Third world Montgomery County, MD

| October 24, 2007

Life among the bluest blue staters is is difficult sometimes…this is one of those times. reading the Washington Examiner on my commute this morning, I could feel my blood pressure rise. On page 2 was an article that Montgomery County government flunkies (which borders the District of Columbia on the north and northwest and Virginia across the Potomac River) had heard reports that illegal immigrants are streaming into relatively safe Montgomery County to escape the law enforcement entities in Prince William County ;

Montgomery County officials have received reports that illegal immigrants from Virginia are moving into the county after several Virginia counties began cracking down on them, officials in the county say.

Juan, a Peruvian immigrant who declined to give his name because he does not have immigration papers, said that two weeks ago he left a “great job” driving a construction truck in Prince William County because of concerns about deportation. He previously made $16 an hour, had community college tuition partially covered and received health insurance from his Virginia employer. Now, he looks for day labor jobs on a street corner in Wheaton, but he hasn’t found one yet.

“The police were going to stop me and ask for documents,” said Juan, who lives in Prince George’s County. “I decided not to go [to Virginia] anymore because if they deport me, then I’m not saving any money. … So I stay here, like many people do, because I can’t stay there anymore. My job is there waiting for me, but I can’t go there anymore.”

Poor Juan. First of all, he’s wrong – the police in Prince William County, VA are only checking the immigration status of people they arrest – so unless Juan is planning on breaking any other laws (besides being here illegally), he probably won’t be checked by Virginia police. And second of all, if he went back to Peru and filed the paperwork he needed to file and proves he has a job here already, he’d probably be able to return quickly. But, I guess it’s just much easier for Juan to move somewhere else and continue being a criminal and complain unanomously to a reporter about it.

But, see that’s not why I call Montgomery County a 3rd World country – it’s the legal residents of Montgomery County, the natives of Montgomery County that make it like a 3rd World country. Like Ike Leggett, probably the biggest idiot to ever occupy the office of Montgomery County Executive who said;

“When one jurisdiction tries to force people to move around, they don’t leave,” Leggett said. “They either shift the burden from one community to another, or they go underground. That’s why this is not a solution.”

First of all, who taught this imbecile to talk-an ape? Secondly, if all of the local governments applied the law equally, there wouldn’t be anyone to shift around – it’s bumbling illiterate morons like Leggett that have created this problem by making it attractive for people to break the law – knowing weak-kneed politicians wouldn’t have the guts to enforce our laws. Idiot Leggett blaming Prince William County for Montgomery County’s illegal immigrant problem is the very definition of ignorant imbecile.

Category: Economy, Illegal Immigrants, Politics

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Cactus Wren

Cruisin’ the net and found your site.
Keep up the good work.