Left goes apesh**

| February 18, 2009

The last few years, I think I remember quite a bit of name calling coming from the Left.  MoveOn.org sponsored an ad campaign for the 2004 election that drew entries like these;

Well, Michelle Malkin had her picture taken with a guy who had a sign addressing Obama that had a swastika on it and the KosKids are totally freaked.

Don Surber pointed me to a Boston.com article in which deputy political editor Foon Rhee freaks out because of a cartoon in the New York Post which depicts a dead monkey and a reference to the stimulus bill.

Never mind that George Bush was “Curious George” for eight years, or Chimpy BushMcHitler, or any number of other names that the Left thought were somehow cute. Being who I am, I waded into the morass that is the reader comments. Here’s some of them;

Just like their double standards when it comes to the flying the flag, patriotism, and, oh just about everything else.

Category: Politics

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The Sniper

Yeah, I did a post on this one too. It’s not the first time I’ve brought it up and probably not a first for you either but it certainly seems like the most transparent and easily countered bullshit the left is spewing.

Call me a monkey and you’re funny. If I call you a monkey, I’m a racist.


This reaction also shows the Left’s ignorance of our laws: the Porkulus bill was written by the Congress and Senate NOT by the President, and/or the Left’s lack of English comprehension because it says “to write” NOT “to sign”… The cartoon has NO relation to the President whatsoever and they are all blubbering about the President being offended, especially, GASP, during the Black History Month…

Army Sergeant

Apparently your second video can’t be viewed from Germany. Oh, Germany. If we all pretend Hitler never existed, it will all be better!


“Oh, Germany. If we all pretend Hitler never existed, it will all be better!”

Deutchland flashbacks! I remember seeing a cartoon done up at a Bahnhoff showing a caracture of Hitler saying “Welcome to Germany!”


Kos? who is THAT Macaque?? ;o)

I love the comedic hypocrisy of the leftists / communists as they poop their stained panties about such things… they have the most corrupt and incompetent man to sit in the White House since Carter, with the most corrupt cabinet members in that length also, the greatest number of failed nominations due to criminal behavior, the most anti-American and anti-Christian people in power in generations – and the leftist dumbasses lose their already weakened sphincter control over an editorial cartoon.
They are hysterical! pathetic, yes, perverted, of course, but funny!!!!!

Yat Yas 1833

“Left goes Apeshit”? I thought the left WAS apeshit!?