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2/17 Air Cav

A fake non-SEAL? Dammit. As for for “they” who refused to interview him, I invite him to visit here and be interviewed. I imagine it would be akin to an X-rated 60 Minutes segment.


Those “ringknockers” must
Have been at least 100 years old…damn if he didn’t reach deep into old Navy folklore for that term…maybe he was watching “Mr Roberts” or something similar on TCM. Actually, I think he just watches NAMBLA-approved porn so can’t imagine where he got it…perhaps he coined it while on his knees in a fan room with some gay officer’s scrotum ring knocking his fillings loose

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

What a start for this Monday morning, and the dip shit isn’t from Florida.


Just another fake SEAL Monday.


It’s just another Fake SEAL Monday
I wish it was Sunday
‘Cause that’s my fun day
My I don’t have to run day
It’s just another Fake SEAL Monday

appologies to The Bangles


The Bungholes wrote that…it’s the fake SEAL anthem


If it wasn’t, it is now!

Dallas Wittgenfeld’s Bunghole

I’m starting a tribute band…want a backdoor pass?


Are you writing any tributes to the dearly departed DBB? How about something catchy with a good beat. For a title I’m thinking “The Ballad of Lawn Dart Danny.”

Hack Stone

Actually it was written by Prince.


The Bangles were a lot easier on the eyes than Prince.


Isn’t this him?

In this Facebook, he said Ohio was too cold.

Yet in another Facebook, he said Ohio was too hot.

The 3 Bears. Wishy-Washy Goldilocks.


Raised in St. Louis and the Midwest is funny like that. Summer and winter extremes can be as bad as anywhere else in the country; they just don’t last as long. Midwest summer can be unbearable for a few weeks, Houston does the same for a few months. Winter is the same. Not saying this dipshit is right… but he’s not entirely wrong, either.

Quick correction; believe this idiot is from League City, TX (near Houston.) No League, TX.


I was thinking the same thing about his current location.


Well Fakers are going to Fake
And another shitbird gets it google fame
Enjoy moron


Scott Cutright, phony Navy SEAL, got discharged as a Seaman Recruit. I noticed that the “of rate” has the rate blacked out. I’m guessing that he got busted down to Seaman Recruit.

Then, his PRD (Planned Rotation Date) matched what would’ve been his ETS, assuming that he started an active duty contract in April of 1988. The PRD would be consistent with his expected ETS with a four year active duty contract.

It looks like this guy may have been kicked out.


Another E-1 supply clerk (SK-Store Keeper) with Purple Hearts.

Frank Visconi much?


Scott Cutright,
Enjoy your google fame
Living proof some people
Are just plain stupid


Check out Nikki Corraine’s FB page. She is giving him full frontal assault on this. In her photos she has pages of messages with him and his BS stories.


Goldmine. I also love the “Believeable Shadow Boxes” FB group that she mentions.–Jql6SEb7lz1h4UU0g4KLzBfQdfFc&fref=nf

Holy shit, There’s a another Phony Seal on that page – Carter Allen Junior Simon

Dude was a Navy SEAL, MOH (it got stolen while he was in hospital recovering from being shot), a former CIA operative, plus many, many other crazy claims.


Wish I had FB so I could see all that!


Don’t do it.
Once you book face you can never go back. A deal with the devil.

2/17 Air Cav

26Limabeans. I’m feeling all soft and shit right now so I’m going to say it: I really enjoy your comments. I click on them expecting a chuckle and you rarely disappoint. And don’t tell anyone I said this or the wise asses around here will be talking about Motel 6.


2/17 to 26Limabeans: 😍

Like one of those old timey cartoons where the eyes bug out and go “aoooga!”


2/17 Air Cav

I like yours too, smart ass.


You guys want to get a room?

2/17 Air Cav

Thank you. I was wondering whether everyone here had gone to mush. Hell, I left an opening that one could drive a truck through sideways…


You just couldn’t fit Hillary through it. Even sideways!


Well, you were the only one to respond to my very first comment on TAH so we will always have that…..


So he wasn’t a SEAL, he was a Storekeeper (SK).

For you Army types, that’s Supply Guy.

He might have supplied stuff to SEALs but I’d guess providing paper clips and staples and cans of coffee just aren’t glamorous enough for certain people.

After all, Casey Ryback was also a cook… just a lowly, lowly cook.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Ex-PH2; Could it be that the flick Under Siege was in fact based on cutright;s Top secret exploit’s and Steven S. played the leading part keeping cutright in the Spec Op shadows.


No, Jeff LPH3, because that would mean excluding that old Gunners Mate from the part where they load the Big Guns to fire them off so that Tommy Lee gets blown backwards against the ship’s bulkheads. And you simply do not take the Gunners Mates off the Big Guns. Ever.


P.S. They had some really nice shots of that old warhorse ship in that movie. I’d like to see a new version of those ships hit the waves again, BUT if you don’t have competent Nav people in CIC, well….

I hope THOSE things get fixed, and soon.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Ex-PH2; She was tied up pier side when the flick was shot and you never would have guessed that, with some of the shots showing water around her. Amazing what they can do with photography.

Hack Stone

Sometimes those photo special effects are stunning, other times you get a Bernath level of photoshopping.


She sure did look good, for an old gal her age.

Combat Historian

Internet World: Mustang LCDR SEAL with 2 PHs…

Reality World: Enlisted SK shitbag reduced to E-1 and kicked to the curb after 23 months…


Practically the same thing. Can you please donate to his many gofundmes now? /sarc


I think I hit the report button by mistake. Apologies to all. Not sure but think so.


And don’t forget his impressive last duty station was the Navy brig at Little Creek, VA Navy base just before he was kicked to the curb.

Daisy Cutter

I think the concept of Facebook promotes some of this… not meaning the company.

Basically, put your best foot (face) forward to the world. Tell it how it ought to be, not how it is, because it sounds so much better.

RGR 4-78

Scott William Cutright puts the fake in fakebook.

Keepin' It Real

It’s like they say about an NFL team:

“There still trying to decide what kind of team they are.”

Scott Cutright is a chameleon-POSer. Scott – get your story straight before you come at us. Act like you been here before.

Daisy Cutter

“There I was, knee deep in supply requisition forms with DRMO season sneaking up behind me…”


Hey! You don’t know what it’s like, processing all those 1348’s, palletizing, dealing with the I-10 traffic, and DRMO Tucson is hotter than the devil’s ballsack. It brutal, it takes me 2 days to recover form a drop mission. The horror…


Nice 1000 yard stare Scott Cutright. I hope they lock your ass up again for stolen valor!


That’s his “does anyone have the key to the restroom” look. His 1000 yard stare would kill ya! lol


That 1000 yard stare just targeted a half-finished bottle of Nightrain on a park bench…


And likes beating on kiddies, according to the files over at Military Phonies..

Special kind of hell for this little fucker awaits.


Just saw that.

What a POS.


Scott William Cutright, shitcanned Seaman Recruit. Welcome to your new Google fame. The interwebs are forever.


Are you talking about Scott Cutright, phony Navy SEAL, phony mustang officer, phony purple heart recipient, who was only enlisted, and who got chaptered out as a Seaman Recruit/E1? That guy? (Google hit).


I’m sure most SEAL’s have a side gig in tech support to keep them busy in their off time.


It’s deep cover. He was sent to infiltrate Dell. Obviously a COIN operation. Dell is a hotbed of insurgents.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

The Navy Dept. should gather all the phony Seals that they can get a hold of to volunteer for a suicide mission like in the Dirty Dozen flick to go into some Mideast country’s and take out isis. Nah, let’s make it a “SEWER SIDE” mission where they all stand in front of a street’s open manhole, and a dozer dozes them down the sewer and they wouldn’t even have to pay a “cover” charge when the manhole’s “cover” is dropped down. Yuk, Yuk.

Morgan Blake

I heard good ol’ Scott likes going into a manhole.

Jeff LPH 3, 63-66

Manhole? I’m trying to keep it clean but then again I’m Sewer they are dirty.

Green Thumb


A straight up Manhole Inspection Team.

Downside is that if these losers were tasked to do some insertion work, they would all get wasted pretty quick.

But then again, maybe that is a good thing?


Which is why I always use Man Lock™ by McGard. “Protects your manhole”©

comment image

Real product. Seriously.

Morgan Blake

And this is what happens when you don’t use McGard.

comment image

A Proud Infidel®™️

He looks like a MEAL Team Six Buffet Assault Commando to me as well as instant death to each and every jelly doughnut he comes across!!


You should see his fat boy photo standing in front of his new mustang while accepting donations.


His Facebook has a picture of his Father’s Headstone.

SSG William Dennis Cutright
27 June 1949-19 June 2011.

According to his Dad’s obituary:

Bill was a veteran of the U.S. Army as a Ranger with the 101st Airborne serving two tours in Vietnam and also an EMT and truck driver.

He has a Purple Heart.

Perhaps he is living his life through his Dad with his stories or embellishing as a coping method based on his Dad’s passing?🤔


Now am wondering if Scott’ Dad WAS a RANGER…🤔

Hack Stone

It must have killed his old man that he raised such a shitbag that he got tossed out. I’ve always wondered about the dirtbags that got kicked out of The Corps going back home to Mom and Dad. You know the Old Man was talking it up at the VFW when Junior graduated boot camp, now he has to hope that none of his buddies ask how the Devil Dog is doing.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I remember when I was a wet-behind-the-ears Joe in Basic and one of our DS’s talked to us about the ones who would wash out, go home and run their mouths about how they got booted for beating up a Drill Sergeant,… and how quickly they’d get their asses handed to them as soon as they talked that shit t the wrong Veteran.


Doubt it. He joined the Navy to get out of going to prison for Felony auto larceny in Shelby. County TN.

He’s was born a disappointment


I’ve looked and looked through all of his claims/flights of fancy and was unable to find where he says his Immaculate Conception occurred in 1968 while his Father was on I&I in Hawaii from a tour in The Viet of the Nam like PVT Swafford from “Jarhead” was.



Too bad CSM Rick Cayton already retired when this law went into effect in 2015.

And even though the 1st SEAC wears an extra NDSM, he probably doesn’t qualify as well.


Yes, it is unfortunate there was no state penalty for his bogus POW claims. He richly earned all the infamy he deserves since his SV fucktardery brought on the night maguire rig extraction that killed two of his men on a LRRP operation.


Am guessing you also know about the knife wounds on his face, rgr769. They were most likely self-inflicted. Course, while he was stationed at Wainwright, he claimed he was attacked in his barracks by unknown blacks who assaulted him with a knife.

Again, he had big time Daddy issues
Heck, his father, CSM Vernon Cayton told stories to family that he was a Korean War POW.

The apple does not fall far from the tree.


I do. Mary & company found the Army chaplain who knows the story. They were apparently self-inflicted when he was stationed in Alaska after his return from RVN. In any event, he did not have them when he left RVN, but however he got them, he certainly didn’t get them as a POW in RVN. I have copies of the docs that show he was in the company area when he claims he was a guest of the VC or NVA. He reportedly told stories for years that the scars were inflicted upon him as a POW by the enemy.

Ex-Garbage Gun Shooter

I personally think you are being a bit tough on this Scott Cutright seal poser, bottom feeding, lying sack of cow dong. Think about it for a moment. It takes a great deal of skill and more brains than a pet rock has in order to serve for almost 2 years in the Navy and remain an E1.


Hey look! The abbreviation for Correctional Custody Unit, Little Creek!



Yes, and on “Morale Fridays” the brig’s 1MC would finally announce to breathless anticipation “set Condition Yoke on Semen [sic] Recruit Cutright”…to be met with enthusiastic applause and sodomy


It’a all in the chapter in his bio, “Buggary in the CCU”.


Correction Custody equals BUD/S…who knew?

Frigging ballsack


…Other claims of being a Mustang (Navy term for prior enlisted that receives his/her commission)….

“Mustang” is also used in the army.

Grandfather, 1936~1954; Infantry: Mustang
Father, 1947~1970; Infantry: Mustang
Me, 1973~1994; Infantry: Mustang

Green Thumb

Another felonious felcher on his way to a career at All-Points Logistics….

Cameron Kingsley

Is All Points Logistics still around?


Yes, they sell that tasteful hat he’s sporting…it’s part of their signature “Poser” series of action wear

Cameron Kingsley

And that “company” is not a scam is it or has participated in scams? I believe I somewhat remember reading that they were doing some shady stuff like taking on government contracts that they had no intention of fulfilling correctly, because if that’s the case, how has it not been shutdown? I’m sorry, I am not completely familiar the situation. I do know that good ol Phildo is a slime ball.

Hack Stone

All Points Logistics has an “I Got Your 6” Program. If you go online to protect Phil Monkress’ claims of being a Navy SEAL, Phil will buy a 6 pack of Chicken McNuggets.

Daisy Cutter

Their motto/creed: “Never leave your buddy’s behind.”


The “fine people” over at militaryphonies…?
[raised eyebrow]


Traffic copied that Scott William Cutright is a FAKE POSER NAVY Seal (Bilge Pump Part?) who wants to be GOOOOOGLE Infamous. And since it hasn’t been posted yet, with apologies to the trademark holders. COCKSUCKER


The Seal stuff is on the other side of the Form 13164. Turn it over. I’m sure it’s there.
Might be a bit faded but I’m sure it will be there. Damn ink cartridges don’t print worth a damn on the opposite side.


A prime example of why Jonn did what Jonn did.


Amen! ! ! !


Ok, Ok, someone has to step in here to defend us Store Keepers, and other supply department rates! LOL Yes, we were just lowly pencil pushing supply clerks but that doesn’t mean we didn’t handle other jobs, too, nor does it mean we were always in safe places. I saw the SK job offer as a way out of deck force and the endless chipping and painting that job entailed.

Jesse Ventura was an SK, as was the first awardee of the SWCC badge. I know of at least one cook with two Purple Hearts, and he went on to found the Mobile Riverine Force Association in the 90′ and was the organization’s president until his resignation earlier this year. And I know of other supply guys who were posthumously awarded the PHM.

Does this Cutright jerk deserve leniency because he went to SK school; absolutely not, and I hereby expel him from the SK rating!


I second your expulsion of Cutright.


Not sure I would use Jimmy Janos as a great example for anything, except sphincter muscles.


No, not a very good example, but the only SK SEAL I could think of. I think he was mostly a rootin, tootin bar hopping UDT member in Olongapo during part of the VN war, then became a SEAL as a reservist later on. I could be wrong, as it’s been a while since I read his bio. But nonetheless, there were SEALs from many ratings back then. Probably even a cook or two, but I’d bet no E-1 SK’s!


I did find a couple more SK’s among the list of SEAL’s KIA in VN, plus one cook. There had to be more who survived.
SK1 Wagner, Robert Kay ST-1
CS1 Patrick, Donnie Lee ST-1
SK2 Zillgitt, Donald Henry ST-1


Hey Duddley Doright, or whatever your name is. When I saw you wrote the Marine “Corp”, it was a dead giveaway that you were a window licker on the Special Ed bus. Are you the lost son of Obammy? But it got even worse reading the rest of your less than articulate writings. To say you are incompetent is to give you far more credit than you deserve. IMHO you deserve the 2018 Forrest Gump Tribute Artist award.

Patrick Cook

Hey guys.. it’s not League, Tx it’s League City, Tx


Everything this guy has said to get donations is a lie. He was kicked out of U.S. vets houston in February for creating fundraisers for homeless vets at Christmas $2,500 and keeping all of it. plus asking for items for the other guys to be sent directly to him. Kept them. Then posted tgatbthe vets were ungrateful whiny bitches. He Fucked them over for Veterans Day too.