The party’s over

| February 10, 2009

That free-wheeling, good time spending you’ve been doing – yeah, that’s over. it’s time for the government to straighten out your life, you buncha incompetent morons;

Mr. Obama pronounced “in fact, the party now is over” for free-spending Americans, defended his cataclysmic language on the health of the economy and said bipartisanship will have to take a back seat to getting an economic recovery spending bill completed.

Thank God we’ve got the Obama, otherwise you boobs would have spent your own money for years on stuff you wanted for your own selfish reasons. And quit asking questions about how we’re spending your money.

Michael Steele‘s response;

The legislation moving its way through Congress bears little resemblance to what President Obama described at tonight’s press conference. The spending bill written by Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid is filled with unnecessary and wasteful programs that will saddle future generations with massive debt. With so many Americans looking for work, it’s important to act quickly, but also act prudently. This bill will fail to have the necessary and direct impact it should – in part – because the Democrats rejected proposals to improve the legislation. The President has called on both parties to work together to solve this crisis; I hope Congressional Democrats will heed his call and listen to all ideas.

I just saw Steele on FNC ask DNC Chair Kaine why Obama needed Republicans to vote for the pork-laden bill. Steele made the point that the Democrats have the votes they need to pass it without anymore Republicans – so why is Obama making a plea for Republicans to vote for it. Because Democrats want to share the blame when it tanks the economy even more. They want it to look like a bi-partisan failure.

Category: Barack Obama/Joe Biden, Economy, Liberals suck, Politics

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Slightly off topic, but during the news conference last night, I didn’t feel as if I were watching a presidential news conference, rather a poorly written campaign speech. The rhetoric was over-partisan (so much for the bipartisanship we heard about for so long) and the attacks on Bush were overt and quite puerile. When is this guy going to learn?


More like a horribly-written campaign speech. And someone forgot to educate Obama on how the government contracting process actually works (specifically, it isn’t the fastest method to create jobs).

Guess I’m one of those evil people who doesn’t see how school construction and “greening” federal buildings will stimulate the economy.


I will give PrezBo one point; he’s right that congressional Republicans have zero credibility when lecturing him on Federal spending. From 2000 to 2006 those assholes had the opportunity to truly seperate themselves from their socialist counterparts but decided they wanted to be loved by the very people who are now paying off all their left wing pals with this “stimulus package”. So on that, the Teleprompter-in-Chief is correct. Where I part company with the First Brotha is the concept that more bullshit Federal spending will end the mess that bullshit Federal spending started in the first effin’ place. And while we’re at it, can someone please inform the unemployed RV makers in Elkhart that poor people don’t buy Winnebegos…it’s evil rich people who tend to buy shit like that…and guess what, if they’re having all that dispoable income sucked up by taxes, they probably won’t be buying new RV’s any time soon. But hey, good luck with all that “stimulus” money.

Adirondack Patriot

He stumbled through his tired rhetoric and had no grasp of what his actual policies are.

When he ran for president, all of his rhetoric was academic. Now that he’s President and has been briefed as to realities of what President Bush knew for the past 8 years, Obama suddenly isn’t so smart.

Helen Thomas’ questions about “What countries have nuclear arms in the Middle East?” was perfect. She set him up and he failed. We know she was looking for him to throw Israel under the bus. He didn’t (barely). But what he failed to say was this: Well, Helen, it’s not merely about nuclear proliferation — it’s about nuclear proliferation by states that support terrorists and export terror.”

Obama is clueless.


No one seems to have asked the question of how such a massive 700 page document could have been prepared in so little time.
Very much like some of those massive Bush bills that had carefully been prepared years in advance in rushed to the house when the time seemed right for passage.


Adirondack, I also noticed Thomas, being the major diptard of the free world referred to “terrorists” as “so called terrorists”. I guarantee you, two years ago she was calling them “freedom fighters” and shrilling about our troops being murderers of innocent Iraqis. She openly shows her moonbattiness. If she tripped Obama up with her question, it wasn’t planned I assure you. Huff Po people are on the side of Islamofascism.

ciccio, would you mind listing the “massive Bush bills” you are speaking of? Bush vetoed many bills where things like amnesty for illegals were tacked on by Pelosi or Reid at the last minute, but I don’t think HE was pushing squat through during his last term. The role of the President is to affect foreign policy, act as Commander-in-chief of the armed forces and recommend policy. He does not MAKE LAWS. He only signs them into law or vetos them, when the so called leaders in the House and Senate get done jacking them up with pork.


Hoosier, congressional Republicans certainly spent a lot more than what “conservativism” would dictate, and Mr. Bush never vetoed a spending bill to my knowledge. I’m a Bush supporter, but he did let a lot of wasteful spending take place–nothing like the current Insane Bill Insane Insanity, but still. Jonn can probably back that up with some actual legislation. Probably find most of it in the annual Omnibus Budget bills. And remember “earmarks”? Truly bipartisan, unfortunately. But now we have an opportunity to atone and get back the mantle….maybe.