AG Holder: Nation of cowards

| February 18, 2009

Little Green Footballs and Gateway Pundit have an MSNBC article that reports that the United States Attorney General, Eric Holder says we’re a “nation of cowards” because we don’t talk about race.

Holder said average Americans “simply do not talk enough with each other about race.”

Holder maintained that Justice Department employees have a special responsibility to advance racial understanding throughout the country.

Funny, I thought the Justice Department was supposed to enforce our laws, not act as some sort of gypsy caravan of traveling minstrels crisscrossing the country singing the praises of various skin pigmentation.

As far as being “cowards” for not talking about race with each other, maybe its because 1) some of us don’t think melanin levels in various people is important enough to talk about; 2) We’ve pretty much been forbidden to discuss race, unless we’re willing to sing the praises of darker people and criticize lighter people – so what’s the point?

Maybe if some people talked less about it, realized that we’re all Americans with a common culture, a common heritage and common goals, instead of niggling over the tiny irrelevant details that don’t much matter to anyone except those who think that an accident of birth qualifies them for special consideration, we wouldn’t have the problems in which we’re mired today.

Cowards hide behind those accidents of their birth instead of facing their problems. Yeah, I’m lookin’ at you, AG Holder.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Liberals suck, Usual Suspects

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Actually you are incorrect. The mission ststement at DoJ states:
To enforce the law and defend the interests of the United States according to the law; to ensure public safety against threats foreign and domestic; to provide federal leadership in preventing and controlling crime; to seek just punishment for those guilty of unlawful behavior; and to ensure fair and impartial administration of justice for all Americans.
….Oh yeah, and then we will have a special responsibility to advance racial understanding throughout the country.


Geesus. I’m white. How’s that? It was the color of my skin when I was born. Although, if you give me long enough, I’m sure I can find an ancestral slave in the family so I can claim african-americanfor the second half of my life.

Frankly Opinionated

AG Holder:
You don’t admit it but Prez Hussein was elected not “in spite of being black”, but actually, because “he is black”. Ain’t no way in Hell that a white guy with as little going for him as Prez Hussein could have made it through the primaries. As for me? These links say it quite well, thank you:, or,
nuf sed?


Checked out his profile. I don’t see anything approaching the bravery needed, say, to make 5 jumps over Fryar Field, Ft. Benning, Ga. or working in a coal mine, yet this sheltered twit has the nerve to call us “proles” cowards!


Holder is a fooking idiot, a POS and has all the courage of a bag of used enema water. Like most gutless commies who cower behind their desks and send others to do their dirty work, he makes clear that he supports freedom and personal choice ONLY when it meets his racist, narrow minded terms. He is unhappy that people of all races, CHOOSE to associate primarily with people of their own kind in their neighborhoods, and social activities. This is – for those who have an IQ higher than 30, which would exclude the Cabinet – not a strictly human practice. One may note that in nature, one seldom sees pigeons clustered with jays, sparrows with crows… horses tend to congregate with other horses rather than with cattle or sheep… and having grown up in areas which were about 60 / 30/ 10 proportions of black, white and Asian or Hispanic, I am well aware that while schools, churches and business have a mix of people of varied races, people have the right ( not a privilege, but a right! ) to associate with whom they choose. If black people want to associate with black in their leisure time, or white with white or Asian with Asian – WTF business is it of AssHolder’s?? If he wants to use the term ‘coward’ let him first do some serious military service and prove that HE is excluded from that description. Scumbag.
That SOB gives douchebags a bad name.


I am confused as to how a black AG, nominated by a black president can call anyone a racist. It is almost as if the more equal this country becomes regarding race, the more outrageous avenues the anger takes coming out.