Andre Shepherd’s hearing

| February 8, 2009

Our buddy, Andre Shepherd, the fellow who deserted from his support battalion in Germany and spent a year hiding out with punk rock bands and admitted commie Darnell Stephen Summers has finally had his hearing with the German government requesting asylum from the evil US government.

The whole basis of his claim that he needs asylum is because desertion is a capitol crime. It’s not played up that much in the US press because it’s pretty ridiculous. The last soldier that the Army executed, John A. Bennett, was hanged April 16, 1961 after being convicted of a January 1955 rape of an 11-year-old Austrian girl who Bennett also tried to drown after the rape. Shepherd’s crime hardly rises to the level of rape and attempted murder.

The last deserter to be executed by the Army was Eddie Slovik on January 31, 1945, and despite the fact that 21,000 soldiers deserted in World War Two and 49 were given death sentences, only Slovik was executed.

But that doesn’t stop Shepherd from tugging at the Euro-weinies’ heart strings;

If I were to be found guilty of such a crime, U.S. military regulations state they have the right to convict me with a penalty of death.

In, Shepard is quoted making the most ridiculous claim;

In an interview Monday, Shepherd said, “I will definitely fight on, as I don’t believe I or anyone else should be prosecuted for doing what they think is right.”

I’m sure we can parade a slew of criminals in front of Shepherd that would say the same thing about their respective crimes.

The article also thinks that 80,000 soldiers in Germany waiting for Shepherd to be granted asylum so they can all go AWOL, too.

The case could have profound legal and political implications. If Shepherd is granted asylum, it could open the door for other applications from the up to 80,000 U.S. soldiers based in Germany.

Tim Huber from the Military Counseling Network, which has been working with Shepherd, said in an interview Monday, “There would not be a whole lot stopping U.S. soldiers walking off their base” to claim asylum..

I don’t think they realize how much damage they’re doing to Shepherd’s case by speculating that Germany could be deluged with 80,000 layabouts applying for asylum. Not that I think there’s even one soldier awaiting the outcome of this case – it’s just that Germans aren’t real pleased with the last couple of bunches of asylum-seekers they had come in to their country. They didn’t even like the East Germans at first.

I’m pretty sure I know how this case will end up – the same way all of those deserters’ cases in Canada turned out. The Germans know, as well as the Canadians know, Shepherd, or any other deserter, won’t be put to death – and that’s the only thing they don’t like about the US justice system.

This is just Shepherd’s way of avoiding his responsibilities completely – not going to Iraq and not willing to go to jail for breaking his promises and forcing his duties on his comrades. I’m pretty sure the Germans have their heads screwed on straight and they’ll turn Shepherd over to military authorities after they finish their hearing procedures. And of course, the Left will whine from now until the end of time about it.

Thanks to several people who’ve sent me links over the past week about Shepherd.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Liberals suck, Media, Phony soldiers, Politics, Terror War

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Worth noting that AS is in Germany.

BTW, I do like the word layabouts.


I would rather have someone leave that doesn’t want to be there than to have to rely on someone to return fire that won’t.
Take any monies back for signing bonuses, dishonorably discharge them so they cannot get another fed/govt job, and forget about them.


Do democrats provide they’re children a guide to being a coward/traitor and excuses to go with each cowardly act?


A/S still *lurking* around? LOL! Figured she’d been *snipped*? er spayed….emmmmm.

Something about IVAW’s mass reproducing ya know…..emmmmm!

Sorry A/S….Yer prolly a good woman otherwise 😉


Here is a interesting note.

Following Wednesday’s hearing, German authorities will now thoroughly investigate the merit of Shepherd’s claim. Because of the strong legal and political implications that a decision in this case could have, the process will likely take several months.

So looks like they will check his background on his story and if it is as weak as I think it is, he is done.


Wait, I thought that after Obama was elected unicorns and rainbows were going to spontaneously fly out of everyone’s ass and there’d be no more war for oil. WTF! I want my rainbow colored unicorn, dammit!


Jonn old Chap,
Layabouts sounds a bit like a Brit slang word…ha. It IS a good word, though.

Frankly Opinionated

“Layabouts”? Down here in the South we just call them “Slackers”. Works well for us. As for not fighting and doing what one swears to do? I guess the international word- “Coward” fits best here. Combat Vet- I agree. Who would even want to share a mission with these pants wetting cowards? My Army is better off without them. Just don’t let them leave without getting the full repercussion of their actions/inactions.
nuf sed


Let’s be reasonable and compromise. If Andre Shepherd, and his like-minded buddies will sign legally binding papers renouncing their citizenshp or any right to ever come there again, and any and all claims now, or in the future upon the US government or its subisdiaries… I would be happy to let them have passage to North Korea or Iran, or maybe for the Bros, Zimbabwe. And a wish they get the full enjoyment of what they think they want.


This wouldn’t arise if the U.S. were not in another illegal war. Right or wrong, it takes guts to do what Shepherd is doing.


I’m looking for an update on his case…if anyone has a recent link please post it here…I’m speculating it must have turned out unfavorable to him because the mainstream media has apparently lost interest.

Jonn wrote: No the Germans are taking their sweet time making up their minds. I keep an eye on this child every moment. His latest statement from earlier this week.


Wowwwww, i mean wowwww… ok i have to say a few words now…

My name is joe i live in ohio. What you dont know is Andre Shepherd was one of my first freinds when i moved to ohio. He was my manager at mcdonalds at kent state university. Fast foward a few years I made the mistake of having him move in with me and my gf at the time as roomates, it was ok he had a full time job manager at mcdonalds, well everything was going fine till he got fired. I was working at burger king at the time and i did the best i could to get him in there, Well he got the job and was a manager pretty quick…Few months later he decided to quit the job and VANISH, andre flat out left me and my gf to pick up the slack , pay his half of rent , deal with bill collectors , etc etc…6 months later he comes back and tell us hes sorry for leaving and now hes a vacume cleaner salesmen, he tried to sell one of these kirby vacumes there like 2 grand and i couldnt believe it, we told him hell no where not gonna buy this and he got pissed at us for not doing so. The point im making here is the guy Ran away from everything just as im finding out now he ran from the army and is banned from usa WOW really? I know more about the dude being his freind for 5 years The dude was a republican would never join the military unless he had to for financial obligations, he owes me almost 2k in bills we had to pay for his lease obligation he owes another freind 8k for buying his dodge intrepid at the time he had a job at burger king and thought he was gonna get paid back…Now the dude is infamous has his own wiki about him…


OMG is that story a classic. Can we get you to write it up with some more specifics and anecdotes for a guest post? you can reach us via email at admin(at)thisainthell(dot)us


Oh yes please inquiring minds want to know.


I know him i used to be his friend, he is lying because of the reasons why he left and now he is just finding reasons to not get in trouble….. i hope they get him out of here


Well it is easy to call someone a ‘coward’ or to claim that they are ducking their responsibility from a desk somewhere in the United States with nothing but your tax dollars contributing to the death and destruction that the U.S. has dropped unto the country of Iraq.

At the same time that you damn Andre Shepherd for acting as his moral guidance suggested to him, you do not address the very illegality that he is resisting. It is the actual moral and command imperative of every member of the armed services to refuse illegal orders – and doesn’t acting as support personnel for a war deemed illegal by the most open ended interpretation of the Geneva Convention count as ‘following illegal orders’?

So, in all truthfulness, Mr. Shepherd has acted with the courage of his convictions and is setting a guiding moral example for what the troops involved in a three nation war should be doing.


Except that many of the posters here have been to Afghanistan or Iraq. Also I can tell you who is causing the most damage in Iraq and it at us.

Except that the Iraq War is not illegal. I can show you the resolutions that allowed us to stay in Iraq and Afghanistan from the UN.

He is a coward that is using excuses for his own personal safety. If you read some of the posts about his character that have been posted here you would see that is views are just a sham. He is nothing more then a fraud.

Also I would like to know how we behaved in the field when he never left the FOB?


Adam, why not just go back to CTR and hang with your homies? The disgruntled and the disgusting? Go upthread, read Sporkmaster’s post #18, then go up to #9 and read Rurik’s post. That would solve the problem, just have the dead heads and layabouts pay the country back, and stay out.


Thanks Spork and North for responding to Adam. I’ve got a headache today and don’t have the energy to rip into him.


If this Adam guy every comes back I have some links for him;


Hello again, i havent seen alot of activity, i did get to talk to andre for a brief email was very difficult just to do that as he is underground, but reading more stuff about what the guy said that served with him made me laugh, He sits around playing xbox all day and drinks slushies and is handing out towels that is classic andre shepherd…..Playing video games when he should be working…im not surprised that lies have come into the picture , he was always full of shit…

Nettie Turvey

Beware of those who stand aloof And greet each venture with reproof; The world would stop if things were run By men who say, “It can’t be done.”