AP: US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits

| July 6, 2018

The Associated Press has an article going around today about how the US Army [is] quietly discharging immigrant recruits. It can be misleading, if you choose to misread the whole thing. Basically, the Army is issuing uncharacterized discharges to people who haven’t gone to basic training yet because of problems with their applications. Some folks are reading it as the Army is discharging active duty soldiers – but that’s not it at all;

Some of the service members say they were not told why they were being discharged. Others who pressed for answers said the Army informed them they’d been labeled as security risks because they have relatives abroad or because the Defense Department had not completed background checks on them.

Spokespeople for the Pentagon and the Army said that, due to the pending litigation, they were unable to explain the discharges or respond to questions about whether there have been policy changes in any of the military branches.

Eligible recruits are required to have legal status in the U.S., such as a student visa, before enlisting. More than 5,000 immigrants were recruited into the program in 2016, and an estimated 10,000 are currently serving. Most go the Army, but some also go to the other military branches.

Many of the quotes from recruits in the article give the reader the impression that they spent time on active duty – that’s not the case. The immigration attorney keeps saying thing like “Immigrants have been serving in the Army since 1775” whatever that means because it doesn’t apply to this situation at all.

President George W. Bush ordered “expedited naturalization” for immigrant soldiers in 2002 in an effort to swell military ranks. Seven years later the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest program, known as MAVNI, became an official recruiting program.

It came under fire from conservatives when President Barack Obama added DACA recipients — young immigrants who were brought to the U.S. illegally — to the list of eligible enlistees. In response, the military layered on additional security clearances for recruits to pass before heading to boot camp.

The Trump Administration added even more hurdles, creating a backlog within the Defense Department. Last fall, hundreds of recruits still in the enlistment process had their contracts canceled. A few months later, the military suspended MAVNI.

See, you have to read deeply into the article until you understand that the Associated Press is talking about recruits waiting on start dates, not soldiers on active duty.

I’m just waiting for the anti-military Left to take up the mantle for these recruits.

Category: Army News

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Doc Savage

Yeah..its the media portraying these folks as “veterans”….definitely not the case if they are still DEPS.

And using the applicants words as a source of validity just makes it worse…

this statement caught my eye:

“The man had enlisted in April 2016 anticipating he’d be a citizen within months”,

As someone that spent a tour on Recruiting duty, I have never heard of such a thing; in what branch of the US Armed Forces would you be granted US Citizenship simply within a few months of enlisting?

I know I am not alone in seeing through this media bullshit.



You can’t wake someone pretending to be asleep.

Doc Savage

*sigh*….so true…


The French Foreign Legion will give French citizenship to non-French people who enlist with them. It used to be automatic, don’t know if it still is, but it’s there.

Doc Savage

Yes, but after a period of three years, unless wounded, then I believe there is no waiting period.


You don’t get the citizenship at enlistment, though. You apply for it after three years of service, and it’s “usually” granted, according to this:



I thought it was after a certain number of years. I guess it doesn’t matter, this article and all related ones are meant stir the pot and create another reason to rise and resist and hate Trump.


C’mon, Jonn. Did you really expect the media NOT to try and spin this?

Spin, not reporting, is the modern media’s #1 priority.


” I’m just waiting for the anti-military Left to take up the mantle for these recruits.”



The D0D as a whole discharges a large number of first termers before they fulfill their contracts for numerous reasons.

This is one of my criticisms for the pro-draft types. These personnel drain resources and waste money. Draftees would only further complicate readiness and drain resources.


“Draftees would only further complicate readiness and drain resources”

I knew quite a few them that would disagree.


The phenomenon of large numbers. Rather than use anecdotal evidence look at the numbers as a whole. Of course, some would adapt and even excel. Not as a measure of central tendency. The military uses tax dollars for everything and right now attrition is over 30%. As a risk/return proposition, it’s a no brainer.

Another consideration is the fact that the society of the past is not the society of today.

Perhaps a more efficient use of resources would be better recruiting incentives and quality of life for our volunteer force.


Imagine if you could tap into the manpower that usually become attorneys and doctors. Many of them would be very good soldiers. See Israel as an example.


Israeli society is more homogeneous and has much more of a nationalist mentality. If the US had less heterogeneity, tribalism and benefits to be has as a “victim” compulsory service would be more desirable. Israel is also exponentially smaller than the US and possesses obvious threats on their borders which enter the reality of daily living as an Israeli.


Yeah, regardless of political party, Israelis tend strongly towards nationalism. That’s the result of being surrounded by people hellbent on their murder.

Maybe the pacifists of Berkeley and America’s other lunatic asylums would show more patriotism if their neighbors continually tried to shoot missiles at them.


Unlike those paragons of virtue such as Bradley Manning and Bo(?) Bergdahl, who rendered sterling service as volunteers. And the list doesn’t stop with those two. How many of those splendid volunteers have been exposed on this site alone as having not even completed training?

In addition, I am sure some of those “drained resources” would be recouped by not having to offer “quick ship” and other enlistment bonuses.

I look forward to reading the documentation I am sure you will provide detailing why a draftee military would be more costly than the current system.


Hey now, according to the former resident of 1600 Pennsylvania, Bergdahl is a hero.


lol…yeah I’ll get right on that sunshine.


Back in the day yours was a widely held belief supported by actual evidence. Sure, there were plenty of good troopers who happened to be drafted – often you didn’t even know they were draftees. The many bad ones made it more than obvious and caused all sorts of problems.


Aside from the realities of past problems with the draft, the attrition we have today, and the societal changes in attitudes, there is also the constitutionality of implementing the citizenship only by service mentality that would have to jump a big constitutional hurdle.


DoD also discharges many people for failure to adapt, disciplinary issues, medical problems….yawn.

A Proud Infidel®™️

I’ve heard that they even discharge people for being overweight!


Associated Press os working hard to earn the Fake News award of the year.

Hummm…can we have competition for that award?


The winner gets posted here every Tuesday, Yef, at least in my opinion.


“you have to read deeply into the article”

Few do that. They read the headline and then straight to the comments.


It also takes a little knowledge of the subject, and few people today know much about how the military works.


Or, apparently, much else beyond commenting loudly and ignorantly.


I went to BCT with a 41 y/o illegal immigrant. Seemed like a good Soldier, in that he could shoot relatively well and do PT. Don’t have the slightest idea what happened to him after we parted ways, but if he stayed the course, he absolutely earned his citizenship. Frankly, for me, it’s the one and ONLY way to earn citizenship.

Yet, all these people in the article who are talking about how they risked their lives for this country are full of it. They haven’t done shit. Signing up and swearing in doesn’t mean anything. The dude who put out a hitlist at my basic and got relieved of his shoelaces until his discharge was processed had done all of that, and he was a piece of shit. NOT a veteran, and NOT deserving of anything.

Alas, the facts that the Army won’t comment on the issue, and the story is based on the word of sleazy immigration attorneys, one of whom talks about immigrants serving since 1775, and the article shits on native-born Soldiers by fluffing about how much better immigrants do, marks this whole thing as transparent left-wing propaganda. Fuck the AP.


Ditto X 2.

A Proud Infidel®™️

The ASSociated Piss strikes out again.

Fuck. Them.


Here’s an excellent thread on the subject from John Noonan, senior counselor for military and defense affairs for Senator Tom Cotton. Lays it out clearly and succinctly.



Whrte5is the WOT?

Is Jonn eating lunch or sumtin’?

A Proud Infidel®™️

Floor Buffer, hallway, NOW!!!


Nearly every soldier I ever dealt with in this program was a terp and a lazy shitbird. Whiny, lazy, incompetent, weak the list goes on and on. There were a few that were diamonds in the rough and understood what the military was about but they were too few and far between.

I’d prefer to have a good Chaldean LN terp most days then any of these dudes who were often from North African nations. In fact one of my LN’s hated them with a passion too, so much so that when he emigrated to the US and subsequently joined the Army he went straight in to the Infantry.


Just watched CBS Eve news on this. IMHO, they have been sort of objective and I watch them almost every night.

Then tonight on this subject: back scenes are all soldiers in full battle rattle. Soldiers breaking shit and destroy things in the background. Then in front, a whiny little bitch (a la Manning) whimpering.


There is some truth to the apparent abandonment of the Military Accessions Vital to the National Interest program. When I was getting ready to retire I attended a program at GT filled with very smart young fellows that enlisted under that program. None of them thought their time in the service was going to end so quickly.


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