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Army antiterrorism training included anti-abortion groups as among the extremist groups

| July 17, 2024 | 52 Comments
Army antiterrorism training included anti-abortion groups as among the extremist groups

Soldiers receiving training for gate guard saw a slide show presentation related to terrorism. Among the groups listed as extremists were both left and right groups that should not have been listed. One of those groups were antiabortion groups. Republicans took issue with the inclusion of the antiabortion groups and sent a letter to the […]

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Biden to award two MoHs tomorrow

| July 2, 2024 | 29 Comments
Biden to award two MoHs tomorrow

On Wednesday, 3 July, two of Andrews’ Raiders will receive posthumous Medals of Honor for their role in the successful Union raid. Prior to this, Lieutenant (Brevet Lieutenant Colonel) Alonzo Cushing was the Medal of Honor recipient most divorced from the date of action (3 July 1863) and date of award (19 December 2014), at […]

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Retired soldier sentenced to 36 months in prison for defrauding the Army

| June 14, 2024 | 19 Comments
Retired soldier sentenced to 36 months in prison for defrauding the Army

Kevin Romulus Pelayo, together with his wife Cristine Furio Fredericks, illegally obtained over 800 Soldier Social Security numbers. From 2014 through 2020, these Social Security numbers were provided to the Army’s Mass Transportation Benefit Program. The Soldiers were not aware that they had been listed as using this program. The couple provided an illusion that […]

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D-Day hero to receive posthumous DSC

| June 4, 2024 | 11 Comments
D-Day hero to receive posthumous DSC

We’ve talked about Staff Sergeant Waverly Woodson Jr before. I wrote about him last year for a Valor Friday piece. Click the link to refresh your memory. Ex-PH2 posted about him a few years previous. [Editor’s note: I don’t realize how much I miss some people like Ex until I’m going through old posts and […]

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American Soldier arrested in Russia

| May 7, 2024 | 129 Comments
American Soldier arrested in Russia

Staff Sergeant Gordon Black was stationed in South Korea. During his transit from South Korea to Fort Cavazos, Texas, he made a stop in Vladivostok, Russia. He wanted to meet up with his girlfriend, who lived in South Korea but returned to Russia. Black was subsequently arrested under accusations of stealing things from his Russian […]

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The US Army deployed lasers to assist with drone threats

| April 27, 2024 | 16 Comments
The US Army deployed lasers to assist with drone threats

The U.S. Army has added to its weapons inventory. A couple of high-energy lasers were deployed to assist troops with combating hostile drones. One had already been in theater; a second one was recently added. Elsewhere, different laser systems are being evaluated in other areas where the US is deployed. With these laser deployments, the […]

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Army helicopter pilots to receive more training hours

| April 12, 2024 | 15 Comments
Army helicopter pilots to receive more training hours

In response to aircraft related accidents, the Army is going to have its helicopter pilots conduct additional hours of training. Six hours of training will be added that focuses on spatial awareness and maintenance issues. Active-duty pilots will complete this training by May 10. From Now, the service is adding four to six hours […]

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The US Army is revamping its force structure to deal with future wars

| February 29, 2024 | 39 Comments
The US Army is revamping its force structure to deal with future wars

The U.S. Army is planning to cut thousands of jobs, by up to 24,000, as it moves to restructure in anticipation for the next major war. However, the Army says that this will not involve actual service members being asked to leave. Instead, billets that are not filled will be cut, such as unfilled billets […]

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