Deserter applies for asylum in Germany

| November 28, 2008

Meet Andre Shepard, the latest in a short line of deserters from the US military. Shepard is unique in that he has applied for asylum to Germany. Asylum. As if he’s persecuted in his own country, instead of being one of the unique few who’re allowed to defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic. Why did he desert? Well, because he had a revelation of sorts;

Andre Shepherd, 31, who served in Iraq between September 2004 and February 2005 as an Apache helicopter mechanic in the 412th Aviation Support Battalion, has been living in Germany since deserting last year.

“When I read and heard about people being ripped to shreds from machine guns or being blown to bits by the Hellfire missiles I began to feel ashamed about what I was doing,” Shepherd told a Frankfurt news conference Thursday.

“I could not in good conscience continue to serve.”

He was a mechanic in a support battalion (he’s not a flight line helicopter mechanic) that HEARD about people being ripped to shreds. Just ordinary people walking down the street minding their own business were suddenly being ripped to shreds for no apparent reason. Well, see that’s not all;

The specialist was posted to Germany in 2005 where he undertook desk jobs, but he gradually began questioning the justification for the Iraq war and began worrying he would be sent back to serve there….

He was worried he MIGHT be sent to Iraq. And he wasn’t even performing in a role that would have directly ripped perfectly innocent people walking down the street minding their own business. Actually his unit, the 412th Aviation Support Battalion, did go to to Iraq and they returned to Germany in September – but he didn’t know that when he deserted.

So, instead of absconding to The Netherlands, or Spain, or Turkey, where his “asylum” application might have been seriously considered, Shepard is staying right in Germany, a country that has never accepted applications for asylum from Americans. Most likely because he has a fraulein in Germany whom he doesn’t want to take his eyes off for a second, lest she abscond with the next guy in uniform she meets.

There’s always an ulterior motive for these guys, it’s never as simple as their conscience – and it usally relates to thoughts from their “other head”.

Hat tip to someone for the tip.

Category: Antiwar crowd, Phony soldiers

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Where do you even find such a worthless pile of shit?


Does IVAW/VFP/VVAW have a chapter in Germany?

Jonn wrote: Of course.


Oh yea! I’ll buy you a steak dinner Jonn next time I’m in DC that he does have a fraulein he can’t take his eyes off of. Known more than one man in life that was thinking with the wrong head, lol.

Wait’ll he figures out the Army can still apprehend him in Germany. Then watch his tail scurry for one of the other countries, LMAO!

Bye bye, fraulein!


Has anyone actually applied for asylum in Germany before? From my experience here, Germany is very against the Iraq War, both on a citizenry perspective and from a governmental focus. There’s entire political parties who are strongly against it, too.


And we’re supposed to care what the Germans want or think? Granted, there have been some at the cabinet level who ran their mouths when they should have just STFU, and if you interview enough people, selectively, you’ll find what you’re looking for. And I’m sure economics plays a large part in the feelings of some, as they can’t sell centrifuges and precursors for WMD to Saddam now. But, hey, if the Germans want to cozy up to the Russians, and turn their backs on their allies, go for it. I’m sure the Poles and Czechs and Slovaks would like to have US forces on their soil, instead.

SSG David Medzyk

Shoot the coward on sight. Worthless puke has no reason to live in my world, and has not earned the right to breathe free air given to him by far better men.


SSG Medzyk:

As I understand the process of asylum, to do /anything/ to him at this point, even try to take him into Army custody, would cause an international incident.


Are we governed by international opinion or our own laws?


Skye: I don’t mean international opinion. I mean that as far as I understand international law (which is admittedly faulty), the process of appealing for amnesty from one government put the person applying into essentially a literal ‘hold’ where the other country can’t claim extradition. I could be totally wrong! I am not a lawyer! If you know better please enlighten me, or anyone else who knows the intricacies of international law!


AS: Poor choice of words on your part then, please comment when you are expert on international law in regards to amnesty appeals.

J. M. Branum

I’m proud of André Shepherd and all of the others who are resisting war.

It is quite a risk that André is taking. I am a US attorney who defended Robin Long (who was the first and thus far only Iraq war vet to be deported from Canada after having filed for asylum), and Robin received 15 months in jail for his “crime.”

But it is better to suffer for doing the right thing, than to be complicit in evil. Whatever happens to André, he can sleep easy at night knowing he refused to participate in the war.


@ Branum

Oh gawd, now we have an anti-war shyster weighing in on his theory about “doing the right thing versus complicit in evil.” How fucking convienient that it’s only U.S. war involvement that gets your panties in a wad.

If you’re really serious about “resisting war” you’ve got a hell of a lot of catching up to do, considering we didn’t start this fucking war; the Islamoturds brought it here.

Tell me Branum, to which wars on this planet, throughout your lifetime, have you paid attention or were brave enough to “resist”. Outside of a FREE COUNTRY, that is.

Shove it up your legal brief.

Army SPC John

It’s no wonder he deserted the Army when the people he is surrounded with are as mean as all of you. While I disagree with his decision to desert. I certainly would never presume to question another man’s conscience. Quite frankly I am disturbed that the majority of you would call him a “puke” or “scum bag” or say that he should be “shot on sight”. What the hell is wrong with all of you? I personally think that desertion is not the right way to handle this situation. He should have just applied for discharge as a conscientious objector. This would have ensured that he was placed in a non-combat role while the application was being processed. If the application was denied then he could just take his jail time like a man and get on with his life. All of this being said, I don’t think this man is a coward. It takes a lot of courage to stand up for what you believe in. Especially in the face of people who treat him like you all have. So to the Andre Shepherd, I think you are making a bad decision. There are much better ways to handle this if you really feel like you cannot participate in the Iraq war. You were taught the value of honor and I suggest you take the honorable path and turn yourself in. @ GI JANE You said “If you’re really serious about “resisting war” you’ve got a hell of a lot of catching up to do, considering we didn’t start this fucking war; the Islamoturds brought it here.” First, this is quite possibly the most ignorant thing I have ever read. Second, Islamic Extremism has nothing to do with why we went into Iraq. We invaded meaning we started it. Granted it is more complicated than that, the fact is, we threw the first punch. And, the if you look at the legal justification for the war, it is a bit iffy. The legal claim was that by seeking to posess weapons of mass distruction (which we never found BTW)… Read more »


“While I disagree with his decision to desert. I certainly would never presume to question another man’s conscience. Quite frankly I am disturbed that the majority of you would call him a “puke” or “scum bag” or say that he should be “shot on sight”. What the hell is wrong with all of you?”

The guy deserts and you’re afraid we’ve hurt his feelings.

Sorry John, there is right and wrong, and they’re not equally good.

Army SPC John

Where did I say anything about his feelings? The point is, two wrongs don’t make a right.

Calling someone rude names isn’t justified just because he did something you don’t like.

I don’t like what he did but I see no reason to do something that I would consider rude. Why call names?


Army SPC John,

“Calling someone rude names isn’t justified just because he did something you don’t like.”

OK Killer, but when you see combat, smoke but don’t be rude about it.. And hell no chalking stuff on artillery shells.

BTW, where were your lessons in manners for the Angry Left during 8 years of BDS?


You forgot to note, Jonn. Mr Sheppard is an IVAW idol….

Army SPC John


1. I don’t smoke, not even down range, so no worries. Or is that not what you meant? 🙂

2. I have no desire to chalk anything on an artillery shell. In fact, I have no desire to kill anyone if I don’t have to. Glamorizing weapons is pointless.

3. You haven’t known me for the last 8 years so you have no idea what I think about the “Angry Left”. I try to avoid calling anyone rude names. I see no productive point in it. I certainly will call out someone for bashing the POTUS by using rude names.


So? Does that make it right for people to be rude? Learning to treat people that you disagree with respectfully is a sign of maturity. Talk about why we disagree with him, or why you would never do that, or why what he did is bad for our country, but don’t call names, it cheapens your opinion.


Army SPC John,

Sorry, I’m not playing your silly little game of “nice”.

“Nice” that lets scumbags get away with being scumbags because I wasn’t nice to the scumbag. For example, the Veterans For peace and Women In Black are scumbags.

Similar to your notion of “nice” is “inclusion” where instead of having an “Honor Roll” the dumbass has a bumpersticker where it says, “PS 112 Where We Honor All Our Students”.

But back to the VFP/WIB scumbags, on Memorial Day, they stole the Gold Star image and reputation, marched with every last bastard holding a “gold star” flag and a banner that read, “Let’s Honor Every Child’s Mother”.

Sick, very sick.


Wow… you go away for a couple of days and a whole new crop of Trolls pops up.


Army SPC John Says: “So? Does that make it right for people to be rude?” *No. Given the circumstances though, I can relate as to why it may happen. “Learning to treat people that you disagree with respectfully is a sign of maturity.” *I’m civil with anyone I disagree with, a habit learned from too many years of having to be PC with looney left chritters in several job capacities. “Talk about why we disagree with him, or why you would never do that, or why what he did is bad for our country, but don’t call names, it cheapens your opinion.” *John, I call like I see it and didn’t in either of my posts offer any name calling. I did note however the young man has aligned himself with the IVAW and noted him as doing such. By no way do I speak for the other posters, nor will I ever. Like them I served. ’74 & ’75 US Army Military Police. It was the tail end of the wind down of Vietnam. I saw much to my dismay how our returning troops were treated. My fellow soldiers were treated poorly as well. Unlike the majority of the veterans posting I didn’t put in length of time each of them have. However, they are very entitled to express their opinions of individuals that choose to further endanger our troops, align themselves with the far left loons & communists in this country, whom are hell bent on bringing our way of life to a halt. You sir are entitled to voice your opinion as well. At least until 1/20/09….then I expect we all best hang on to our hats…. Ray: Ain’t no troll here, amigo. Just an occasional visitor whom stood with the rest at the following DC events; GOE III, WRAMC, 9/07 & Winter Soldier Part Deux, WRAMC and the EaglesUP “Eagles Muster” March, 3/13-16/2008. Want a real surprise? I met maybe half of the men and women that post here, there too. Some volunteered to serve on security detail, with me. A/S wasn’t one of ’em. She’s… Read more »


Dang it. I forgot to tell you what really pisses me off….Army SPC John!

Fake veterans and other spineless critters running around the USA, yapping alleged “war crimes”, repeating & recycling old lies, stories and claims supplied them by the communists & VVAW/VPF crews from the sixties & seventies and don’t have the *testicles* to back their accusations up with statements to CID/NCIS investigators or have documented evidence and witnesses ready to go with them in a court of law…..

Need I say more?


Army SPC John

@ streetsweeper

Are you really questioning my military service? Just because I suggested being civil? Because I brought up what the legal justification for the Iraq war is? I serve my country honorably and work my ass off day in and day out. Not to mention that I am stationed overseas and have to deal with all of the challenges that go along with an OCONUS assignment. I am not a member of IVAW or any other organization. I, just like you, have political opinions. But regardless of those opinions, I get up every single day and put on my ACUs pull on my boots and go to work. Why? because it is the honorable thing to do. And you know what? So is treating people with respect. Even if I think they make awful decisions.

That being said, I wasn’t intending to lump you in with people who were being disrespectful. I thought by your comment that Andre Shepherd was an IVAW idol you were trying to justify the name calling. If that was not the case, I apologize.

Why would you question my service? It just seems so inflammitory.

Thank you for your service.

Army SPC John

@Raoul Story for you… Many years ago, my senior year in high school, I was making very good grades. It was tradition for the people who graduate with an A average, to wear a different color robe during graduation. Everyone else wears a standard black robe. This was to honor the people who deserved to be honored. Some parents of badly performing students complained because the different colored robes made their children “feel bad”. The school decided that we would all wear black robes. I was furious. I worked hard for the recognition, I deserved to wear the alternate color. I started a grassroots campaign to bring back the robes. I even went on local news stations and radio to talk about why we earned our honor. Eventually the school met us with a compromise allowing students with “A” averages to wear a colored cord on our robes. The point of that story is to tell you that I am not a nazi about being politically correct. In fact, political correctness has nothing to do wiht not calling someone a scumbag. You can wholeheartedly disagree with someone and express that in a respectful way. Being decent to someone, and “inclusion” are two separate things. “PS 112 Where we honor all our students” is a crock. You get what you have earned. But, treating every human being with respect is a non-negotiable virtue in my home. Giving a reward to a student by putting them on the honor roll is great. But what I am saying is that, we shouldn’t go to the kids who don’t make the honor roll and say, “you know why you didn’t make the honor roll? Because you are f***ing stupid! You are worthless and deserve to die.” We certainly can however say “You didn’t make the honor roll this time. Try harder, get tutoring if you need to, and set your mind to it and maybe you will make it next time.” See the difference? I didn’t sugar-coat anything. I don’t feel the need to go to the other extreme and “Honor everyone” but I… Read more »

Thus Spake Ortner

Where’d we pick up the cat toy?

Jonn wrote: I think finals are over.


SSG David said ” free air given to him by far better men” and NO one see the complications in that statement? It sums up your hypocrisiy so well!

Army SPC John seems to have taken you all to task and expose what you really are- online ranters with dirty mouths and no business representing America, especially with guns.

I LOVE it when you complain about how badly troops are treated but then do the exact same thing. You don’t care if troops are treated badly, you just disagree when you think its anti-war. If you call a service member a coward, then its fine. So classy.

Jonn wrote: Yes, nice try. You’re probably one of those folks who think that it’s “brave” to resist the war – like Maxine Waters who told the IVAW clowns that they’re braver than the folks who put their lives on the line fighting our nation’s enemies. Like Maxine Waters who told an absconder that she was going to get him the same benefits and goodies that other people earned. If you can’t see the difference between the folks who do their duty and the folks who selfishly put their own safety and security ahead of that of their fellow soldiers, there’s no hope for your petty, stupid ass. I LOVE it when you try drag your moral equivalence BS into matters of national security.


Jonn- Good to see you’re still fighting the good fight, buddy! My condolences on the election.

Don’t you think that the anti-war protester crowd has won half the battle when good people like you and your buddies dedicate so much of your time, energy, and effort on them? You are playing right into their hands old buddy.


Yes, IVAW has a small chapter in Germany.



“Why would you question my service? “.

* I wasn’t questioning your service and an indeed thanking you for serving our country.


Army SPC John

Thank you.


@Army SPC John: Newsflash sweetpea, we went to war in Iraq for three reasons: Hussein’s WMDs, his contribution to terrorism, and his threats to forces in the region. I’m an OIF vet, and I’m damned glad we got the sonofabitch. We should have done it back in ’91 when I was there the first time. You’re ignorance is astounding. We never found WMDs??? Oh. Yes. We. Did. 1) Declassified NGIC report: 2) 1.77 metric tons of enriched uranium: 3) 1,500 gallons of chemical weapons agents: 4) Chemical warheads containing cyclosarin: and:,2933,124576,00.html 5) Over 1,000 radioactive materials in powdered form meant for dispersal over populated areas: 6) Roadside bombs loaded with mustard and “conventional” sarin gas, assembled in binary chemical projectiles for maximum potency:,2933,120137,00.html 7) Last major stockpile from Saddam’s nuclear efforts arrives in Canada Those weapons were previously unknown to U.N. inspectors. Oh yeah, and his terrorist connections: He gave thousands of dollars to families of suicide bombers and in addition, Iraqi intelligence met with al Qadea operatives and provided with training camps in Northern Iraq: The Mother of All Connections From the July 18, 2005 issue: A special report on the new evidence of collaboration between Saddam Hussein’s Iraq and al Qaeda. by Stephen F. Hayes & Thomas Joscelyn 07/18/2005, Volume 010, Issue 41 Source: Saddam Hussein, as evidenced by the WMD found, his previous use, continued willingness to use them, and the documents discovered which connected him to terrorists, was a threat. The fact remains that the inspectors got absolutely nowhere with regard to full disclosure of Hussein’s WMD program. Again, he was not the only one. Consider every country in the Middle East a threat until proven otherwise. Our invasion of Afghanistan is even more self-explanatory with the origin of the Al Qaeda and Taliban. ‘Islamoturds’ is the appropriate term, given the fact that their religion is used as a tool to instigate and commit terrorism. Their ‘hearts and minds’ are stuck in a 7th century screed that promulgates death to ‘infidels’ (non-muslims) which includes YOU. Yeah, about… Read more »

AW1 Tim

GI Jane,

I have commented elsewhere that you can view Islam’s response to AQ and the Taliban in the same light that Germans viewed the SS and Gestapo in 1945.

There are no innocent muslims, in the same manner that there were no innocent Germans in 1945. None. Nadda. Zip. No one could say they didn’t know, that they weren’t aware of the camps, or the pograms, or the missing populations. No one could claim they were “just following orders”.

Palestinians VOTED for Hamas! Muslims around the world danced and sang and celebrated in the frikkin’ streets at the news of 9/11.

Saddam was a clear and present danger to the United Sates, and his demise is to be celebrated.

And you are, as usual, bang on about WMD’s in Iraq. Only the willfully ignorant still claim it was a hoax, a fabrication. Of course, these are the same folks who think that the “lightworker” was worth voting for, so what can I say… sigh…



More information on this guys case.

A interesting part in the story is this;

“And Shepherd said that if that fails, he probably will end up in military custody. Part of his argument for asylum is that military law provides for desertion to be punished by death or prison.”

So he is hinting that he would be put to death to grab emotional appeal?

I think his hearing is ether today or tomorrow.


Ok so face the facts. He signed a contract knowing we were at war. He can only blame himself for the right or the wrong he feels he caused in Iraq. But what he needs to remember is, In 2000 when the Cole got bombed we lost 17 sailors and 36 were wounded, and in 2001 we lost over 3000 civilians when they decided to attack us on US soil. I dont always agree with what the military dose or dosent do. I signed a contract and when allow my moral conflicts to cloud my judgement I will then wait for my contract to end and walk away with honor. If an asylum is given to this guy for being a deserter during a time of war (oh by the way its punishable by death under the ucmj)it will give a whole new meaning to our Military. It will tell people that they don’t have to follow the rules, because all they have to do is fight it. My Question is when did we get a union in the United States military???

Regaurdless of what we all belive he knew the laws before he deserted the United States Army. Its now time for him to be a Man and face reality….


I hope they send his butt back to the States and I also hope he gets dishonorably discharged and thrown into the brig for a very long time. However, with the current administration, I have little hope that he’ll get anything more than a good talking to.

412th army sgt

I know spc shepard and your are absolutely correct on his motives. I was in the same company, served in Germany and Iraq with him and he is no more mentally mature than a 17 year old male that has never had a girlfriend. I was not at all surprised to hear about his AWOL status right before our second deployment. He had gone through a divorce with a German national and several German girlfriends. He was a basket case and a headache for the command. He was counseled for mis managing his finances, insubordination, tardiness and for not learning his job. Yes he went to AIT to be an Apache mechanic but the reality is he wasn’t competent or trustworthy enough to work on those valuable pieces of equipment. The majority of his time was tasked out to do menial work because he just didn’t give a shit about the Army and didn’t give a shit about his fellow soldiers. He personally told me that he was homeless and that’s why he joined the Army. I went to the bar with him in Nuremberg one time and he fell in love with a girl that he met that night. I told him ,” You cant love someone that you just met” and tried to warn him that local woman try hard to be with American soldiers. The reality that the Germans want you to believe is that this guy was some standout American guy that wanted to serve his country. The truth is that he was a loser with mental problems before he joined the Army and never gave a shit about supporting his country. I get pissed when I read comments from someone that has never served in the US military. Yes there are bad individuals and good individuals in our military. Andre Shepard was one of the bad ones. The media wants to tell you that were chopping down innocent people in Iraq, that’s bullshit. Andre Shepard wants to tell you this shit, well he spent all of his time in the USO office playing x-box and… Read more »


Great stuff, I wonder when they are going to have a answer for his hearing. Or they could always for get about it and leave him in limbo.

412th army sgt

Another thing to remember about Spc Andre Shepard is that from the time he came back from Iraq in Feb05 until he went AWOL in May07 he collected a paycheck and didn’t protest the war in Iraq. Check the records all you want, that guy lived it up in Germany drinking the beer, collecting a paycheck and becoming a headache for his unit. The time in between his redeployment and going AWOL was 27 months. If he really was a conscientious objector its very feasible to see that he could have protested the war immediately upon his redeployment and started the paperwork to get out of the Army. But you will understand that he had a enlistment bonus that he would have had to pay the Army for not fulfilling his contract. And his moral objection against the war wasn’t strong enough to make him walk away and risk paying the Army for his bonus. He really could have processed the paperwork and gotten out of the Army the correct way, there are methods to do this and it does happen. The media and the armchair military wannabees will have you believe that the only way is to get out and cause a media stir.

Country Singer

GI Jane, let’s not forget the 40 or so VX tipped Scuds found near the Syrian border. Ooops, did I say that out loud?


It sure would be nice to see him downtown Wiesbaden, throw him in the trunk & drive to the consulat in Frankfurt…. Ups, I mean I wish him the best……….


[…] first met Andre Shepherd in November 2007 when he deserted from the Army while he was stationed in Germany and preparing for a second […]


[…] been following Andre Shepherd since 2008 when he first applied for asylum in Germany after he went AWOL from his unit right before they […]

I M Simpleton

This is OT but remember the asshats who deserted to the Soviet Union in the 80s? How ignorant can you be…seems I remember they all came crawling back to face court martial, figuring out that the evil US of A wasn’t do bad after all!

Green Thumb

Fuck this dude.

Look at his punk as being all smug in the picture.


Non- Infantry Loser.