Dems’ double standard

| January 27, 2009

One of my favorite writers is Wesley Pruden, the editor emeritus of the Washington Times. This morning he demonstrates why he’s been my daily read since I moved to this town nearly 10 years ago in a piece on the Obama Administration getting smacked in the head with reality;

Gone are his airy assurances that the rough places of the planet can be sanded smooth with a soaring speech, that an enemy’s guns are no match for warm and fuzzy language. Maybe mere eloquence can’t shame the troublemakers to silence after all. Neither will several verses of “Kumbaya.” Maybe the world wants more than a Coke.

His briskly executed executive order to close the American prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, demonstrated that he’s absolutely, positively, unequivocally serious about keeping his endlessly repeated vow to shut down the prison. Some day, but not today. Within a year, unless it takes longer than that. Or possibly never. He, along with a growing number of his enablers, has discovered evil in the world.

Yeah, I’ve been smacked in the head with another type of reality. Last month, it was chic to be a dissenter against the government. Every little thing that happened to the Bush Administration was a jolly good laugh or proof that they were corrupt and evil. For seven years we had to listen to the “dumb Bush” stories because he choked on a pretzel.

But suddenly, we’re supposed to excuse Obama’s behavior. One commenter told us that if we can’t say anything good about the president, we shouldn’t say anything at all. Can you imagine if I’d said that during the Bush Administration or if I’d deleted every comment critical of the President? Hell, the most repeated phrase of the Left for eight years was that “dissent is patriotic”. Suddenly not so much.

Back in November, I wrote right after the election how Lou Schrader of Las Cruces, NM was criticized by his Democrat neighbors for flying his flag upside down and accused of being unpatriotic while for years, it was merely patriotic dissent to do it while the Bush Administration was in office.

Where’s Obama’s illegal alien aunt? It took me hundreds of dollars and months to straighten out my wife’s, step daughter’s and grand daughter’s immigrant status when my wife lost her green card a few years back. But this particular illegal alien gets a complete pass.

And what about this goon who’s about to be our Treasury Secretary who skipped out on paying his taxes? Michelle Malkin has much more on him and the vote confirming him last night. Can you imagine the storm of criticism if Bush had nominated someone with a similar history?

Yet they’re still pursuing Karl Rove on the J-Department’s firing of Democrat lawyers – even though there are lawyers awaiting their pink slips at DOJ from the new administration. Is the Washington Post concerned about them? Not that I can tell.

Or if there was a CIA director running that agency with the serious experience deficiency of Leon Panetta when 9-11 happened? Or a chief-of-staff with connections to a crooked governor – or a president with connections to a corrupt governor.

Leftists have fanned out across the internet to stifle any criticism of The One – I’ve been getting email from other bloggers mentioning this phenomenon all week – and the over 400 comments on our blurb about the Salute to Heroes Ball last week. All we did was mention that he wasn’t there and they descended in a swarm not unlike dung beetles.

Let me explain to any trolls who might be tempted to tell me to be nice or shut up; legitimate criticism is patriotic. But you clowns used made up shit like his military record, Valerie Plame, cocaine abuse, closet drinking, illegal war, waterboarding and pretzel-choking (how many other s can you name?). You grow up, for Pete’s sake.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Politics

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Ditto, Jonn! I cannot believe that the left, who repeatedly said that it was their right of free speech, and often even said that they were uber patriotic by their criticism of President Bush, would start this so soon. How dare they expect the turn about to be fair in this play? What goes around in fact, does come around.
Now, if Mr. Obama says or does something I agree with, unlikely as that may be, I will give him kudos for it. But as long as he is appointing crooks and liars, and undoing the good things that President Bush actually got right, I will be his biggest critic!


Wow, Jonn!

You must have scared all the trolls away with facts. They hate those pesky things. Same thing happened on TH today, no trolls. Hmm. Got to get their heads out of the COW’s ass, I suppose.


I guess I just ought to admit I’m a slow learner, about the dissent thingy, and very confused. For the last eight years I heard that dissent was the ultimate patriotism. Now I finally have caught on, and I’m told to go back to an older habit of blind revernce and obedience for the chimp sitting behind the Big Desk. I also remember being told that the ultimate patriotism was paying your taxes. (Well which is it? dissent or taxes?) But now that seems to be under revision too.
Heigh ho, heigh ho! its off to reeducation camp I go.


Rurik, yep, let’s all join in lockstep, and off to the camps we go. I plan on using the “I forgot” defense when/if I get audited. It worked for Sec/Treasury.


Jonn, regarding the Zero’s aunt, Fox reported tonight that she has an immigration hearing coming up in April. I thought she’d already been told to report for deportation? WTF? I’ll bet there’ll be law firms lined up to defend auntie and keep her off that plane. Wonder if any of the lame stream media even reported on that?


Well put Trish, especially with giving Obama the appropriate kudos when he does something right. What amazes me is how people like Bono and Geldof could give Bush justified kudos for good work, but not the slightest praise from Americans on the left. Hopefully, Obama is as much a politician as he seems and starts to realize staying in the center/right will keep him from being remembered like Jimmy Carter.