Our newest patriot

| February 18, 2009

The Washington Times notices this morning that the president, who before his election wouldn’t wear a flag pin on his lapel, suddenly surrounds himself in American flags at every opportunity;

Oh, say – can you see? Look. It’s President Obama, and he’s surrounded by American flags.

They’re on the dais in star-spangled glory. They’re at the town-hall meeting and the news conference, in bold folds of red, white and blue. The White House has rediscovered – or possibly reinvented – the patriotic cachet of Old Glory as a perfect frame for the new president.

That’s the same president who once would not wear an American flag pin. Things have changed.

“The biggest factor is that Barack Obama is now the president,” said Jack Glaser, a social psychologist with the University of California at Berkeley.

“He’s around more flags now. They’re behind him or on the podium. That’s the reality. He’s not running around on the campaign trail.

“Now that he’s president, Mr. Obama most likely knows he’s an American symbol. So he wears an American flag pin. He appears before American flags. That’s part of the job.”

Actually, it was part of his job before he was elected to the Presidency, seein’s how he was a United States Senator, not to mention that he was a US citizen – the rest of us don’t need to be president to start acting like we’re proud of being Americans. It was just a year ago this week that Michelle Obama made the comment that she’s finally proud of this country.

I guess what we can take away from all of this new-found sense of pride in this country by the Obamas is that as long as we keep doing things for them, they have no problem with us.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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Situational patriotism means never having to say you’re proud of your country…unless your guy is in charge.


I’m going to suggest to our idiot boy mayor that we put a sign outside of DIA,
“Welcome to Denver, the birth place of The Great Depression part 2”.


I just wonder if he know’s the pledge, the star spangled banner, has read the constitution, declaration of independence, the magna carta, the federalist papers, and the rise and fall of the roman empire??? I’m also wondering what the conversation is like in the morning when he’s getting dressed and ready to go destroy another facet of American life–what is said when he puts that American flag pin on his lapel….

jeremiah shine

I thought technically the vote was still out on his citizenship. As far as I know, he hasn’t provided a birth certificate.